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frown.gif The high for today is supposed to be 68 degrees F, but it is only 60 as my numb fingers write this and it's 3:10 pm local. If I don't make it, good luck to you all and don't search for me as I don't want to be responsible for anyone else freezing to death. Bye for now, wish me luck, Dave

12/15/2003 3:10pm humidity 65% WIND CHILL 59 DEGREES frown.gifblush.giffrown.gif


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Guest rcirilli

No I think I will keep my little 7 inches. You guys always get the bear, we tend to get the tail. I like the winters where the line falls just south of us. Oh well that doesn't seem to be in the cards this year.

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Nnnnnno cccccomment fffffrom CCCcccccolorado! Single digit temps to night! But back into the lower 50s the rest of the week! T-shirt weather! Now that my heater is working in the garage, I can get lots more done without fear of snapping off a frozen finger. shocked.gif

After the first of the year I should have the funding to install insulation. Maybe I'll find a job under the X-mas tree too!

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You're welcome to come over to the east coast. Yesterday it was a balmy 67 degrees, with a windchill of 65 over here. Today it's already 73 at 11AM, no wind chill factor at all. Winds are 12mph (which is fairly typical over here, always a nice ocean breeze). Humidity is even low, it's only 64%. If my back weren't pretzelized I'd be out in the garage playing hooky from work and getting that frame finished up.


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Come on guys! tongue.gif

In Finland the winter is really beginning late this year. Today 21 F and In january 1F-(-18F). . Garage is not heated this winter, so I'd rather stay with my computer and continue fixing my cars later next spring wink.gif

Just a hint: MOVE HERE! I WILL GLADLY COME THERE (on the beach, under the sun ) grin.gifgrin.gif

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Late last week we had wind chills in the single digits first thing in the morning and temps in the lower 20's during the day. We just had our first measurable snowfall on Sunday. This morning it was a balmy 38F, so it's all melting. I like to see a dusting of snow at Christmastime, but it's the blizzards I can do without!

I'd love to see 59F around here. Heck, it doesn't even feel like it's 59 in the house these days!

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Four known Daves' in this short thread alone. I am thinking of changing my name to Herman or Sylvester. smile.gif

Lower the alert level to Defcon 2. It was in the mid 70's today.

.. Started raining though so I am praying we don't have a silver thaw or black ice (I read a lot and therefore pick up terms from the frozen North)


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Better break out the Long Johns that there rain storm is just ahead of a cold front. Expected to be in the upper thirties tonight! And the weekend is set for high's around 60. My Azelea's are covered with buds, guess I'll have to cover them up tonight, same with the roses. I'm going to have to dig out my hunting socks and hand warmers so I can go out on the carport and work on the cars this weekend wink.gif


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i got you all beat, last night we got 12" inches of snow and its still snowing real hard. we have lake effect snow warnings till the end of the week, tomarrow they are calling for 12-14 inches and friday should be just as bad. ill have to do some digging just to find the snow blower. boy i miss california

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Dave... My son went to Duquesne for 4 years getting his degree in biology. We would leave York for the 4 1/2 hour trip and head out the turnpike in possible chilly weather in October to go get him and it would never cease to amaze me how once we got to the Sommerset/Johnstown area we would usually run into 6+ inches of snow. Once on the other side we were back to chilly. And they wanted to give me the Johnstown area when I was still working... NAH!

It's currently snowing and raining here and up until yesterday there was a couple inches of snow still on the ground. It rained last night and melted most of it leaving us with fog this morning. That's my kind of winter... snow one day and enjoy it... rain or warm the next and get rid of it so we cans start all over again. cool.gif

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Guest Dave Mills

We recieved another three inches of snow today with more on the way. The temp topped out at 25 degrees. Winters last waaaay too long to suit me around here. I still have 8 years to work before I can move out of here.

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8:00 AM local time this morning, 42 degress, 36 degrees windchill.


This could be it guys. frown.gif For the most part I have enjoyed talking

to and meeting you all in cyber space but I'm not sure if these

temperatures can be endured for any length of time. crazy.gif

I was hoping for that global warming thing but please don't

start debating it here. If you don't hear from me I have either

frozen to death, had my computer crash or been run over by

a bread truck (huh?) Bye for now. signing off brrrrr. grin.gif

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you can send the 42 degree weather up here. its currently 21 degrees with a windchill of 11 "this is warm for up here". if anyone is interested its still snowing here. its supposed to get into the mid 30's next week so i might sneak the packard out for a drive if the roads are fairly clear "no salt."

now i have to go i need some more hot cocoa with those little marshmallows.

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The world is coming to an end. I went to turn the heat on last night and remembered I don't have heat. Fortunately I do have a fireplace, an unusual site in Florida. Then came the realization I don't have wood for the fire place and I live in a subdivision, not like I can go out and chop up some firewood real quick. Ah well, don't think the neighbors are going to miss their privacy fence (I hope!)... though that stain they put on it had a funny odor, fortunately I have a heatilator...


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I didn't freeze last night even though there was frost on the windshield and I had to pre heat the car. What are those things called you scrape ice off the windshields called ?

Unlike some folks in Flori-duh, they build homes with heaters in them in Texas.

Thanks for your concerns.

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I gots me a heater just don't know how to turn it on. grin.gif

I also have a fireplace, that's two guys from Floriduh on the same forum both with fireplaces, what are the odds? confused.gif

I sent my wife out to get some presto logs, I feel guilty cause we don't have chains in the car. We have change but no chains.

I too was going to call 911 but couldn't for the life of me remember the number!

Thanks for all your prayers, we hope to see another sunrise (emitting heat I hope). grin.gif

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