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54 Century Price Advice


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Hello all,

I appreciate the feedback I have received on this forum in the past. I had asked about a 54 Special earlier this summer and it didn't end up working out for me to purchase it. I recently came across this Century and am hoping to check it out in person soon. In the meantime, I have an email out to the seller with general questions on body, paint, transmission condition, etc.

For Sale: 1954 Buick Century

Any comments on pricing for Century sedans? The one looks pretty nice, interior seems good, and according to ad it drives well.

Would appreciate any feedback, I am not as familiar with these Buicks.


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Tom, we were just discussing this car over on the 54 Buick Highway. My comments there were that these cars make excellent drivers, weekend or daily. They have plenty of power what with the 4 bbl 322 and this one has power steering and brakes. It's a shame they didn't spend a little more and have the upholstery done back original but for the price it is definitely worth looking into. Chris here on the forum lives nearby and has offered on the 54BH forum to go look at it if anyone is interested. click here> This car in in my neck of the woods if anyone wants me to make a pass by for a look

He also frequents this forum and should be checking in soon. Please feel free to email me at 1954buick at gmail dot com if I can be of any help.

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Tom, just want to reiterate, for the price and from what I am seeing in the pictures, it is well worth the asking. I would not hesitate in having someone look at and take more detailed pictures and if all looks and sounds good, move as quickly as possible in purchasing.

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I just checked the map. Go on over to Joyce Koons Buick with 65 crisp one hundred dollar bills. Spread them out like a hand of cards and tell them you have some cash to spend. See what they have to show you. That '54 is going to look real good to you after that visit.

If I wasn't in the market for a project car right now, honestly, the car would be in my garage. Its not good to show cars you are interested to others online. I have actually visited three cars in the last couple of weeks that I have kept absolutely secret for 10 to 20 years. Two things you should never do; 1. tell a person about a nice desirable car you might want. 2. Mention to the owner that you might like to buy a car until you have the money in your pocket and are ready to buy. Both plant seeds that can lead to events out of your control.

About 20 years ago I bought a Smith Motor Compressor. It was a factory built job with early Ford Model A sheet metal. I saw it, bought it, and brought it home. A month or so later a friend brought me a then recent issue of a Model A club magazine. He showed me a letter with a picture of a Smith Motor Compressor and a question of whether it was a good deal. It was my compressor in the barn where I found it. Buy stuff when you can. If you don't like it you can always sell it. (Probably at a little profit).


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My rule of thumb is that for every $1,000 extra you are willing to spend you can buy about $4,000 worth of someone's work. The bargains are out there. You just have to spend a little more money to get them.

A good scenario is the deal you get from the 55-60 year old early retiree, (usually with a little gray pony tail). They took a buy out and saw $200,000 to $400,000 transferred in a lump. Feeling they deserve a toy in exchange for a life's work, they skim off $10,000 to $20,000 for their cosmetically sweet dream car.

It doesn't take long to figure out a 50 year old car worth $2,000 with an $8,000 paint job won't start, steer, or stop. Funds get taped for around $600 to make the battery charge and starter crank. Then the car goes down the road and lurches left or right when the brakes are applied or doesn't stop like the Tahoe. That is the $1200 hit to "fix" the brakes. Missus ain't happy. When the $600 radiator estimate comes in the hammer drops. Then the car is stored in the garage with fanged mowers and bicycles. The deep scratches are inevitable and the cardboard box set on the hood gets dragged across the paint.

Craigslist or Ebay? Which step next? Gotta get the investment back. Ever heard the quote "Those fools don't know what this car is worth. I'm not giving it away"? That is right before it moves from inside the garage to next to the garage. And mother nature starts taking it back. Cars dissolve in water (rain). When coming home from an evening out and the headlights catch the glint of chrome by the garage it becomes the unmentioned white elephant by the garage.

Avoid this by looking for nice clean running drivers at a fair market price. Here are the key questions:

1. Is the car licensed and insured now? No is the wrong answer.

2. How long have you owned the car? Less than 3 years, walk.

3. Have you done any major work on the car? "No, not a nickel. It's been a great car." Guess who gets to fix everything they didn't?

4. Could you toss me the keys and let me drive it around the block, if I was there? Stuttering not accepted.

I have been smiling the whole time I wrote this, remembering examples.

Most importantly- do as I say, not as I do.;)


Edited by 60FlatTop (see edit history)
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