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Happy Thanksgiving- and a special story.


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Back in 1985, while just a Freshmen in college, I was spinning wrenches at a Goodyear repair shop to help out a friend. In comes a big POS Chevy sedan from 1970......you know, the big dark green sedan that was half missing from New England rust........ and this hippie wanted it to pass inspection. In Massachuetts, that is no small request......rust repair, brakes, exhaust, the whole enchilada.......we wrote up the work order for 3800 bucks......back then, a HUGE number.....so it could get a sticker. He said, fine....just get it done. I’ll leave it for two weeks. Boss said.......get three grand cash up front......car was worth 35 bucks. Guy went over to the bank and tossed the 3k on the counter. We were off to the races, knocked out the car in five days, and let it sit till he called......don’t want the customer thinking we did it too fast. He was happy with the work, and invited us up to his place in the Berkshire’s for a weekend party. That is how I met this gentleman.......enjoy the song.....




Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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Good story Ed!  I used to go from PA to Marion IN to work on engineering issues at the RCA picture tube factory in town.  Seems we design engineers were always messing up something for the factory every time we made a process change. I stayed at some hole in the wall motel on the outskirts of town that was chosen because it also owned Alice’s Restaurant next door.  I don’t know if that was Arlo’s inspiration for the song but it sure played along in my mind every time I ate there!

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Great Thanksgiving Story Ed 👍


I have my own Project In Development

for The Haul Marked Channel … 👋


The working title is:


” ThanksTaking In Albany “


It is the autobiographical tale of a small

car hauler who pays a California family transmission shop to rebuild the transmission in his truck - but they put in the wrong torque converter and the transmission burns up

on The New York Turnpike 😳


Follow the Cursing - Laughing - Crying

that ensues as the car hauler ends up spending more than a week in ….


The Lowe’s Parking Lot 🏠


⚠️ Viewers My Find

Some Language Offensive ⚠️





Edited by Trulyvintage (see edit history)
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I got a chuckle out of this.  Alice's Restaurant in Stockbridge is located next to my hometown of Great Barrington, Mass.  However, the church they lived in was just  a couple buildings down from one of my classmates house.  I passed by it many times and always thought what a cool place to hang out at.  I was in Stockbridge this past summer showing my family around.  Did you party at the white church?

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Crown Royal is a more recent thing.......back then it was Jose Cuervo straight up with Tabasco.....spent lots of time there, and at The Red Lion......they called it a prairie fire. Three or four and you see god, six or eight and you are god! Last I knew, his old tour busses are still sitting up on the hill at the farm. 

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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