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Guest Grant Magrath

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Guest Grant Magrath

Here's a link to the USA's rugby world cup page. They're in New Zealand right now for the Rugby World Cup. Playing Ireland first up. For the uninitiated, rugby is like football with no padding or helmets, and you're not allowed to pass the ball forward to someone. There may be a couple of other rules in there as well!



Official RWC 2011 Site

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Sorry mate, Have to disagree with you there old cobber.

Real Australians and real men play Rugby League. (and drive old Buicks too :):))

Sing it guys :

Playing rugby league football, it's the greatest game of all !!!;)

And here we are bringing back the BIFF !


Edited by danhar1960 (see edit history)
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Guest Grant Magrath

I guess it could be if you're not a fan. I still like to try and get out there and have a run with the Woodend Golden Oldies. ;)



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Guest Grant Magrath

You're right there Stuart! Buicks can unite cane toads and cockies, NFL and NRL, and Kiwis and Aussies. You gotta love that!



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Guest Grant Magrath

We're infesting everywhere. That'll teach you for paying better and having a good climate.

Speaking of infiltrating other countries, just watched a trailer for a new sitcom called How To Be A Gentleman with Rhys Darby in it. Trouble is, most people think he's an Aussie!



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Trouble is, most people think he's an Aussie!



We have been known to claim the good ones that come from over there as our own. Russell Crowe, Crowded house...........................

Oi Grant,

Did I hear rightly yesterday ????

I had a radio on in the background in the factory and thought I heard there is going to be a "Hug an Aussie day" over there on Thursday.

Strewth !!! I'd be a bit careful there old mate. Depending on who you tried to hug, it could very quickly turn into "Thump a Kiwi day" :):):)


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This is off topic ( both Buick and Rugby!! ) but a story I have enjoyed repeating many times.

Back in the early eighties ( last century ) I was in Wellington extraditing a felon back to Western Australia ( who was actually an American ). One morning while slowly waking ( after some exceptional KIWI hospitality the previous evening ) the radio alarm came on and there was some banter by the local DJ about the record numbers of KIWIS heading off to Australia for the " good life ".

He went on to say record numbers of KIWIS had migrated to Australia in the previous 2 years and it been noted that the average IQ level in both countries had subsequently risen as a result.

It took awhile for the penny to drop but I had to pay that one - although maybe the DJ was an Aussie ex-pat!!!

I probably should have been insulted but thought I could let that one slip through to the keeper - after all the long term Queensland Premier at the time was a bloke called Joe BJELKE-PETERSON and guess where he was born.

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Guest Grant Magrath

Nice one Stuart!

I remember that. The DJ (a noble occupation if I say so myself!) pinched that phase from our old Prime Minister, Rob Muldoon, AKA, "Piggy". He was using it in reference to the underarm bowling incident I think.

Sir Joh! There's a blast from the past! I always remember Rodney Rude giving him and the Queensland police grief in the 80's. Saw him live at the Benowah Tavern on the Gold Coast.

BTW, Manly or Warriors this weekend?



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Guest Grant Magrath
We have been known to claim the good ones that come from over there as our own. Russell Crowe, Crowded house...........................

Oi Grant,

Did I hear rightly yesterday ????

I had a radio on in the background in the factory and thought I heard there is going to be a "Hug an Aussie day" over there on Thursday.

Strewth !!! I'd be a bit careful there old mate. Depending on who you tried to hug, it could very quickly turn into "Thump a Kiwi day" :):):)



You Aussies have been getting a bit of stick over here because of a certain Quade Cooper, unfortunately, one of our exports. Hug an Aussie Day shouold sort things out!



Go Warriors!:D

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Guest Grant Magrath

Fair enough then. I used to follow the Broncos until the Warriors came along. Only because I'd spent so much time in Qld.

And, so our American friends don't feel let out, GO TEXANS!!!!! 2 from 3 so far, with the Steelers next. Bought our 39 coupe front bumper off eBay from a great guy in Houston, who got me on to the Texans. There's the Buick link!



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You guys looked good against Fiji Roland! Danny, what happened with the Australia - Ireland game?



This recently intercepted email explains it all !! :):):)


Dear Robbie

Congratulations on reaching your 50th Test as Coach of the Wallabies.

Can I start by saying what a choice job you’ve been doing since you first started working for the New Zealand Rugby Football Union (NZRFU) in 2008.

It has been a long-term task, but the plan to ensure the All Blacks win the World Cup at home in 2011 is coming together perfectly.

My idea of getting you to be hired by the Australian Rugby Football Union (ARFU) as their national coach and then sabotage the Wallabies from within, in my own modest opinion, was an absolute masterstroke.

While our plan had many doubters, I always knew in my heart that the Australians would fall for it.

After reaching 50 tests as “their coach” on the weekend, I think its only fitting to mention what I think is your top 10 sabotage highlights to date:

1.Losing to Ireland

2.Giving Rocky the captaincy of the country he hadn’t played for in over two years, then stripping it off him right before the World Cup.

3.Losing to Scotland.

4.Not even getting close to winning the Bledisloe Cup back.

5.Not picking a backup for Pocock in the World Cup squad.

6.Never using the Wallaby bench effectively.

7.Not having a back-up game plan.

8.Using words like “contest, willing, collision, contact-zone, adaptation” to describe rugby.

9.Losing to Samoa.

10.Winning only 54% of all your games as coach of historically one of the most successful teams in Rugby.

I can’t believe after all this they then extended your contract for a further two years?!?!?!

How they didn’t work out our plan after you coached them to 10 Bledisloe cup losses in a row is full credit to you and were all very proud of you back at home.

Well done once again and as planned we’ll see you at Ritchie’s after the World Cup to celebrate pulling the wool over the Aussies' eyes.




:eek::eek:And I thought you were only joking. :eek::eek:


(in jest of course)

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Guest Grant Magrath

And now Radike Samo on the wing! It keeps getting better! For the benefit of our American friends, it's like a defender playing wide reciever.

Good thing it's only a game. I wonder if the Canadians and Americans give each other as much stick as we give to one another? ANZAC all the way!



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Guest Grant Magrath

Well, we've lost our star player to injury, but I think we can still take the Argentinians. Jeez, Australia-South Africa! That's a tough quarter final! Winner to hopefuly take on the All Blacks next week for a spot in the final. France-England should be interesting. Wales-Ireland promises to be a beauty as well. My mouth is watering!

BTW, Houston Texans have only dropped 1 game so far this season. Could this be their year?



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