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I'm still around and check the site every day

38Buick 80C

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Ok so I'm here in Hershey for the meet and more than one Forum member has said I don't post any more. Actually I check into the site everyday. I'm doing well, been busy with a variety of things... new garage with a house attached and work has got really busy. I've done a MINI store and two Infiniti stores and am working on a Jag Land Rover store (my favorite project), a Kia and about 15 more projects. The Buick is still driving me nuts (have not got that piece of trash out of the tank yet) and now the trans is giving issues, but I've been working on getting the new garage exactly how I want it (painting the walls and floor). Actually I haven't moved over my tools and stuff yet. I did picked up a nice item for the garage that I will share later once it is installed.

Great to run in to many forum members in person here at Hershey...I'll try and post more and I do appreciate that some of you miss me (in more ways than one ;)).

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Brian, are you building the dealerships or running them? We are currently working with a local construction company that is building a Jag/Land Rover dealership here in St. Louis.

As a matter of fact, I could swear I've seen your name on a hard hat in the job trailer.

Building them...yes that's my name on the a hard hat in the Brinkmann trailer!!! Well that is a small world. I didn't realize you were working on that project. I've been very impressed with how well the job is progressing.

John D. yup lurking...

Matt it was great to see you in Hershey!

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Building them...yes that's my name on the a hard hat in the Brinkmann trailer!!! Well that is a small world. I didn't realize you were working on that project. I've been very impressed with how well the job is progressing.

I wondered about that when I saw the name. There can't be that many people with your name! We are just installing the irrigation system for the site, nothing else. Nate with Brinkmann is a real go-getter, and I find that he is a bit too excited to get me out there at times. :) Are you in town very often?

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I wondered about that when I saw the name. There can't be that many people with your name!

Only one!

Are you in town very often?

About once a month I shoot in for a few hours and then shoot back out. I'd like to stay longer and visit with you and several others in town, but it just hasn't worked out.

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Hi Brian,

I just noticed your post so I guess I'm not looking as diligently as I should.

Last Friday I saw a Hudson friend in the local diner. He told me about a problem similar to your Buick one. I put on my saddest face and shook my head. I told him the problem could never be resolved and would only get worse. His best bet was to accept the next offer he got for the car. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a few folded over bills. What a guy; facing such a bleak future he just laughed. Can I relieve you of that problem of yours?

Hey! I have one foot out the door and my wife and I are heading for the Zoar Valley for the day. Its mostly inaccessible, haunted, and a bit weird in places. Google that one!


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