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Thank You To The AACA Hershey Region!


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As someone who grew up going to Hershey with his dad since the age of 8 and never missing a single year - (I am now 52), I would like to thank everyone involved who worked so hard to put on another great show. Even though my dad passed away 3 years ago, my last words to him was a promise that I would keep the tradition going every October and never miss a Hershey show. 

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Another memorable Hershey. How friendly (and tolerant) are all the people directing traffic to get vendors in and out of the flea market area.

Thank you Hershey Region, AACA and everyone who had any m part in making this the annual old car event that keeps us going from year to year.

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To me, this was one of the best Hershey's ever.....made a few good deals, sold some stuff, but all that pales in comparison to the friendship and community feeling....was by myself at my space and had neighboring guys and gals falling all over themselves to help me lay down carpet/mat and put up tent, and a great couple across from me (new to the spaces) who went out of their way to help me with an electrical conundrum I have when camping out (no plug for my C-Pap battery, have inverter for car but what a pain, and they had a BIG motorhome with generator!)...that's what makes this hobby great, the friendships and comradery.....yes, we all love the cars too, but just think of the value of having good friends all over the country, and in some cases, all over the world!!!!


Thank you, Hershey region, great job.


I still think that one field should be designated "PARKING ONLY" and charge slightly less for the space (some of the Orange field comes to mind), to eliminate some of the parking fiascos, such as on one part of the Chocolate Field (a HUGE section where it's only parking). but over all, great job!

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THANK YOU Hershey Region for putting on another wonderful event!!  


My husband and I were finally able to visit the AACA Library on Friday and everyone was so nice and helpful and wow!  What a place!  I can't get over how neat, organized and orderly it is... and there's a TON of literature too!  We then made it over to the Museum to see the current exhibit and loved it, as always.


Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello!  I'm so glad to be able to reconnect with friends I've met in the past, those I see only at AACA meets, friends who are my friends and meeting new people! I had some wonderful conversations and had just a fantastic time.


My Judging team again, was fantastic!  I love being able to work with 4 great AACA members and putting our thinking caps on while judging cars and getting to know one another.  


Hershey gave me the opportunity to receive my 5th Original HPOF chip!  It makes me happy to be able to receive my chip from Bob Parrish, who always has a smile on his face. :)  (It must be because we love Chevy's ;) )


Who's ready for Hershey 2017?!  ME!!! :) 


Oh yeah, pics to follow :) 

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Guest Mark McAlpine

Marion and I agree--the Hershey Region did another great job this year preparing for the meet and then executing it.  Kudos to the Meet Chairmen--Deborah Sherwood and George Wagner, Chief Judge, Stan Kulikowski, and all the volunteers who worked so hard to pull this off.  Thanks also for having the picnic tables outside Judging Admin this year--it made it much easier to assemble and review our paperwork before turning it in.


Thanks also to AACA National--staff members seemed to be helping everywhere throughout the week.  The Night at the Museum event was fun and the Library yard sale offered some great deals (and raised money for the Library & Research Center).  We're fortunate to have such great people working in support of the club.


For those that weren't able to attend the kinograph demonstration at the Library on Thursday evening, you missed seeing the results of a lot of work and creativity by Chris, Mike and Matt--their efforts will allow the club to preserve historical, automotive-related 16mm films and make them more accessible to all members and regions.  (They also saved the club a lot of money--their work and ingenuity, combined with the $3,500 collected in donations, resulted in a machine that in my opinion outperformed the $250,000+ commercial machine.  When compared side-by-side, the kinograph-produced video copy was sharper, brighter, and had better color than the commercial version's video). 


And let's not forget all the owners who weren't frightened off by the weather and brought their vehicles to share with us and the public.  It wouldn't be a car show without them.

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Bob, my twin told me about visiting with you, he was so thrilled to meet you!  (Personally, think that's over the top a little, very pleased to meet you might be more appropriate).  Hopefully next year my twin will stay at the space selling, and I can come over to your spot and confuse you!


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Another great year at Hershey!!!!   Thanks to the Hershey Region for all the hard work.  Just a few comments on the PA system and the National Anthem...  1.  Could you turn up the volume just a bit as it was very hard to hear in the lower green field and orange. 2.  Heard a few comments that there should be American flags flying, maybe on the sound system speaker?  Otherwise a great meet and great job by all the workers and HERCO.

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The Hershey Region members deserve every bit of praise for another fantastic week in Chocolate town!

It was fabulous!!!


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