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Ballots for BCA BOD

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The ballots are out for the election of the BCA BOD. There are four members running for three slots. I would encourage all members to please vote. It is your Club and it is discouraging to see that usually ten percent or less of the membership votes. There is provision to vote whether you are an Ebugle member or receive a paper copy. 

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20 hours ago, Ben Bruce aka First Born said:

May I ask where are the ballots?

Mine were on the cover of the April Bugle.

I received the April Bugle on 20 April in Australia

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  • 10 months later...

What this club needs is a hired office staff, not a museum.  The office staff could handle day to day business and create the processes needed to get us up to date with things like online voting.  Then the BOD could just concentrate on policy and organization.  Cornerstone is a nice manager, but an office staff could take us much further.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I believe that emails were sent out to correct that situation when it was discovered that an error in the process had occurred. A method for on line members to vote had been established, but an error occurred with the implementation  The BOD had actually set up a process for all BCA members to vote electronically, but as they say a funny thing happened on the way to the forum.

we all know that it did not happen. This will be on our agenda to fix at our next BOD meeting. It happened on my watch, so I will take the responsibility 

Edited by Jack Welch
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