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My DA – a Milestone

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Well, it’s not finished yet, but a big milestone that I thought I should share as a thank you to everyone on this forum. Your advice and inspiration, not to mention bits and pieces from various people have been much appreciated. Will write up a story later when it is actually on the road.

The DA is now largely finished except for the interior. It will soon be going to the motor trimmer to have that rectified.

Two days ago, the wheels touched the ground (it was on a trolley) for the first time since about 1989. Today was my first drive, not far, but I did manage to get second gear. Was I impressed? Too right! Was I comfortable with the accelerator between the brake and clutch? Scared hell out of me maneuvering in the driveway!! I think that may take a bit of getting used to. Did I celebrate with a beer afterwards? No, I had a couple!!!

I bought the DA Dodge 50 years ago, so I am nowhere near as quick as Matt, or probably anyone else for that matter.

Yesterday my wife and I celebrated our 36th. wedding anniversary, and I was reminded that on our honeymoon in Mount Gambier, I left Vicki in the motel room while I visited a mate, to go for a drive in his DA.

Yes, DAs and I go back a bit.




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How cool is this?

Great Job John, all credit to you. You will spend many happy hours polishing, driving, fixing, driving, fixing, driving. It is an addiction so don’t fight it. We look forward to seeing you in Mannum in September for the DBCA tweenie.

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Well done John and hats off to you. She looks beautiful it must feel great getting her to that stage. Bet you can’t wait to take it for a drive down the road. 
Im imagining docs DA will look very similar to yours but in the tourer version. Pretty sure we are doing the same colour combinations you have with the black beading around the top. 
looks great. 

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  • 1 year later...

Because this post goes back over 12 months, I probably should let anyone interested what has happened and where I am an NOW.

Firstly, the motor trimmer. Pretty well everyone said this would be fraught with delays, despite what he said. They were quite correct, there were delays due to a previous job giving him delays, them his house including his workshop sold unexpectedly and he had to move into a new house (in a town about 30 Km away) and set up his workshop. Then he dropped an engine gantry on his foot and put him out of action for a few weeks, then covid caused delays with materials.

I got the DA back in November and proceeded to finish off a number of small jobs prior to getting it registered for the road. Then followed a few small problems to be sorted out. But all this took much longer than it should have, because my Mum went into Aged Care in the middle of last year. That meant that her house had to be sold, so my wife and I spent countless hours clearing that out and preparing it for sale, which actually went quite smoothly. Them Mum passed away in January (a blessing, really, at 97 years of age), so more delays for the Dodge.

However, the Dodge is on the road and going quite well. I am still trying to sort my feet out and am getting better. I am currently working on the interior blinds and grab handles and that should finish it off, but it is not stopping me from using it of course.

I am very pleased with it so thought I would include a few photos.

Again, thanks for all those who have helped with advice, parts and enthusiasm. It’s been an interesting project.


DA Grahamm.jpg




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Thanks John & Matt.

Matt, I used a Beugler tool to stripe the wheels but had difficulty using it for some parts of the body, so used "Finesse striping tape" for all of the body striping (and also striping the imitation wood grain garnish on the dash board). They have a huge range of tapes and the paint does not bleed under the tape even when using a brush. I used signwriting paint (One Shot) and there are no brush marks even using silver paint. Best of all, there is no need to mask up the rest of the car as with spraying. The tape lays down two bits of tape and you paint beween them. Multiple striped tapes available too. I purchased mine from Jacksons Art Supplies in the UK, I think they have a presence in Australia but when ordering on line, it has always come from UK.

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1 hour ago, Bullfrog_eng said:

Thanks Fellas. Yes, pretty pleased, but there is always things you wish you had done differently or better. Still learning!!!

John ,We never cease to learn  My Motto is I have made so many mistakes today Tomorrow I will make some more just to perfect them 

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