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Finally have a PT job! Ever seen scale RT 66 plates?


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I have a love-hate relationship with these type of images.
Love seeing the developed art forms, but hate seeing vehicles wasting away:
An interesting 2-tone Dodge.
Not exactly my cup of tea, but I like the color scheme & it certainly stands out in a crowd:
A friend of mine built this 1986 Monte Carlo SS & included scale Illinois Route 66 license plates on it.
Of course, the plates are my favorite aspect of the model:
Last but not least & a long time coming, my life is about to travel a new road:
Cort :) www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
pigValve, paceMaker, cowValve | 1979 Caprice Classic (awaiting new owner)
"I shiver when I see the falling snow" __ Merle Haggard __ 'If We Make It Through December'
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Oh , Cort , I am so happy for you ! My greatest admiration for your positive , cheerful postings , and attitude. I know such an outlook does not come easy. I often tear up when I see your gallant efforts under such difficult conditions at your young age. It may be of some benefit to you to know that you have helped me by your example. I am going through end of life decline. Started with a bad accident and deteriorated quickly from that point. Not expected to see 2015 , but now the docs say I might drag on for years. But I am old. 71 chronologically , about 85 physically. Compared to your ordeal , I don't have a care in the world. I am very lucky to have made old age. Many of my very best closest friends did not. You serve as a wonderful example to all of us. I hope more awareness of your strength and abilities leads to a long climb up the ladder of success. You deserve nothing less. - Carl

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Congratulations Cort, on your new gig. I hope it leads to better things and more exposure of your talents.

I'm following you on FB now as Tom Gibson.


As for the scale Rte. 66 plates, I've never seen them, but I know folks make plates for my scale of choice, 1/43. {Haven't built any 1/24 models in a long time, but really enjoyed it),  It's been a while since I've done any photography with my 1/43rds, but I have to get my butt in gear as I'm participating in one of the seminars in Philly at the Nat'l. Mtg. in February.


These were created before and after I had both hips replaced in 2010, when I couldn't get around much.

Here are a few examples of where I started, and what it led to.





Larger, 1955 Mercury Montclair by Design Studio.



Larger, Motor City 1947 Chrysler Town & Country and Brooklin 1961 Airstream Bambi.


There are some more here in the Gallery, but it's old work. In the next couple months I'll have new images, just not sure what they'll be. One thing I know for sure, I derive great satisfaction from "playing" with the models...it's almost cathartic.


There's a new day dawning for you...



Sunrise, Norwalk, CT, Nov. 2015


Come 12/9, you'll have to start a new tag line...Workday Wednesday!   ;)



Edited by TG57Roadmaster (see edit history)
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Good news on the job! I can relate to your situation. In May 2012 I was stuck by an Suv that pulled in my lane from a side road. I was driving a motorcycle so the SUV was the clear winner in that meet up. I lost my right leg and had a spinal cord injury that left me paralyzed from the waist down. No more job, had to sell my old cars, and find and modify a rach house to live in. All this just before my 60th birthday. It's been 3 years and adjustment to my condition continues. As for a job, not much call for a one legged para!

Hanging out here keeps me involved in the hobby. I hope your job works out well!


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My greatest admiration for your positive , cheerful postings , and attitude. I know such an outlook does not come easy. I often tear up when I see your gallant efforts under such difficult conditions at your young age. It may be of some benefit to you to know that you have helped me by your example. I am going through end of life decline. Started with a bad accident and deteriorated quickly from that point. Not expected to see 2015 , but now the docs say I might drag on for years. But I am old. 71 chronologically , about 85 physically. Compared to your ordeal , I don't have a care in the world. I am very lucky to have made old age. Many of my very best closest friends did not. You serve as a wonderful example to all of us. I hope more awareness of your strength and abilities leads to a long climb up the ladder of success. You deserve nothing less. - Carl


Sure appreciate your recognizing my efforts to remain positive, Carl.  You are correct ... it has NOT come easy ... & in many cases I feel like I've failed in many ways.  So, to read that I've helped you by my example ... that just blows me away, for lack of a better way to put it.  I've personally witness more "end of life declines" than I care to say.  As one watching it happen, it is frustrating & saddening; I can only imagine what it is like to be on the experiencing end of it.  I'm so very sorry you are having to endure that stage now.  I'm only 42, but given my open heart surgeries (4 so far), I feel more like 102.  LOL.  Anyway, thank you for your kind words.



