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1929 Buick on eBay - looks bogus to me


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A couple of things catch my eye:

1) Owner claims it has external expanding brakes which would be correct for 1929 (but not 1930) however there is not a single part visible in any of the photos that would indicate it is a 1929 model. Radiator shell, bumpers, headlights, hubcaps all unique to 1930.

2) The VIN number shown is consistent with 1930.

3) While it is certainly possible, would a wealthy family purchase a 1929 Buick in 1948 (a 19 year old car) from a dealership? That would be the same thing as Bill Gates going down to his local dealer and buying a used 1994 Buick off the back of the lot today. In the realm of possibility but not likely.

4) Owner claims the car has had no restoration however I don't believe that is the case as the paint appears to be a respray. The car was in considerably better condition in the photos taken while at the show than others that show the paint peeling which are probably more recent. Don't know what the significance of this is, but it apparently has not had the care in recent times that it had in years past.

Edited by michaelod (see edit history)
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I have been in contact with the owner and I believe her title is in error. The car is titled as a 29 when the car in fact is a 30. It would seem she took some of the specs for 29 and noted them in her listing, thinking she had a 1929 Buick. It appears to be a legitimate ad and I don't see any obvious intent to deceive.


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I also contacted the owner and she is very positive that it's a 1929 where it is anything but. They had a 46S in both years but this is very much a 1930. Wheelbases are different with the 30 being smaller. I think the whole exterior was redone probably forty years ago. I do think it's a real ad and I would bet that the reserve is very high. The car probably fell into her possession and she , like many others , don't bother to do any research on what they have when the world is at their fingertips. I wouldn't think about buying this without having friendly eyes check it out first.

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I have been in contact with the owner and I believe her title is in error. The car is titled as a 29 when the car in fact is a 30. It would seem she took some of the specs for 29 and noted them in her listing, thinking she had a 1929 Buick. It appears to be a legitimate ad and I don't see any obvious intent to deceive.
Possibly a 1930 model, but actually manufactured, sold & titled in late 1929. This is not unusual
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It probably doesn't make any difference. The car is on Ebay with a reserve. How many times have Ebay cars ever met the reserve?

I just clicked on Buick completed auctions and saw so much red I thought my computer was hemorrhaging. The pictures are nice.


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I agree with 1939_buick. This is 1930 car but manufactured, sold, and titled in late 1929. I ran into this type of situation several years ago here in NW Ohio. I was called to verify a "1929" Buick. Phone description didn't sound right so I took my Parts Books and George Damman's 70 Years of Buick to show these people. They still were reluctant to believe me that they had a1930 Buick even after all these pictures, factory literature, and a statement akin to what 1939_buick said regarding how some states would title a car. The car eventually was sold on Ebay and went to North Carolina still heralded as a 1929 Buick. What are 'ya gonna do??!!

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What are 'ya gonna do?, well that's the way it was done back then for that car, so like a lot of strange things over the past, we ACCEPT SUCH. There have been tons of cars out of the factory with next year parts on such, not a new thing. IMHO.

Strange things are always going to be with us, so we live with it. Life goes on, and on, and on.


Dale in Indy

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I agree with 1939_buick. This is 1930 car but manufactured, sold, and titled in late 1929. I ran into this type of situation several years ago here in NW Ohio. I was called to verify a "1929" Buick. Phone description didn't sound right so I took my Parts Books and George Damman's 70 Years of Buick to show these people. They still were reluctant to believe me that they had a1930 Buick even after all these pictures, factory literature, and a statement akin to what 1939_buick said regarding how some states would title a car. The car eventually was sold on Ebay and went to North Carolina still heralded as a 1929 Buick. What are 'ya gonna do??!!

I see your line of reasoning here and would agree in principle, however it must be noted the serial number as shown in the listing falls well into the middle of the range for that year and would tend to indicate a build date of approximately March of 1930.

In addition the owner shared a photo of the data tag with me which confirmed it to be a 1930 model. I pointed this out to her but she refuses to modify her eBay listing.


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