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Oil Additives


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Care full now,

I'm still in sales . Castings and machined parts.

I wish I had the millions of dollars I have saved my customers over the years.

I'd buy another Buick or two.................

Mike in Colorado

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OK Buick People: I have used Marvels Mystery Oil in the crankcase with much success over the years. I also use Berryman's B-12 in the tank. Clean oil with MMM and fresh gas with the b-12 seems to do wonders. There was a gentleman who brought up the topic of how to preserve an old Bu in the Riviera section.

One thing I did want to add to this topic is that dropping the oil pan and cleaning it is also a critical item. Any kind of detergent whether in the oil or in a supplement can loosen up the sludge, ca-ca and what ever else is in there and easily clog up that oil sump pickup.

On Slick 50. I had the engine rebuilt in my 65 Riv in 1984. At the time a friend of mine was promoting Slick 50. He recommended that after the break in period which was 3-4,000 miles that I change the oil and put that Slick 50 in the crankcase. I followed directions exactly and it seemed to work. That car ran great for many years and actually, it still does. That was one of my experiences. When I had my car lot I use to put Slick 50 in those 4100 Caddies and it seemed to dramatically retard the explosion process.

I also used Justice Brothers "Heavy Duty Vehicle Additive" in the crankcase with fantastic results. These snake oil products will not make the metal grow back but I believe the products I mentioned worked well for me. Mitch

Edited by lrlforfun (see edit history)
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When it comes to saving customers money, here is a clip from my personal company email signature:

"We will leave a steam engine free of charge to you. We will install these and will take over for five years the customer service. We guarantee you that the coal for the machine costs less, than you must spend at present at fodder (energy) on the Horses, which do the same work. And everything that we require of you is that you give us a third of the money, which you save."

James Watt, 1736-1819

I have read all the magazine ads and most of what we now call "white papers" related to automotive products since 1959. The one that has always stood out in my mind is the full page ads they used to run for spark plugs with multiple ground electrodes like are used in two cycle applications sometimes.

The ad said "Try it yourself! Install a set of our plugs. Then find a car similar to yours. Pull up next to it at a stoplight and when the light changes step down on your accelerator and just see the added power and speed your car has with the new improved Fire Ring Super Plugs!" That's the guy who helped my Father teach me bad words. I was 11 or 12 at the time. Over the intervening 50+ years snake oil has given me much more benefit in entertainment than performance.

Wasn't there a company that shipped all its new cars out of the factory with all the enhanced lubricants and gadgets? Seems the story went that the big three conspired to put them out of business because their cars ruined the planned obsolescence scheme.

All that said, on Mother's Day, my wife and I sure had a nice 160 mile ride through New York's Southern Tier in a 54 year old Buick with five quarts of Texaco oil and ten gallons of Mobil from the 10% Regular corn licker pump.

Bernie, just smiling and oblivious to my impending disaster

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