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New member - Barly


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Hello everyone,
I'm excited to join the forum today! My name's Barly and I am 36 years old. I look forward to gaining new knowledge, sharing my experience and benefiting from members' insightful advice.
Thank you in advance for the welcome.
See you soon in the discussions!

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Enjoy the forums and support the club that has made this possible for 25 years! Join AACA. None of us would be here viewing all of this if it were being paid for by AACA , that comes from the dues of the membership. To many take a "free ride" and do not belong - WHY?  it isn't totally overpriced for membership since besides the forums you get a quality magazine so many times of the year - that alone is worth the membership dues.

Christmas and the Holiday season are not far away, a gift membership can be one of the best , dare I say practical ? things you can give someone you care about.

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4 hours ago, Walt G said:

To many take a "free ride" and do not belong - WHY?  it isn't totally overpriced for membership since besides the forums you get a quality magazine so many times of the year - that alone is worth the membership dues.

After a year or two of being a free loader here I joined the AACA simply because of the wealth of information and helpful people that abound - and despite being free to users there are background costs to be met to keep it going. The magazine was an unexpected bonus and worth the dues as Walt has already mentioned. When I get asked why I joined up when I live in Australia my simple response is "visit their forum". 


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In the past I have joined several organizations just for their publications. May be kinda selfish, but I figure they get my money and maybe a bit of it will help their organization. I get a good magazine a few times a year to read. I have had an interest in antique cars since I was a kid. When my car became aaca eligible I joined. Not really planning on any participation but the fact that I had one was good enough for me. I have since participated in a couple of events and have become a judge. With plans on doing a bit of a travel this spring to attend one or two events. It really is infectious! Joining for one reason may very well morph into another. You get out what you put into it.

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Welcome to the forum. When you get time tell us a little about yourself. What were you looking for when you discovered this forum. Great people and an unmatched vault of knowledge. It amazes me that people you have never met in person are considered friends after a while. 

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