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How Do I Keep Mice Out of My Stored Car?


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I'm certain that this subject has been exhausted in the past, but can anyone tell me of a way to keep mice out of stored collector vehicles? I don't want to set out traps or rat poison because I don't want them dying inside the car. I need a solution for keeping them out altogether. Any ideas?

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Hello, carbdoc...

Boy, has the mice subject ever been discussed over the years. I'll say...

I am confident you will receive suggestions to the problem via your thread. You can also do a "Search":

In the header of this page, click on "Search"

In the left column, use "All Forums"...

In the right column, 1. Keyword search terms: Mice. 2. Click on "In Subject". 3. Newer than 5 years, Older than 2 weeks. 4. Click on Submit.

When all the past posts appear, keep hitting Next for about 3-4 pages and you will see past discussions.


Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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You are more than welcome, Jeff. (There are many, many past subjects stored under the "Search" function.)


Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Guest JDHolmes

I've heard this works, but can't swear by it but the solution may be as bad as the problem.

You can put moth balls in the car. The scent keeps them away.

Or, another possibility is to keep a door open and a cat locked in the garage (said tongue in cheek)

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The moth balls do work but I for one do not like the smell.

I have used two methods succesfully.

1. I place dryer sheet of Downey in a few places.(To me the smell is much better)

2. Shavings from a bar of Irish Spring soap on a paper plate.(one in the front and one in the back)

I also do set traps with peanut butter around the garage and catch them that way.

Best of luck, as I know they can do a lot of damage and if they do die in the car they will stink it up.

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I live in SW Ohio with woods 20 feet behind my aux car garage. The mice get in the garage but have not left signs of getting inside my car. First, I catch 6 or 8 using wood 6 traps with peanut butter. Second, I use the mice pellet food that will kill them in a day or two. They take the pellets away but I don't find dead mice in the garage. The first winter, I had an old 10 X 6 foot carpet rolled up on the floor in the back of the garage. Four of the last 5 years, in the spring, I have found pellet food inside the carpet but never inside my car. Additionally, my neighbor has two outdoor cats and they are probably helping out with the mice.

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Thanks, fellow AACAers.

The last time my wife and I found a nest in the car, we realized that was why the cat had been hanging around it. We joked that maybe we should let her live in the car for a while . . .

Ron, I'm going to try the dryer sheet idea and, if it doesn't work, I'll try moth balls. I think I can handle the camphor odor better than whatever that scent is that they use in Irish Spring!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Get a shotgun ...... you don't even need a good aim <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..................... Steve <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> </div></div>Yeah, but it's hell on your car! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

We did try the dryer sheets, still found eveidence of mice (mieces-pieces calling cards). Left some traps inside car, & no mice (either calling cards or caught in traps). Maybe these are 'smarter' than the average mouse.....

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Build a bucket trap.

Punch a hole in the top and bottom of an aluminium beverage can, run a stiff piano wire or brazing rod through the can, so that the can is centered and able to spin freely. Grab a 5 gallon plastic pail, everybody has lots of them kicking around. Cut two small notches in the top rim of the pail and place the rod and can assembly in the notches so that the can is centered over the pail. (you can use a couple small pieces of tape to keep the rod in place) pour about 3-4" of water in the pail, smear a small amount of peanut butter around the the center area of the can, keep it even, so that the can still spins freely on the rod. Place a 2' or so piece of scrap wood (an old yardstick works great) on the edge of the pail near one end of the rod and can assembly with the other end on the ground. This will be Mr. Mousey's path to the gallows. Mice will climb the yardstick and walk out the rod or jump to the can for the peanut butter, since the can moves, mousey goes swimming. Fish the dead ones out every couple of days before they decompose and start to cause unpleasant odors. No poisons, no danger to kids and pets, and lots of dead mousies.

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Sometimes I wonder.... LOL

That trap actually works well. We used one at my hunting camp for years. If you leave it set up while you are around, it's pretty entertaining too. (you can leave the water out and just toss the filthy little critters outside, or crate them up for friends who own snakes or ferrets.)

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