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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. What is not working?. Electric locks, door locks, interior locks? More data please so some here can maybe help.
  2. I wish I could remember who had posted the original thread. I want to said it was someone who transported cars as a career.
  3. Some time last year one of the members posted about a Ford truck he was delivering to a place in Wisconsin. I thought perhaps some here would like an update on it's current status. My youngest daughter's friend and her husband live a ways west of Milwaukee and were the folks who ended up with the truck. They have it in their front yard out in the country and my daughter took a picture of it there and also enclosed a story that is supposedly about the truck. So hopefully here it is: This 1935 Ford Truck originally was on our family farm in Hastings, Pennsylvania. It was used to haul cases of whiskey which was made in a cave on the family property by my great-grandfather after prohibition ended. My great-grandpa was good at making whiskey. He developed a fan base in the region which meant that production went up and the truck was needed for transport. This particular truck and others like it were popular for transporting illegal whiskey during and after prohibition. Buying a brand new vehicle like this during the depression wasn’t such a good idea as it attracted too much attention. My great-grandfather ended up going to jail. The entire family was part of the business but he took the fall and did the time. My father took the truck when the farm left the family. At one point in the 1980s, the cab of the truck was vandalized with a molotov cocktail. The fire was contained mostly to the cab. Looks like a nice truck. As far as I know they have no plans to restore it but who knows what the future will bring. I know her Husband had a 68 or 69 Chevy Impala Convertible several years ago and I believe he still has it.
  4. You must be younger than me Hudsy Wudsy as my level of cars to be embarrassed in has dropped precipitously. There still are some, but no where near as many as there once were.
  5. Well the Seller is brand new on flea bay with two feedbacks. So either he is very naive in even owning this thing or has invented a new ID just to get rid of it. I could never admit owning such a thing.
  6. If you just want something to knock around in at anywhere near that price it could be a good buy.
  7. I swear every time I see what I think is the dumbest car project ever, someone comes along and tops it.
  8. I do love our optimistic IRS. Even if you are 120 years old they think you got 2 left.
  9. I don’t think they have much in the way of a top speed though.
  10. I agree about the roof. And is that surface rust in the trunk? Hard for me to tell. I assume most if not all of the parts provided need to be installed as well. Could certainly be an ok car but watch out for Mr. Murphy. You know how he loves surprises, especially for others.
  11. Lake Forest, Il. had some in past years as city vehicles. TAKerry is correct, they are massive and seem to be endlessly convertible for many uses. I always thought they were and are neat though what I would do with it if I had one is up in the air.
  12. Very sorry to hear this. Hopefully the magic of the Internet and of course the Police find it quick and safe.
  13. Looks like I might be able to draw $275 per month, minus Uncle Sam’s cut. Whoppee!
  14. I’ll bet shipping to the US could easily approach the sales price if not more. Nice dream though.
  15. On a more serious note with a at least reasonable current bid it might be of some interest to someone here. No idea of what the current owner thinks it is worth as the reserve is not met but... Not mine of course or do I get a commission https://www.ebay.com/itm/224805965672?hash=item34577acf68:g:rRkAAOSwq1xh7sWq Lots of pictures are in the listing. Most are really big and refuse to be resized.at least in my limited capacity. I think it looks pretty good.
  16. Now here's something you don't see every day(or maybe ever, I don't know) https://www.ebay.com/itm/324841522386?hash=item4ba21044d2:g:1moAAOSwGSFhZx~Q I am trying to find where it has a part of a 1942 Studebaker on it but not being an expert on them I defer to those who are. It can be yours for a mere $47,000. All that said I do like the looks. Wish I could get the $ 47,000 or a portion but of course not to be.
  17. How do I deal with my small two car garage? Plymouth on the right. Plymouth on the left, crap everywhere else. New cars watch through the window.
  18. I was under the impression the move to packages for new cars was to simplify production by making building the cars easier on the line. (Extra profit was a bonus). More cars built alike means less mistakes. Just as very few colors of paint is easier to do for the factory. Can anyone not think that computerized paint sprayers can’t be programed to paint al, kinds of colors and patterns? My first new vehicle was a Ford Econoline in 1974 with a 300 cu six and a three speed manual. Am radio and not much else. The next one ordered was a 1982 Mustang LX with a 302 and four speed. I remember a trend toward packages on that one. Last new car was in 2012, a Kia Soul for my wife, only bought new as the price differential between used and new pricing was minimal. I had a terrible time finding one without all kinds of options which a salesperson at one dealership told me were forced on them by the company and installed “on the dock”. Finally found a dealer who located one about 90 miles away. He said it shouldn’t have any extras and if it did they would eat them. It did and they did.
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