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Music in a Pre-War Car??


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Ok so we love music, and by no means would I EVER consider hacking up our newly acquired ‘27 Buick, affectionately nicked named “Bonnie”.  Yes, I know THE Bonnie was in a Ford V8 when she was gunned down but we liked the name anyway, remincent of the era!


Ok so back to the tunes, what does everyone do for music on their pre-war cars that didn’t come with a radio from the factory?  I’ve seen the “Hidden audio System” but again I don’t want to drill a hole that wasn’t there from the factory or atleast anymore that are in her now!


So I am guessing the next best thing is a battery powered Bluetooth speaker stashed under the dash on a 3D Printed bracket and stream music/audio from my phone?


i look forward to hearing from you find folks on the subject!!


Once again thanks to everyone who has helped me so far, being a “newbie” be forewarned I will have a ton of questions!!


I hope all of you have an Epic Sunday!



1927 Buick (27/27)

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Although my car is not pre war , 53 Buick have considered the problem to and currently utilise a pre charged speaker box that I lay under seat and connect via a cable to my iPod . However, I like your Bluetooth proposal as the cable is often a nuisance and would also enable me to relocate speaker to convertible roof void .

open road , classic car , good tunes , great day.

Edited by Pilgrim65 (see edit history)
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My daily driver has a nice stereo, my wife's daily driver does too, and some of my other good weather Sunday vehicles (1962 and up) all can play radio or mp3 music.   I listen to broadcasts driving every day as well as during and after the workday. 


For my 1920's Buicks, I've always found that the sounds of the engine, drive train and the random sound of nature that can be found on a quiet country back road are music to my ears.  It's a great escape and change from everyday technology. 


In addition, some of the best thoughts, conversations and special times I've had have been with my passenger while behind the wheel of the Buick. :)

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We have a musical family in our group.  In a 1914 Ford they whole family sings songs as they motor along, they learned the lyrics from a large collection of 78's and wax cylinders.  They are very good, the daughter attended University in a music program and has since joined an opera.  It was a wonderful experience and live music is the best, one evening, sitting a veranda beside a lake, she wowed us with an aria in Italian.


Sorry, I do not know how to get music in your car.  This posting reminded me of the Doddington family and I wanted to share.


Regards, Gary

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My Great Grandfather died in 1956 and we got a lot of his treasures, including a bunch of 78 RPM records. This was in the bunch and we pretty near wore it out. I have liked cars ever since but never had much to do with anyone named Ann. Its appropriate for your Buick vintage.


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In perhaps a more helpful, instead of opinionated, response to your question, I use this speaker around the house and have over 500 songs on my phone to play through it. 


Portable and rechargeable Bluetooth technology! 




Many other types available at varying prices. 

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My '37 did not come with a radio, so I secured one with all necessary knobs, plates and do-dads from Dave Tachney.  I then sent the radio out to "Bill the Radio Guy" who did the most wonderful job restoring the internal guts so now the radio is bluetooth compatible, there are hidden pigtails to charge a cell phone, and extra wires in case I ever want to install rear speakers under the rear seat. (I ran the wires while I was wiring the car) and he installed an upgraded speaker.  


So, now I use one of the kids old cell phones, (Of course, "OLD" cell phone to these kids is a 6S.....better than mine!!!),  download a few playlists and artists and can listen to Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and Glenn Miller all day via bluetooth.  It adds an extra "authentic" dimension to the drive.  (And the radio looks really cool in the dash vs the blanking plate)


Have fun!



Here's the link to the radio build:



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Yeah I actually am wondering that myself, from the videos I have watched if have to agree!  Although I wish I could find more videos of early Buick’s, I know there are tons of Ford videos for every one Buick video I could find!


we are still working on the fuel system in our car at the moment, having just finished the new fuel tank and hoping to weld in the necks and fuel pick up within the next two weeks then onto the carb!


yesh I think we just want a little tunes to set the mood of the era that’s all 

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