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This Ole' Coupe

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Hi there,

I'm Terri and new to the forum and excited to be here! My better half, Kit, and I are new members this year to AACA and did our first trade show in Philly this last Jan. It's been an exciting journey for us since Kit started making Windshield Regulators and various other parts and we're definitely looking forward to the Hershey Fall Meet :) 

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Terri:  A kind welcome to the forum for you and Kit!

When you attend the national meeting in Philadelphia,

and talk to people there, you'll get to know AACA people

from around the country and greatly enhance your enjoyment

of your hobby.

Attend a couple of national tours, too, and you'll 

make friendships that will last forever. 


What car(s) do you own?  I think you're already off to 

the right start, and you'll have a good time while

succeeding in your business. 

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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Hi Terri and Kit,

Welcome to the forum.  It's nice to see your post here.

Warm regards,


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Very cool pic ......with you being a "poser" in the picture.  SO cool. "poser" is a derogatory (mostly) term from the "traditional only-1950-ish build style, very tiny group of car lovers.  It labels a certain person who tries to fit in, but we clearly know "he does not get it (us, or our tiny group).  Poser is also a complimentary term in our group, as a frendly term when one member, is actually telling another hard core trad guy,"that I know you certaintly DO get it".  Hard to explain to an outsider.,,so I won't. 


I hit the "open this thread" button the instant I came to AACA right now, as your thread title said:  "that means an old hotrod coupe"...only because that title would have been, oh so norma,l on the "long gone" version of what The HAMB used to be, and it's creator hoped it would always be ....


The thread opened, and Bam, the reality of why it was not what I thought it was, is the fact that this IS the AACA which in my opinion is getting closer to what the AACA should be, but in only my own thoughts.


Both websites are based on one simple original thought of their original "Daddy"......the caring and sharing the passion of older cars.  PERIOD.  That is why, when we "insist" that either site stay WAY too strict, it simply can go real bad, or real good.  There simply is no way to know which!


Great pic, my friend!

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Welcome to the forum and to AACA, loads of fun await you!  Be sure to let us know where you are going to be at Hershey so we can stop and say hi.


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Hi Terry,

Thanks so much for the welcome.

As soon as we know where abouts we are able to fit in at Hershey Fall Meet, I'll post it :)  I am very excited; it will be my first time there and our first time to have a spot, though Kit has been to Hershey before. 



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10 hours ago, F&J said:

Both websites are based on one simple original thought of their original "Daddy"......the caring and sharing the passion of older cars.  PERIOD.  That is why, when we "insist" that either site stay WAY too strict, it simply can go real bad, or real good.  There simply is no way to know which!

Just a clarification that is sefinately needed, but I simply forgot!


When I said "when we "insist" that either site stay WAY too strict"  What I really meant in that paragraph, is"


A on-topic attitude IS needed, and should be accepted by ALWAYS, by everyone, and their comments, as well as the "like" button.


But, the point I missed explaining, is that both opposite types of websites, like hot rod vs Stock, MUST learn to co-exist.  Ham wins that one, hands down,  I have 10 years of participation there, and try as I may, do not ever recall any "real" animosity to the stock hobby!


However, AACA is just not in the running, as I have SO many memories of not just animosity to hot rods, but many recollections of PURE and even angry HATE.  This is NOT acceptable to me!  I do not hold that against even one of these members, due/from my own state of mind. Trust me on that.  The reason I said AACA is getting closer to what "I FEEL"  to what IT should be, is that there are some definite signs that others besides me are now tying to explain that a better attitude towards modified cars will not only help our Total hobby, as far as saving, fixing up, or preserving all, or even rotted cars that might/will be junked and gone forever. 

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11 hours ago, F&J said:

Just a clarification that is sefinately needed, but I simply forgot!


When I said "when we "insist" that either site stay WAY too strict"  What I really meant in that paragraph, is"


A on-topic attitude IS needed, and should be accepted by ALWAYS, by everyone, and their comments, as well as the "like" button.


But, the point I missed explaining, is that both opposite types of websites, like hot rod vs Stock, MUST learn to co-exist.  Ham wins that one, hands down,  I have 10 years of participation there, and try as I may, do not ever recall any "real" animosity to the stock hobby!


