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This is pretty interesting!!!


Buy it now price of $17.50 and P & H ( to Australia ) of $14.00

Bit of a concern that it's the April 2010 issue and very convenient the artistic way the photo has been taken means the date is not visible but, the advertised list of Board Member Candidates for 2010 is a bit of a hint.

Certainly makes annual membership of the BCA good value for money!

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The seller also has similar ads for the 1959 and 1960 issues of the Bugle.

Maybe the BCA should be selling back issues of the Bugle on Ebay to boost the budget. If they sell at the prices listed it would add a few $$ to the treasury.

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Good find Barney.

The typical ebay "marketing slogans" ;

This is the "big" Bugle and should not to be confused with the vintage "small" Bugle .

Whatever you are going to sell just replace the "Bugle" with your item name ie;

This is the "big" widget and should not to be confused with the vintage "small" widget .

Curious to know if he is a member or "garage saler"?

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As former editor of the Crosley Club magazine, The Crosley Quarterly, I always find it amusing to find past issues that I edited for sale on E-Bay, particularly since the same issues are still available from the club and at much lower prices that sellers on e-bay ask for them. You are correct however, that it is nice to see that at least part of the general public regards past issues of your publication as collectors items worthy of sale on an auction site. As to your club selling past issues, beware of keeping inventories of past issues as they become a ponderous amount pretty quickly!!! We have found a present system of keeping a minimum of surplus issues but everything electronically and reproducing as necessary. Our present editor (and Buick club member) has done an outstanding job of organizing this!!!

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

I am a not a member of the portholes chapter (I belong to the other one) but I have spoken with Phil Dayen , the gentleman who runs the back issues for their chapter and he has informed me in the past that he has several copies of each back issue of the Bugle.


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Interesting also to have a look at this sellers feedback.

Lots of happy people and lots of Buick Bugles being sold, at least 2 previous of the 1950 issue at $14.95 and $15.50 and at least 3 of the 1959/60 issues at prices up to $39.75.

I notice none of the eBay titles identify them as the Bugle - only RARE FIND - 1950 or 1960 Buick Memorabilia Literature. It's only when you open the advertisement you discover it is a copy of the Bugle.

I guess it's the old cop coming out in me but where does this vendor source his sealed copies of the Bugle? Does he hold 2 or 3 memberships to the BCA? or is he purchasing copies from the Pittsburgh Portholes Chapter at $20 for 5 issues and doing his own " value adding " exercise?

Actually went back a few more pages into this vendors feedback - there are many more listings for RARE BUICK Memorabilia Literature than I first realised, never listed as the BUGLE only " Rare Buick Literature ".

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I think the idea of the Buick Club selling back issues on Ebay is a great idea; they should open a store!

I wholeheartedly agree!

Selling BCA logo items would be a great thing as well....also allowing a higher visibility of the BCA to the younger generation. (i.e. those who shop on Ebay instead of via pony express.) :):D:D:D

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