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Getting Familiar with the new ride

Terry Bond

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I'm sure a lot of folks have gone through this before, but we've not often acquired a vehicle so ready to use as our new 1948 MGTC. It was an acquisition from a fellow club member so we knew it was a great runner and a sweet looking car. Before that, we knew the previous owner from the MG club. We've also got a ton of documentation, receipts, letters, photos, etc. from it's restoration and enjoyment over the years. Still, we need to get to know more about the car and the "personality" of the MGTC. It's a lot different from our B, which we ground-up restored. This one really doesn't need much restoration, just some tinkering and cleaning. We're giving it some time and not tearing things apart as it's just too nice and we want to drive it (a lot!). It's Susan's car and we've already got one of hers currently in midst of restoration so not anxious to start flinging parts all over the garage.

I guess we will just get to know the car, which is a lot of fun and a great education. Had a good TC friend over yesterday and we went for a ride, listened to some of his stories about how to fix some of the more common problems one can expect to encounter, and learned a bit about what needs replacing and how to do it. Lots right on this car, but we do want to start a flea market shopping list of stuff to look for. Spotted a few things like missing rubber cushions between rear fenders and fuel tank panels, proper clips for crank (and the crank itself, which fortunately is a repro item), etc. Got some items circled in the Moss catalog but I know we'll be on the lookout for some other bits and pieces and it'll be like a lot of driven vehicles - enjoy while we tinker.

For those in similar situations, what has been the process you used with a new acquisition? We're having fun, and are confident we're not going to do anything wrong with so many friends close at hand who have and know these cars well.

Tell us about your experiences with "new acquisitons"


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Congrats Terry!!! These keep bubbling back up to the top of the want list for me as well... I think the TC has fantastic porportions - part of the fun of each new acquisition is learning about it for sure!

Stating the obvious here, you will want to venture out beyond this forum. MG Experience has a pretty good T series section, I am sure their are others. Join a marque specific club - which you likely already belong to but that has always been a smart move for us, and where the knowledge is an email or phone call away.

Looking forward to hearing about your driving experiences for sure. :)

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Congratulations Susan and Terry.

You will have a ball with that TC! I can see the smiles all the way from here.

I loved the 1948 MG-TC I had back in New Jersey in 1965-1967.

Having been a member of the New England T-Register, and also a member of the North Jersey MG Car Club, there was a fair amount of experience for help, but I rarely had any problem, other than carb adjustment. Ours was of course the XPAG type, and as I recall, the serial number was #4749. At some time it had been repainted black, and additional tail lights had been added high on the rear body (possibly '39 Chevy style). I like the color on yours better! So does Dale!

See you in Philly,


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Yes, the color is striking. I'll never forget the first time we saw it pull into a car show around here. Jaws dropped. Glad to have the chance to get one we've admired so long and it does illustrate the great thing about AACA, so many fantastic cars change hands between members who just want to give them a good home knowing they will be preserved and enjoyed by many folks. We have been long term fans of the MG experience forums and have posted quite a bit there, mostly about our MGBGT. Now we are indeed venturing out. Susan has already joined a couple of TC specific groups and we are looking at some of their discussion forums. It'll help greatly. One nice thing about these cars is the tremendous following they have. I guess enough have survived that it keeps interest up and that means parts availability isn't too bad, if you are willing to pay the price. Unlike the MGB there were fewer of the made so original stuff isn't that easy to come by though, and while find a good supply of good original stuff, even NOS for the MGB, the TC is a different animal. I'm amazed at the similarity between this car and our 1935 Morris 8. The TC of course was reissue of pre-war just after the war ended. It took them a few years to retool and bring out a series of newer and updated cars. To us the TC represents a real piece of history - sort of the last off the pre-war styiling and mechanics. I'm finding out a lot of them are now being restored for the second (maybe third) time so there are a bunch of folks out there trying to solve technical issues, etc. I'm sure we'll learn a lot as time progresses, meantime we can enjoy it. Yes Marty - we're all smiles here, and Wayne, have you ever seen me in my genuine Scotland wool driving cap with bulldog pipe smoking away? I even have a little silver hip


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