However, AACA is just not in the running, as I have SO many memories of not just animosity to hot rods, but many recollections of PURE and even angry HATE.  This is NOT acceptable to me!  I do not hold that against even one of these members, due/from my own state of mind. Trust me on that.  The reason I said AACA is getting closer to what "I FEEL"  to what IT should be, is that there are some definite signs that others besides me are now tying to explain that a better attitude towards modified cars will not only help our Total hobby, as far as saving, fixing up, or preserving all, or even rotted cars that might/will be junked and gone forever. 

Appreciate your concern for the two venues of vehicle preferences!

Being newbies to the AACA, we certainly want to acknowledge all category preferences and hope never to be a source of contention but rather encourage and uplift others. We certainly enjoy the amazing variety and variations!

Thanks F&J !!!!

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AACA is not a monolithic club.  We have 60,000 members of all shapes, sizes, ages etc.  We have members with modified cars and we have classes that accept certain types of modified cars such as race cars and historically important cars. Yes, we have members who do not like hot rods and a few that hate them.  Out of 60,000 people you are bound to have people that share those opinions...it is their right.


A lot of posts on this forum are not from our club members and they do not speak for the club.  We ardently stand behind our goal to preserve history.  That is what we do but it does not mean the club as a whole is anti-others.  Case in point, one of the judges for our new Zenith Award given out last weekend at our Annual Grand National Meet was none other than famous hot rodder Bob Larivee the founder of Championship Auto Shows and the originator of the Ridler Award.  I think that speaks volumes about our respect for other points of view.


Welcome Terri and Kit!! 

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1 hour ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

AACA is not a monolithic club.

The word "is" in that >FIRST sentence<, that you felt a reason to get your point across. ... Indeed, is the most important word, yet is only 2 Letters!


ACCA WAS monolithic at ONE point.  I know? how dare I say that here?, on your turf?, to you, a moderator?? ....because > my only yearly goal each year and EVERY year was to make sure I not only could afford ($$), and physically GET there !!  (a dependable truck, van or something to camp in due to lack of the almighty, yet true ,POSER ,dollar.) 


Have a seat Steve!   (this will be WAY TOO short, but the best I can do right this "moment"!)


I went EVERY dang year from 71 to 91, .......rain, nor heat, nor hail, could EVER stop me!  No other thing of my recall, tops the yearly drive during ANY other thing in my life,  for that "one", yearly-only, "car show-swap"....not even some event like>>>>>> my then wifes best friend switching HER already planned, and $$ reserved! >wedding DATE, to allow ME to take MY wife to a "car show"!!!!...a known, to all people around us, the fact it was a VERY important, Very needed, YEARLY "family vacation" (to anyone who knew either my wife or I.)


>>>>:)   <<<< :  meaning my post was not angry when I typed! ... It only brought back such incredibly important and wonderful memories!!


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Well......this has been insightful for a newbie such as I, Terri, and it certainly "widens" my understanding a "tad" more of some HAMB and AACA "differences" :blink: of which I can appreciate.

I expect to keep my "ear to the ground" and vigilant as I peruse the forum listings to increase my knowledge base.

I like to share with my husband, Kit, the threads, its pretty cool the things that come across the site!

Thanks guys!




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3 hours ago, This Ole' Coupe said:

I expect to keep my "ear to the ground"

..no hidden meaning, or should I say "ploy" intended...but most people who walked or now walk the earth, simply do not know how to do that, or "learn" from the ground speak.  :)


Example....without a picture of you...your sign-off name spelling , "does"> :) < imply, that your gender is NOT male. he,he  

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23 minutes ago, This Ole' Coupe said:

True... Lol... but are u

We NEED to connect in >Person<, some day.  ...


Now...define "need"..


and then if you even wonder why I said that first sentence...um...you are not where I am now....but I belive you are within reach... but most of those in that spot, simply do not know the :ground" speak true words.  Peace! 


Enjoyed immensely, your LAST well crafted, and embellished post.  :) .


Have a great eve?... .um, er......there is no need to remind you.., I am fairly sure of that right now.. Rock on, Sis!

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