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What's a NOS DynaLite worth?


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Guest shadetree77

I posted a few weeks back asking for info. about the Dynalite. I did a LOT of research on this little item and even wrote a Bugle article about it (coming soon). A fellow had one for sale in the Bugle a few months ago. I tried to buy it but he had already sold it. His sold for around $40 I think. Cool little item. I'd love to have one for my '52. I drive at night quite a bit and it would sure come in handy. If you're interested in selling PM me and we can talk.

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I think since I'm getting a little varied response on value, I may end up keeping it... Robert, If the article hasn't gone to press yet, I'll try to send you some pics of the item. If you haven't already finished writing article, would it make any sense for me to help by adding to the article with some pics of the installation process? I know we live too far apart for your to come and do the article or pics, but I'd be willing to help.

As for Sean's note...yup, I was that lucky guy! :) Ended up finding it by searching using "vintage, Buick" or "vintage, GM"...

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Guest my3buicks

They pop up on eBay every once in a while, average price is around $50. I installed one on my 53, a great little item without question.

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How hard could this be.

It appears to be a small curved shaped aluminum or metal piece with a socket bulb soldered to it. How hard could it be to make new ones using this as your source calibrated template. Since they are selling buick man would be inclined to copy the shape and make a suitable template for making other ones. The socket bulb could be easily outsourced as could the wire and connectors. Cause there are just so many of these around and making a copy looks simple.

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They're probably not hard at all to duplicate, like Buick Man said, as it's a simple set-up; a reflective housing, a light bulb socket, one or two screws, and the appropriate lead(s) that can be fed down inside the steering column to the light switch. I don't think, if memory serves, that it even gets connected to the fuse panel. I bet the two wiring places over here in RI have the exact bulb sockets and wires/terminal connectors in stock, it'd be just the housing that needs to be formed.

In short Buick Man, what are your thoughts on going forward with re-popping these lights? Is it financially viable? Seems like there is some demand out there... I'm waiting for mine to show up in the mail. Should be soon. What would you need? Better photos and maybe some measured line drawings? I'd be willing to try to do that. Is there a limitation by GM on reproducing certified accessories. I think I read on another forum, someone kind of got the slap down by Ford for reproducing a no longer produced accessory or part of theirs a while back, but it might have been because it had the Ford symbol or logo on it.

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Guest shadetree77

I completely understand. It is a cool item to have. As for the article, it hasn't been published yet but I've already submitted it. Not sure when it will get published but if you want to snap some pictures of the install feel free. If it hasn't been sent to the publisher when you take the pics I can ask Pete if he needs them. Just let me know.

If you run across another one shoot me a pm. I'd really like to have one.

As for reproducing them, I had thoughts along those lines too. Well, not mass producing but making one for myself at the least. You guys are correct in that it is a simple curved piece of metal with a light socket on it. The light socket is, I believe, held on by a metal tab that has been bent up around the socket. Maybe even a spot or two of solder. The problem area would be the long oval shaped indentation behind the bulb. I read on the original patent for it that the indentation reflects the light in the right direction. Personally, I have no means to stamp such an indentation into a flat piece of metal. It is also chromed on the back side which would add cost. But if you guys figure this out I'll be the first in line to purchase one.

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Well what one could do is get an ample square piece of thin aluminum so you can do some cut outs etc. Now for the forming buck, you could carve out a piece of hard wood set into a vise and using very sharp wood carving tools reproduce a duplicate shape and form of the original. Then epoxy the face of it using either WestMarine Epoxy or similar. Then take your thin piece of aluminum placing it over your new formed buck and while gently heating the aluminum, start tapping it into the buck thereby forming this piece while held securely in a working bench vis with a backer block behind the piece for good reinforcement or have the buck thick enough so this would backing would not be necessary. For the reflective chrome property one could use a highly reflective urethane based chroming paint. After this the rest is a simple task of cutting to exact shape and then adding the light by perhaps tapping through the newly formed piece to mechanically attach the light socket. The wiring would then be added. At this point, the decision to either wire it so when the headlights go on then this light goes on or to wire it independently would be made.

Edit: Of course after the buck is made, reproduction would be a simple matter and we suspect one could punch these things out in no time at all. Of course this would be for the hobby and a supply made plentiful for us Buick folks amongst ourselves. No one would be stepping anyones toes here as well. I am currently engaged in multiple like tasks or I would probably take this one on. Any of you 52 and similar guys out there should give this a try as detailed above.

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