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dye door carpet


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restoring a 63 GP. the door panels are in very good shape but the carpet portion on the bottom has faded. what kind of dye and procedure would i use to dye them. I have my idea but sometimes it is not correct. 


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If you are making them black I used vinyl dye for a set of 1964 GP door panels including the carpet and it has held up for over 15 years.  If I recall I dyed the whole panel and when dry I lightly brushed the carpet so there was no clumping.  I might be less confident with a different color but for black regular vinyl dye worked for me, Todd C  

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I just used some Duplicolor Vinyl and Fabric  from NAPA.  It comes in rattle cans.  It worked well on my faded interior fabrics.   It can be used on carpets also.

I used a charcoal gray but they must have various other colors..

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I mixed up some black Rit dye and shot some faded carpet with my paint gun.

I let it dry in the sun but it seemed to come off when I touched it so I then shot it with some vinegar. Worked like a charm.

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