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MrsEarls Yard sale


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MrEarl is in a selling mode. MrsEarl actually. :) Used the kitchen appliance account to buy the little Special with, now the warden is talkin about puttin me back in the honeydew patch again if I don't come up with a new refrigerator. :(

54roadmasters items - Get great deals on eBay Motors, Collectibles items on eBay.com!

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if you're biddin I need to add some more stuff.

let's see where did I put that inflatable doll.

hopefully if will be a firefight at the end as no one has bid on anything but the smudge pots yet. :confused: maybe my prices are high? well like pa always said, "Son you can always come down on a price but it's pretty tuff to axe for more."

good luck, mamma really needs a new fridge. our current one sounds like Talladega.:)

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"MrEarl is in a selling mode. MrsEarl actually...."

I did not realize that eBay still permitted the sale of wives on their site. After the four previous, I suppose I might be willing to spring for one more.


uhmmmm, I guess that could be read that way. Well let me clarify. Sweet Reet is not for sale. Wouldn't take anything for her, she's the joy of my life.

Wouldn't trade her for a Century 3 speed wagon, Skylark and Roadmaster convertible. Now throw in a Landau and I might give it a thought.

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hopefully if will be a firefight at the end as no one has bid on anything but the smudge pots yet. :confused: maybe my prices are high? well like pa always said, "Son you can always come down on a price but it's pretty tuff to axe for more."

Well, I think I want the antenna...I'm pretty sure the parts car doesn't have one. The problem is waiting for the last instalment on the new shop to come in and trying to CONvince the Boss to let me procure a certain truck has me sitting on my hands trying not to spend any money...not to mention it being a month before Christmas...sigh.

Excuses excuses. I know.

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I bid on the antenna, and nobody bid it up so I didn't win it, since it didn't meet the reserve. It only takes two people to start a bidding war!


Would you take emus for the model 68? I might be able to wrangle one or two up. I'd have to jump a fence, and probably end up with buckshot in my backside, but it's a chance I'd be willing to take...

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Now throw in a Landau and I might give it a thought.

NO, but might consider trading for a few goats or Emus

Jeeeez, I don't think I'll tell Rita you said that. Not because of what she would do to you but because of what she would do to me first for even suggesting I'd consider a trade in the first place. But you knew that before you said it din't ya.

Mike, if I had all the money that went with the Emus when they flew south I wouldn't have to be having a yard sale. You may be doing the folks with the emu's a favor if you snatched a few. Just look out for those 2 inch claws on their feet. and they can put a hurtin on you with their kick. BTW does anybody out Kerville way know Lonnie Longmire?

What doesn't sale is going back in the barn loft except the antenna, it will look good on DoraB. the market has really changed over the last 2 years, this stuff use to bring big bucks. Looks like I just need to pull out more smudge pots and barn lights.

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