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Amphicar BUYER

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Sorry John, happy holiday present huh? It just doesn't make sense, kinda like driving a car on a lake or a boat down the highway.

Hang in there, I am sure that door mentioned earlier will open. cool.gif

and I hope the light at the end of the tunnel isn't an oncoming train. grin.gif

This too will pass. (my mom's favorite)

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Guest Indiana_Truck


I hope this is a temp. thing and that you will be called back but if not you have a lot of people here to talk to and who will have you in mind over this holiday. Hang in there and maybe you can find something you enjoy doing AND make money at the same time. My Dad always said to make money in everything you do and you will always be OK. When you hit bottom the only place you can go is up. wink.gif

I bought a house once and lost my job 4 months later, best thing that ever happened to me! I was free to get on with my life and found a much better way to do it that I wouldn't have done before. 9 years later and I now own 5 rentals and my own place (not the one I bought before as it is now one of the rentals).

Just don't take anything where you have to ask "Do you want fries with that?" grin.gif

Keep us informed how things are going.


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Likewise to previous folks posting, John. This is not good news, bud.

In a case like this, immediately pick up the sticks...get over the natural human reaction to get depressed. Again, as others posted, it probably is a blessing in disquise as it appeared to be inevitable, just a matter of time.

One thing I "sincerely" can tell you, this forum has generated a "sister-hood/brother-hood" and simply, lean on us in hard times.

There are many knowledgeable and creative folks at your disposal...

Keep in touch with all of us...

Peter J.

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MANY THANKS for the good words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I now have my net access at home working. This is my fifth time getting laid off over the years so I am at a point that I don't really upset any more. Somehow I will land on my feet and with the support of family and the friends here, I have no doubts.

There is some poetic justice, my entire department got wiped out except for the manager ... ummm former Manager! He now has my job and I am certain he will choke as bad as he did as a <ahem> "manager" smirk.gif He was clueless about what I did. Now he will get a quick lesson in humility. cool.gif

On the brighter side, the Amphicar that just arrived from Florida will have lots more of my attention and get completed sooner. grin.gif I have one more lined up for a full resto in January. cool.gif So I will be OK for a little while longer until the next door opens (hopefully by a beautiful lady!) wink.gif

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Glad to see you at least have some Amphicar's to work on and can hopefully make some money to carry you over until you find another job. Maybe even make enough to do it full time, then the only boss you have to answer to is you.

I need to get your new email address in case I have more questions on Amphicars. Got my rear axles out (bigger hammer) and am ready to start stripping the underside, what a crappy job. Give me your new email address if you would by a private message on this form. Have a nice turkey day.

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