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Plaque attaches how???


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The grill badge should have a large washer and wing nut with a long stem but if not, you can find the peices at any hardware store. Plaques and framed awards should go on the wall <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Try to avoid using wire, like picture wire, because it rusts, and can scratch the chrome on the grill. I attached my CLC badge to the '47 (with its huge egg crate grill) using a very long stem and adhesive felt pads to protect the chrome.

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Randall, I believe the question is how to attach the National First Prize shield to the car. If that is the case, you can buy a holder from national headquarters or attach it to the car by whatever appropriate means you can. In many cases it will depend on the car. The oval does have to be in a clearly visable area. If you want to install it on the grille, it depends on what type you have. Give us more info. The First Junior award does not have a stud and wing nut! grin.gif

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Depending on the age of the car on older car I use SS wire and just run the wire though the core of the radiator, on newer cars I always used #6 brass bolts and strip of aluminum to put behind the grill.

AACA does sell a holder you can attach to a license plate bolt.

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Duct tape is one of my favorites wink.gif

Since you're talking about plaques & badges - I have a box full that must weigh 40+lbs. and then a big oval brass plaque about 10inches wide a 3rd prize thing.

Does one get a badge each time you go to a meet? How does one aquire plaques?

no - I'm not joking - I have no clue -- even tho I've been know to be a wiseass on occasions wink.gif

I got this box from my father & been curious where or how he got so many. they all have dates, name of club etc.. - some go back to 1967ish.

If I took all the badges/plaques that say Curved Dash Oldsmobile & put them on the car the body would fall off!! heh!

Thx! smile.gif

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By my definition plaques and badges are two different items.

Plaques -- You normally get one at each meet where you enter a car. I'll bet my box of plaques weighs more than yours. This year at Hershey I took some of the ones from the '60s and 70's and put them on my table at a buck apiece. Sold a few, mostly the older Hershey Fall Meet ones.

Badges are of two kinds:

Club badges. These are normally purchased from the various clubs.

Tour badges. These were normally given to participants on national tours of the various major clubs who complete the tour. Over the years things have changed and you no longer have to complete the entire tour. In fact I have seen the badges given out with the registration at the start to a tour. Most recently badges seem to have fallen out of favor and been replaced by plaques, much like those received at judging meets. I think it is an economy thing, but it is sort of a shame.

Occasionally, but rarely, plates and similar items are used as awards for the various placements. In AACA National Meets all placement awards are furnished by the National Club and are standardized. Preservation awards consist of a wooden board, with a large rectangular plate at the top telling what the award is, a smaller plate beneath giving the year and make of the car and the name of the owner. Then small tabs are awarded each time the preservation award is won.

Don't put anything on the car body except the club badges approipriate to the car and award badges like the First Junior award plaque. When putting club badges on a vehicle, don't do something like putting a CCCA badge or a Buick Club of America badge and such on your Olds. That is what I meant by appropriate.

Hope this helps. smile.gif ~ hvs

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Which is worse? Attachment using Restorer32's nailgun laughing.gif , or (as I've seen several times) attachment to an aftermarket/commercial add-on badge bar or mounting plate (i.e. an AMCO badge bar for British sports cars)? You have to admit it's a little oxymoronic to have an AMCO bar on your TR4 sporting an AACA Senior Award.

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Totally off topic but amusing...the retiring chairman of a committee I serve on was given a well deserved reward (large engraved plaque) for his years of service. Official announcement read "In appreciation of his years of service Mr. Smith was awarded a plague". Come to think of it, old cars are sort of a plague aren't they?

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OK now I am totally embarrassed. Having never been to a large show or seen winners of this kind, I guess I was out of my league. But hey, you never know...the Dutchman might win someday!!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> So what do these plaques look like, and how large are they? Do they have to be permanently displayed? Even at the cost of drilling holes in the car?

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Randall, after you win your First Junior in AACA judging, you recieve a oval shaped metal plate that signifies that the car is a National First Prize Winner. The plate must be "permanently" affixed to the car in a easily visable location for judges to see. Additional plate can be won at the Grand National Meets. Also, a "tab" can be won signifying Senior Wiiner or National Award Winner (special awards given out in Philly every year).

The plates are roughly 3"x 2" and are oval. I happended to have about a 1000 of them spread out now on a table as I am putting them into an inventory. At National Headquarters we keep a supply of past year plates in case of damage to an owners plate.

Yes the plate and tabs must be "permanently" affixed to the car. It is very easy for some cars. The can use a bracket and mount it to license plate frame or grille but some cars it is difficult to find a suitable place. In those cases, double stick tape, glue, screws etc. are used as appropriate. Now hurry up and restore a car for AACA judging so you can experience this challenge! grin.gif

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Howard - thank you for the explanation.

I think some of it makes sense as to why my father had so many - I can only assume becuase of his active judging and bringing his car on tours. I know that is soemthing he did alot of.

nothing is going on the olds until I earn my first award myself. smile.gif

I'm thinking of a way I can put alot of the badges and/or plaques on various pieces of wood to be displayed in my garage.

Oh! The older hershey badges have some cool graphics btw.

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Claire ~ What I used to do, although I stopped it at least 25+ years ago, was to make a large plywood silhouette of one of my cars or something representing a car I owned [like a large Chevrolet bow rie or a Cadillac crest] and mount the plaques on that board. Then I could hang the boards on the wall of my garage. I still have 4 of them from the 60s high up on a wall in my storage building.


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