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Traveling in the midwest in 1929. VIDEO


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It was probably shot before the Stock Market crash in Oct. of 1929, lots of activity on the road's and in the town's. I can't tell what kind of car they were driving, but if it was anything like a Model A Ford, it didn't have an air cleaner. I wonder how many cubic yards of dust and dirt those poor little engines sucked up on those roads.

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They are traveling in a Franklin, a great choice. This is a fantastic snippet of the time period, and pretty good quality too. I liked the Nash with the side window sunshades and the Kenosha script on the rad. at 16:35.  Thanks for posting.

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Great video, thanks for posting.


Notice every lane had a nice oil slick down the center?

Those oil stained lanes are pretty much gone now but I remember when I was learning to ride a motorcycle on the street and being warned about staying out of the center of the lanes because they were slick with oil.

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11 hours ago, 4Hud said:

They are traveling in a Franklin, a great choice. 


13 hours ago, Locomobile said:

Great old home movie of what travel was like in 1929....


I noticed the Franklin, too, and it must have been

a nearly new car at the time of the 1929 filming.

It can be seen at time-stamps 7:40 and 9:27, and

maybe other places in the film as well.


I figured the owners must be a bit well-off:

From what I've gathered, home motion pictures--

the cameras and the developing--were not cheap

and everyday expenses.  Their choice of a 

Franklin car implies that they may have been

upper-middle class.


Thank you for the fascinating home movie, Mr. Locomobile!

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Glad you guys liked it, I seen it and it was remarkable to say the least. Someone mentioned they appeared to be well off, in the 20's most people were before the crash. My Dad told me when he was a kid in the early 30's they used to scrap out beautiful cars that sat for so long the tires rotted right off, people couldn't afford the gas or to make any repairs and there was no one around with any money to purchase the car. That was probably the fate of a lot of prewar cars.


Ply, Hopefully the cat will forgive us both. As you know, they don't live with us, we live with them. Our old Tomcat has a very discriminating pallet, he only eats fancy feast and apparently, presentation is very important too, the food must be arranged in a pleasing, appetizing way in his bowl before he'll eat.. Thing is spoiled rotten.



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