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1991 Polo Green Convertable


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My good friend and I speak a couple of times a month. Over the years he

will point out a Reatta that he runs across from time to time as he is aware

they are limited and my interest in them.


Let me preface his account by saying he was not aware of any discussion

regarding the 1991 Green convertible. Nor was I aware of the details as

I only took a mild interest in the discussions.


Last weekend he was driving home to the Mojava Desert and took the

route Southeast from Barstow along Old Woman's Spring Road (SR 247).

He noticed what he thought might be a Reatta ahead of him and soon

caught up. He said it was in poor shape, top down and was green. Huh?


I left it at that as I wanted to refresh my memory of the discussions

about this Reatta. I was anxious to find something and left our site

with....No sightings of any 1991 Polo Green convertible and only 4 were

produced. That was enough information on hand to call him back and

I asked him what color it was, 'Green' and was he sure, 'Yes'. I then

shared the information with him.


The top was down and he did not notice what color the top was.

He said he didn't notice the license plate but said it would have

caught his attention if it had not been California. I asked him to

note the license plate number if he should ever run into them

again. 'Okay'.





1989 White/Blue

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Here we go again. Was the driver Elvis by any chance? The [putative] existence of a polo green convertible has been a hotly debated issue on here for years. The best info we have available (original production data from GM) indicates convincingly that none were ever built. This is supported by the fact that cars were painted in batches of the same color for convenience in the course of production. Production of polo green cars (all of which were coupes per the GM production data) took place in date range that was completely removed from any convertibles being produced at the craft center. Conversely, all 1991 convertibles that were built were made well outside the range of dates and VINs of any cars that were painted polo green. This comes straight from original GM printouts and has been further researched and borne out by using the compnine database.

The only possible remaining loophole are the mystery VINs, those that were assigned for production but apparently never built due to lack of demand and cancellation of production. Unless one believes some of these allocated but unbuilt VINs actually were in fact assembled - depsite evidence to the contrary - there seems to be no apparent chance of a polo green roadster having been factory built.

That leaves one other possibility, that someone repainted a convertible in polo - or some other shade of - green. I cannot discount that possibility out of hand, we know anecdotally of many Reatta that were repainted in unusual non-factory colors. But again I have to stress that with the amount of discussion and the number of owners who have been looking for a polo green 'vert for years now, no one has yet presented even the thinnest shred of evidence for it's existence (outside of stating they - or someone they knew - had seen one). Much like sasquatch or the Loch Ness Monster, many eyes are trained on finding the proof but it is somehow never forthcoming. Funny how that works.

If such a car exists then the only way to assert it's existence satisfactorily is to provide pictures that are verifiably unaltered including a legible shot of the SPID label that shows the factory built specs for the car. Anything else will continue to be treated as heresay or wishful thinking.

I don't think we need to have another lengthy argument on this matter, though we probably will if past discussions are any indication. Much digital ink will be spilled and in the end I predict we will be no further towards the desired goal of incontrovertible proof than when we started. If and when someone can drop a stack of color glossies showing a polo green convertible we can all go home happy. Until then, skepticism will be the prevailing attitude towards the claim of a green drop top Reatta.


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Thanks for posting the Polo Green information.......the forum was getting boring.


Not knowing your friend and the extent of his automobile knowledge, I will speculate he saw a Cadillac Allante.   Green was available on that car.


Could not find the Allante numbers when I made the original post,  in 1992 -total of 1931 were made, 50 were Polo Green.

1993 (final year) I don't have the total but 88 were Polo Green 

Edited by Barney Eaton (see edit history)
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Also while we can be pretty sure there were no Polo Green cars in reqular production, the was 25 years and a lot of resprays ago. Only the SPI knows for sure.

ps my white/blue/blue 'vert did not come from the factory that way but I like it.

pps what is this "stock is stock" business I am seeing ? Thought the purpose of the AACA was to preserve and drive and not to venerate things that didn't work when new (know how many TSBs there are on the 440T4/4T60 ? Many & most replacing parts that were a poor design when new. No way I'd put bias tires on anything including trailers. Also like AGMs. Does that make me a heretic ?)

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Pictures would be great. But this sounds like a chance encounter in the middle of nowhere (Barstow and the Mojave? Sheesh, pretty remote location there) so the chances of seeing the same car again seem vanishingly small especially if the witness was not from the area and just passing through. We can hope but I always say hope is for suckers.


I too am a heretic I suppose. I swear by AGM batteries and aftermarket audio gear in my cars. I also don't bother with factory style hoses and clamps, factory correct tires (or even wheels) and no, I don't have grey valve stem caps. I accept that I cannot expect to show well in 40p pt judging so don't bother entering. What I don't understand are those who get indignant at being docked points for what they know isn't factory correct. If you [figurative you, not Padgett] customized it, probably for your own benefit and further enjoyment of the car, why argue you shouldn't get nicked in judging for it if the criteria are for factory correct original equipment? That's just stupid.


