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Everything posted by jackofalltrades70

  1. So after almost 3 hours of epoxy primer, had to let it cure for 2 hours. Time for supper! Took a couple "breaths of fresh air" and back into the garage for paint session. It was already 6:30 pm, but it was still dry and warm outside! I was able to lay on two coats of paint and clean up by 11:00pm. Here are some pictures of that stage.
  2. Now, on to my first experience with a HVLP spraying system and the first car I've painted in the last 25 or so years. I purchased two new guns from TP tools to go with my used unit that I picked up at Hershey last year for $100.00. After I read, re-read and slept on it, I decided that I would paint Sunday. When I first started spraying the epoxy primer, I thought I had something screwed up! The primer went on like a million little bubbles of primer! I was devistated!!!!:confused: I painted the bottom portion of the drivers door because it is a part that is hidden by an extension on the door. I had already mixed the primer and didn't want to waste it, so I crawled in the car to prime/seal as much of the interior of the car with this "bad" mix. By the time I finished spraying the first cup, and crawled back out to look again, the door was "SMOOTH" .:cool: Here are some more pictures of the epoxy stage.
  3. Ok, Let me back up a little bit! I was "high" on fumes from painting and then my last pictures were lost when the site was hacked. Here are some pictures of the garage with the plastic hung, fan/filter in place and parts hung from the ceiling.
  4. Thanks to all. I found a few little problems when I got home today and opened the garage to let in sunlight. I will have to address two spots where the paint didn't cover well on the edge of the hood and a spot on a door extension. I will have to figure out how far to sand and how big an area to get the color correct. Not too worried because I have some smaller parts that didn't have room for when painting the first go around. I will probably wait until next week to wet sand and buff. Give the clear time to cure. I'll post aome more pixtures when I get the chance. Matt;)
  5. Ok, here's todays update! Long have I waited to lay paint on this girl and today was the day! I haven't put on the clear yet, cause some dumba$$ has 3 or 4 little runs to take care of and re-spray. Up at 7 am this morning and laid out the plastic on the walls, wiped down the ceiling and light fixtures. Put a fan and filter in the window, left one garage door open about 24" and sealed off the top. Put my TP tools Showtime system outside the garage door and run the hose inside. Put another filter in the bottom of the door and sealed the rest off with plastic. Hung parts all around the garage. Here are 3 pictures. One in primer and two painted. Enjoy, cause I know I did! Keith, Watching paint dry is Wonderful. What a Buickful day!
  6. I'm with john on this. Get the dust knocked off that car and put her back together. She'd be buickfull!
  7. Inching closer to tomorrow! Car is ready for clean/prep wipedown tomorrow. Hood still needs some final massaging at the hood ornament. It was crushed in there when I got the car. Another oversight on my part. I believe that everything else is ready. Off to home depot in the am hours for 4 mil plastic and some more hanging hooks. Golly, there are a lot of parts that are unbolted from the car and have to be painted separately. Tomorrow definately going to be a long day. Matt
  8. To all interested parties, I have spent some time with Mike and his car and I drooled over this car. It is a very meticulously restored car! Everything is correct and very well maintained. Sure hope this one finds a great new home. Matt
  9. To all interested parties, I have spent some time with Mike and his car and I drooled over this car. It is a very meticulously restored car! Everything is correct and very well maintained. Sure hope this one finds a great new home. Matt
  10. I've seen clutch plates stick to flywheels before. You will have to apply clutch and see if can get a putty knife between there.
  11. Holy moly! I'm still finding more things to do. I forgot about some dash pieces, still have some little things here and there and I'm beat! My days at work have been really long and busier than normal with equipment arriving and equipment breakdowns. Gotta work 1/2 day tomorrow and then I close myself up in the garage again. I can still make it for Sunday. Matt
  12. Don Welcome and Buickful car ya have! You have found a great place with a never ending supply of great people. Have you considered becoming part of the BCA? (Buick Club of America) Matt
  13. Got my Whitaker Buick stuff! Really nice stuff for the cars! Thanks Paul! Matt
  14. Paul, Got the "Whitaker Buick" stuff today! Looks great and Thanks a million! Matt
  15. Final prepping the parts tonight. I found a couple of "sore thumb" areas that I started attending to. Dropped by the paint store this afternoon for another "shaking" of the paint and to pick up another quart of reducer for the epoxy primer that they owed me and they are going to change out the reducer for another that is for a hotter air supply that I'll be using with the Showtime spray unit. I still have to finish up the dash, pontoons and the rear fenders. The rest of the car is ready and in place. I also have to get some plastic to hang Saturday night over the car and to cover up the shelves, table and my tools. Wish me luck on getting everything finished before Sunday noon! Matt
  16. Adam, The Smartin treatment get my vote!
  17. I will be arriving Wednesday afternoon and attending the Night at the Museum for starters. Then will have to see what the rest of the week holds for me. Look forward to meeting a lot of wonderful people again this year! Matt
  18. I too hope they find the car. Anyone know what color the trailer was and length? It probably isn't the same color now, but if one is seen outside a bodyshop................
  19. Seems to me that Mudbone had problems with push rods and such when he rebuilt his engine. I think that length was an issue, but not completely sure. If your lifters aren't pumped your valves aren't going to open and close correctly. You should be able to pull the coil wire and cranking should bring oil to the top. It also seems that you have no fuel flow so you may have an issue there with the cam and fuel pump alignment.
  20. Just curious as the convertible I just bought is like my 47' and has the stick instead of the Dynaflow.
  21. My dynaflow just wont "shift" into reverse. A problem that will soon be resolved with a rebuilt tranny!
  22. Good news for a change! Jim has a rebuilt transmission for my car ready to go! I still have to send him my core but I could possibly have the new one to install by next week. If I get the 47' painted this weekend, I'll do the tranny swap early next week. Don't count me out yet! Matt.
  23. Prepping garage and car for paint. This week will be masking and final prep on the rest of the parts. Car is positioned caddy-corner in the garage and now to find space to hang all of the pontoons, interior garnishes and dash parts. If all goes well and humidity is lower, primer and paint will be flying Sunday. Matt
  24. Well, with the help of Jim, I have run the all of the tests possible. After rebuilding the valve body assembly the tranny pressure tested great in all gears. I even adjusted the parking lock pawl to engage correctly. To no avail though as the reverse band is kaput. So, gotta figure out a way to pull the transmission out and get it sent off to Jim. I could probably tackle the rebuild, but my paint schedule on the 47' convertible is more important. Hopefully I can get it out and back in before Hershey. I was planning to drive it there. Still time, maybe. Matt
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