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Veterans and the recognition given to them at AACA meets

Annie G

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Being it's Memorial Day weekend, I wanted to express how thankful I am of our Veterans both past, present and future.  I am also proud that the AACA recognizes our Veterans at National meets, both during Judge's Breakfast and the Awards Ceremony.  I think this gesture, while simple, gives many of us who never have served our Country, a chance to thank those who were brave enough to do so.


So THANK YOU to all of our Veterans.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go out and feel safe and do the things that my family, friends and I want to do day in and day out.


2015-08 Carlisle ATN 006 sm.jpg

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And for the benefit of those military veterans on the forum who have never been AACA members, the relatively new Military Scholarship Program was recently changed so that any Veteran is now eligible instead of just those who retired from the Military. So if you have served in the US Military and have never been an AACA member, you can get your first year of membership for Free. 



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I have been a member of the AACA for  over 40 years .   Also I am  a Veteran of the Vietnam  War, I think it is a good  thing  for all veterans.    I go to a lot of the tours , and this can lead to getting to know other   Veterans  . Thankyou all   Kings32      PS Wish I was at Rolling Thunder  today .

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I did Rolling Thunder 3 times , Twice on my son in laws  Touring bike  . He is also a veteran  . It is something to be there but on that bike going through the city with about 250,000 other bike and vets .   It  makes your memory come back to all the guys I served  with.  Not a bad thing  Kings32

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People tend to confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day. Tomorrow we honor the vets who never came home.

Thanks, to those that recognize my service to this country, but wait until Veterans Day to do so.

Tomorrow, all of us, vets and non vets, stand in awe and deepest respect for the patriots, who lie in their graves, at the bottom of the seas or in forgotten battlefields throughout the world

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Annie, I'm glad you appreciate that recognition.  I began doing that in 2010 at the Sentimental Tour in Texas, and am thrilled that every president since has followed what has now become a tradition.  It's only through the sacrifice of our veterans that we have the freedom to enjoy our hobby as we do.  I know for many this is indeed a special time to remember, and believe me we do that here.  The day is not without a tear as we have family in Arlington.  My son just retired after 20 years in the Coast Guard and has been involved in nearly every disaster since 9-11 as a Hazmat Response expert (USCG Strike Teams).  My 23 years in the Navy were kinda tame in comparison but I still feel it was important work.   It is great to see so many others standing during those occasions, and everytime we stand together, it still chokes me up.


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Carl is absolutely correct, and I'm glad he pointed out the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans' Day; however, in this case, it's the thought that counts.  I as a Veteran (USAF 1962 - 1966) appreciate your starting this thread.




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