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Must admit I used to get a bit ticked when my super rare V8 Sunbird was ignored for a chromed V6. But then where do you find an objective judge to do a 400 point evaluation of something with a total production of double digits ("never saw a radiator like that in an H-body").

Did take my 88 down to cars and coffee at AutoGeek in Stewart & got an autograph from Wayne Carini. However coupe was not even noticed and got more compliments when stopped at a Publix.

363 miles mostly at 70ish & with AC on but also a major traffic jam on the 'pike and detour to Melborne & low fuel came on about 5 miles from home (gas in South Florida is about 20c/gal more than in O'town. Fortunately all of my cars can make the round trip to Boynton Beach on a tank.) Do see about a mpg drop when headlights are up.

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No, mine are triple blue and white/blue. Do like a deep greem with a saddle interior (ordered a '70 GS and a 72 Goat with that combo) but never had a Polo green. Wonder if that is a 90 or 91. Never liked that steering wheel.

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The pictured one would be a 91, and I really do like the non-stock wheels. Anyone know what they are from? Anyway, driftwood exterior color (gold, more or less) was offered in 90. That was withdrawn and replaced by polo green in 91. I do think the Reatta particularly looks positively outstanding in green over saddle. Would love to own one but they are tough to come by and I'm fully stocked now. A polo green 'vert would be phenomenal. There was the briefest of moments when I considered repainting my 91 roadster in polo (or even British racing) green. Decided it was too much trouble and stuck with factory red.


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I think it is just that well detailed and good day light conditions. Looks polo green to me. That slant back Seville though, what can I say? I kind of like it in a dare to be different curiousity sort of way but don't think I'd ever own one. It is like nothing else, that's for sure.


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I'm driving to Henderson, NV tomorrow (from Rancho Mirage) & returning the next day.  Weather is suppose to be clear and in the 70s. About 75 miles I will be on Rte 247. I usually stop in Barstow for a bite, rest break or clothes shopping (great outlet stores).  With camera in hand, I'll keep my eyes open for Sasquatch...err...a Reatta polo green convertible. 

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Well the story I heard (was associated with GM at the time) was that when William Mitchell was forced to retre (GM had a mandatory retirement at 65 for execs) the last design he put into production was the "bustle back" Seville. It was known as "Billy Michell's Revenge".

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Guest DadsReatta

It's either a love it or hate it style. at the time it was obviously liked as both Lincoln and Chrysler came out with their own version of it, neither of which worked as well, or was as graceful. The Seville was always a car that stuck out from the crowd even the ones from the late 50s, and I think They needed to do something bold like that when they went to front wheel drive

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I have owned 4 green '91 coupes and two Reatta parts cars that had been repainted so maybe the car seen was a green Reatta but a repaint.

Several years ago when this discussion was really hot I owned a sort of beat up convertible. It was white with a burgundy interior. I had it for almost a year before the Ames meet and had it had a tan interior my plan was to paint it polo green, put on some '91 wheels and take it to Ames and park if for one day in front of the host hotel with a piece of paper covering the vin tag on top of the dash. 

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Guest PontiacDude210

I love the green or blue over tan color combo, even if finding a unicorn is more likely than finding a factory car in those combos.  I had laid plans, when I found a minimal rust Maui coupe with mistreated blue interior and an engine problem a few months back, to gut my non-driver red/tan and make a Maui/Tan 90 clone.  Plans of course changed, the car sold before I could get at it with cash in hand, and I'm in the process of selling my extra red/tan, but I would still love to own a Maui/Tan Reatta some day, or a Polo/Tan if the chance comes up(0/0 chance of that though).  I always thought the non standard color combos were the most interesting.  

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Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas a month early. Sheesh, that is a loud color combination. Funny that I have seen some 1920's era car [don't remember make or model] in dark green enamel - almost a British racing green - with a burgundy interior and thought it looked pretty good. Seemed to work on a car of that era. Anything modern, not so much. I do kind of wonder how polo green would look with a burgundy interior.


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  • 2 months later...
I recently spoke with my friend about the replies received

on the sighting. He had two comments....


- "That's disappointing. I've go no skin in the game."

- "Elvis driving?(chuckling). That is rather discourteous."


We have a mutual friend who owned a 1991 Cadillac Allenté.

He knows the difference when he sees one....





'89 White/Blue
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I did up two '86 Fiero's in polo green and another GM metallic green (don't remember the name) that had just a hint more yellow. Both beautiful, but the polo green looked just too blackish. The other with a hint of yellow looked better . That one had a 3800 with a 4T60 trans. Fast car. Sold both maybe a decade ago. Sorry I kept no pictures of either.

The bustleback Seville is a love/hate kinda thing. I find it 'interesting'; my wife (who knows her cars) thinks it ugly.

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