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What did we ever do to Scott Adams?


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Guest GrabberOrangeBullit
Maybe a little twist from the Wizard of Oz is in order......"Pay no attention to the man behind the cartoon".

LOVE this!

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My wife was also insulted by it......because it was not actually a funny comic. She and I believe that the best folks in ANY hobby are the old car folks. Always willing to share and instill the preservation of our automotive history.

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Did I miss something, this is just a comic strip right? I was not offended in the least and in fact my first impression is that he is involved in the hobby somehow because only other enthusiasts can relate to hearing these sorts of comments about our "junky old cars." It honestly made me chuckle a bit from remembering similar situations where I validated the blood and treasure I pour into my own car to ignorant inquirers.

He was probably too busy playing with dolls as a child to develop an interest in cars. He may have been raised by his mother and may not be the most masculine kid on the block, if you know what I mean.... :confused: :confused: :confused:

Do you infer that he is gay and therefore has no interest in cars? This is an incredibly ignorant and uninformed statement if so. Is it possible you may have offended readers or members who are homosexual? I know many gay men and women who are lovers of the old car hobby, attend events, drive in rallys, own racing teams or are drivers themselves, very large collections of automobiles. Please educate yourself on the topic: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/02/automobiles/02LAMBDA.html?_r=0

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I just went to the original comic on his page and, if any of you are so inclined, Mr. Adams has made it so you can easily alter his comics to say whatever you like. You can also tell him what you think in the comments under each strip. You do have to register first but it looks simple and free.

Look for the "Mash" button under the comic strip, then click "punch this strip" to add a new punch line. Again, I didn't find the comic offensive but it would be fun to see what some of you guys come up with as a retort.

Have fun: Dilbert comic strip for 02/11/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.

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Guest GrabberOrangeBullit
I just went to the original comic on his page and, if any of you are so inclined, Mr. Adams has made it so you can easily alter his comics to say whatever you like. You can also tell him what you think in the comments under each strip. You do have to register first but it looks simple and free.

Look for the "Mash" button under the comic strip, then click "punch this strip" to add a new punch line. Again, I didn't find the comic offensive but it would be fun to see what some of you guys come up with as a retort.

Have fun: Dilbert comic strip for 02/11/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.

Finally...something witty from Mr. Adams. Kudos for the smart move. This is a great way to avoid the schrapnel/accountability for further resurrecting old cars to be the cheap target of politicians who cant get anything else done.

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