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Everything posted by jackofalltrades70

  1. After sanding 85% of the orange peel off of the back half of the car, it looks better, but still need to do the other 15%. It buffed out nice, but has the typical swirls from the buffer. As Adam says, these should come out with lighter compounds and different pads. I have to get the hood put back on and re-arrange the hanging parts.......wifey wants her side of the garage back. It snowed this morning! haha Matt
  2. John D, you are funny and thanks for the parts! I have the 56 ready for winter. I guess I'm a little late as it snowed here this morning. I have done my checklist for prepping the car for the winter and now just have to find the time to get her put away. Soon. Still trying to find a few parts that are missing on the car and with the help of a friend, we are making it happen!
  3. "Like" and ditto on that! I would give anything to have my father back for one day! And, i cherish every time my 8 year old wants to helpe with the cars.
  4. Of course! It's a 46-48 Buick convertible! Cannot get much more class in a photo!
  5. Too far away for me........it could always join in the lineup if it were closer....
  6. I hope to have the 47' Rm convertible there and if I have the 56' still, it will also be there. It's really close to home for me. Also cannot wait!
  7. Too cool Brother! Liking the dual carb setup! Should be a blast!
  8. Attended my first AACA meeting last night at my local chapter. It just happened to be the installation banquet for new officers. Was a great time! I am one of the youngest active members of the club at 43 years old. Oh, and I was the only one that drove an antique car. What a great bunch of folks! Cannot wait until next meeting. Matt
  9. Sambarn, Seems you missed his "just kidding" part in his message.
  10. Keith He's a pretty good kid and was really excited about getting to show up to the dance in the 56'. My daughter was a little upset that the pictures weren't better. The car is running really well and is SO fun to drive around in. It is really smooth. Matt
  11. Here's two pictures of the 56' doing duty as a chauffer car for my daughter and her date for homecoming. The pictures are horrible because my phone doesn't like to take pictures at night.
  12. My phone doesn't take pictures worth a hoot when it is dark outside, but here is my daughter ready to go to homecoming in the 56'
  13. I agree with Bernie! To manuver sucb a large piece and align everything is going to be impossible. With the smaller quarter sections, you can adjust as necessary and not lose integrity of the whole body alignment ti the floor. Matt
  14. Enjoying driving the heck out of the car! Taking my daughter and her guy friend to Homecoming tomorrow in the 56, so look for pictures tomorrow night. Matt
  15. John and Evan, The floor pan replacements are available and shouldn't be a really hard job to do. The panel itself shouldn't be too expensive either. Repairing what needs to be repaired for it to be safe is first priority. Ie. floor pan ( I would then coat all the floor with POR15 or something similar), go stuff and stopping stuff and sorting out the electrical. There are many resources for the rest of the bodywork, or you could play with fiberglass, etc. It's your car and looking for a ROI should be one of your last worries. The time working on the car with your son and the memories created are priceless! You will also have a car you can enjoy, no payments and you fix the rest a little at a time as you go along. Might be a $200.00 repair this month and a $50.00 repair 6 months from now. Any car that you try to restore, by the time it's complete, you are going to be "over your head" in one way or another. But, doing the work yourself, you have a much better chance of being "on top" and you also have the skills learned and the satisfaction of doing it yourself. Just my two cents, but look at my projects and you'll get an idea of how far you can go or what you can do. Matt
  16. Wow Pete! Glad you were able to pick up this baby! I would just repair what needs to be repaired and leave the rest alone. Matt
  17. Looking great Robert! I'm so happy for you guys! The car looks wonderful and glad you are enjoying it to the fullest!
  18. I'm driving my 56' every day until I can't because of bad weather! Sure is nice to have her out on the road finally! Here is another shot or two. One with the 47' being wetsanded in the background and another of a shot I took on the way home today! Pays to take the "long" way sometimes.
  19. If it would have had a peel, it would definately been orange. I snapped shots of the priduce, er car myself. Trust me, it were orange.
  20. Now in waiting mode for them to call about the parts car. Picked up front fender spear and passenger side door extension and horn ring ar Hershey. It's ALL good!
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