I live in Northeast Ill and know jobs here are still 8 years later than the collapse are  somewhat hard to come by. I guess even Illinois employers eventually had to start hiring. 



LOL ... yes, yes they did.  MOST jobs around here require lifting more than I can, which virtually eliminates many for me.  I see you are in Zion ... so close, yet so far away at the same time ... irony rocks. ;)



I'm following you on FB now as Tom Gibson.


Hey Tom!  Awesome, thank you ... hope you are enjoying the page.  I didn't realize you were someone from here ... very cool!  & yes, your CT sunrise photo will be featured sometime in the future ... just not sure when as I have a backlog of images to post in the daily-weekly themes ... about 9 weeks worth!


I'd heard about the scale Rt 66 plates, but hadn't seen them, until Mark sent me that image.  When he sent it to me, he wrote: "Thought of you & figured you'd like this".  LOL!  If you do any additional scale photography, let me know ... would love to see them.  Checked out the link to the gallery of your "old" work ... holy cow!!!!  AWESOME job.  So, are those scale buildings, too?  (Hope that isn't a "stupid" query ... LOL!)  If it's OK with you, I may save some of those for future OC,SH feature in either "Model Monday", "Wednesday Ratio" or "Scale Saturday" themes.....  Sure wish I could be at that National meeting in February!


As for that new tagline-theme idea ... workday Wednesday ... that's actually an intriguing idea. ;)




I can relate to your situation. In May 2012 I was stuck by an Suv that pulled in my lane from a side road. I was driving a motorcycle so the SUV was the clear winner in that meet up. I lost my right leg and had a spinal cord injury that left me paralyzed from the waist down. No more job, had to sell my old cars, and find and modify a rach house to live in. All this just before my 60th birthday. It's been 3 years and adjustment to my condition continues. As for a job, not much call for a one legged para!

Hanging out here keeps me involved in the hobby.



Terry, that's precisely why I started the Facebook page & then launched the website ... to keep me involved, at least somewhat.  While I'm still "involved", it's a much different involvement in many ways ... in terms of the groups & in terms of how.  In some ways, it is frustrating ... like with this currently warm Chicago December weather ... would love to be driving my "old cars" now, but seeing as how they're all sold, not going to happen ... irony rocks.  In other ways, it is disturbing as I've "lost" more "friends" than I can fathom.  YET, I actually love crafting the posts each week for the website-FB page ... & while the activity isn't as high as I'd like (& cost me a few jobs I really wanted), I know a few people who are "die hards" & absolutely love what I come up with each week & each day.  So, it balances out, sorta. ;)


I am so very sorry you had to endure what you have & are still experiencing.  It is amazing, tho, how resilient people are & can be.  Adjusting to new situations, particularly ones from injuries-surgeries-etc., is very difficult ... on many levels, from the sheer physical nature to the thinking part of it to, dare I saw it?, emotional end, too.  Lots of thoughts can make it even more challenging to face the unknown with a smile.  Thoughts/prayers that you are able to come to a point where you are "at peace" with your life as it is!



Again ... THANK YOU, ALL!  I posted this early Wednesday morning about the new job starting:

Days 1-2-3 went well. It was surreal enough to be back in the workforce I did not get much done this week; adjustment time has commenced! Given my cough & other things I want to do, glad this is part-time. Tho my pocket book may not like it, this is an excellent way to get back into a routine & not feel too completely drained.  While I am starting to understand my tasks, I get a bit confused & flustered; I am anxious to get to the point when I understand what to do & how it fits into the big picture. All in due time, I know. Next week will be 5 straight days, 4 hours each.  Hoping this cough & chest pain will be gone soon, too.
Cort :) www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
pigValve, paceMaker, cowValve | 1979 Caprice Classic (awaiting new owner)
"Maybe next year I'll give it to someone special" __ WHAM! __ 'Last Christmas'
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