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Limited Electrafication


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Well, once again, there is a poorly kept secret in these parts that Derek found himself yet another Buick. I picked her up and drove her home today...good thing because we are supposed to get some snow tonight and tomorrow.

She's a '75 Electra Limited two door hardtop...the longest 2 door Buick ever made. The previous owner bought the car from his brother-in-law a year or so ago after the owner had stored it for about 15 years and was told to get it out. The brother-in-law had bought the car used, but when it was only about a year or two old. She now has over 124,000 miles on her. I was told it was all original, but today I found some evidence of repaint, so I'll have to look a bit closer. She had a current Manitoba inspection, so all I needed to do was get the paperwork in order, pay the provincial sales tax (sigh), and pay the registration. After work, I walked to where it was located, put the plates on, drove her by a gas station to top up with fresh, non-ethanol gas, and brought her home.

I did have to arrange things a bit in the garage...with her and the Wildcat side by side, along with the '29, a 22'x30' garage seems a bit small.

The price was very right for a car that we could get in and drive. As an Electra Limited, she is pretty loaded up and quite comfortable. As it turns out, I received paint chips and a '75 brochure in the mail today as well.

On seeing her today, I'm seeing more "warts" than I noticed on first inspection about 2 weeks ago. That becomes a bit disappointing, but I'm still quite pleased. Warts allow us to clean her up a bit, then drive her and enjoy her. Of course, it also helps that she didn't cost much either. The down side (if you can call it that) is that it drives me one step closer to putting up another storage building at our country place.

Well, that's probably enough blathering...I'm sure I've left stuff out, but you could ask questions. She drove nicely enough, and in spite of her size, she isn't that much longer than the Wildcat, so it didn't feel bad...although the gas station was another experience altogether...why can't people park beside just one pump when they fill?










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Rob - it's a '75, not '76...of course I'd believe a typo is possible.

Thanks all. I've spent a lot more on cars that weren't as nice. I have some difficulty believing it has 124k miles based on the driver's seat and steering wheel, although the cushioned part of the driver's door panel is shot, not surprisingly.

A few of the things that will need attention...proper Buick centers for the wheels - the previous owner said there were a couple on it when he got the car, but they were in tough shape, so put on the Pontiac centers, hood ornament, air cleaner snorkel / tube, and repair driver's door lock. I'm sure there will be more things, but spring is just beginning to spring, so I have some time.

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Great looking Buick, Derek. It looks soft and comfortable inside. And I love the taillights. The back end is really stylish. I don't recall ever seeing a thermometer in the outside mirror. Is that an option? Is the engine a 455? Just 5 minutes at a car wash will make that engine compartment happy again. I bet your wife and kids are excited, too. Hey, you know you can tow your other Buicks with that, too. Wouldn't that be cool.

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Oh man! Looky that thing! I would predict you'll be Electra-fied by this driving experience.

I love the Rivs, and all Buicks too, but 2 dr Electra's are in a class all by themselves. Still miss my 69. What a great car!

Good luck with her.

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Roy - yes, the thermometer is an accessory and it is a 455. I would need / want a relatively lightweight open trailer to tow another Buick with though...the enclosed hauler is almost 5000 lbs on its own. The driver's seat is pretty comfy, based on the limited amount of time I've spent there so far...6 way power, although moving forward and back seems to need some help. I'll need to spend some time in it to see what is most comfortable.

She doesn't have every option, but she is well appointed. Of course, an Electra Limited came standard with a fair amount of stuff. It was set up for this climate, so has a block heater and rear window defogger. A/C, tilt, cruise, trunk release, PW, PL, and...most importantly...AM radio with 8 track. There is more, but I'm still getting to know her and some are not obvious visually.

JD - thanks. I enjoyed the drive so far, but only put on a few miles of city driving...we got some snow Wednesday, then it cooled off a bit, so it isn't quite gone yet...in another day or two the roads should pretty much be dry again.

Driving and enjoying the car is the primary plan for the moment. I don't have any big plans for her other than tidying things up a bit, giving her a once over, and trying to repair some of the little things and find missing bits like the hood ornament. Even that isn't a high priority...it certainly won't keep her tied up for long.

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Congrats on the new ride----- See, Like I told you some time ago--- you are clearly working your way to having a different driver for each month of the year !!! LOL!!

Just a quick note for you--- If you have a short list of things that you need for "The Duece"-- I will be attending the Annual BOPC Swap meet this weekend in Wheaton, IL- and can see if there is anything there for your short list--- Also a couple of Our Far NW suburban members are planning on attending also-- so things would have a way of being held and/or delivered 'til a later meeting date this year-- either in MN or Ames-- drop a line back before Sunday morning with any requests. Do you have 75 Dealer Service manuals?? There is always one particular vendor there that is heavy duty with tons of manuals for all GM dvisions of various years-- We can keep our eyes peeled, Just let us know.

Edited by dkbuick75 (see edit history)
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Guest wildcat465


You managed to find a 2 door Buick the whole family can ride comfortably in, sweet. Does the thermomomirror work or did it get warmer up dere?

If you drive it down in May, I will set the navigational buoys in the driveway so you can properly dock it, assuming you can get it around the corner and into the driveway with out having to back up at least once. :D

Even though the headlights are the small kind in this car, I do agree that the name should be Carmen.


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It was a nice day up here...the photo was also taken in the garage after getting her home.

Thank you for the use of your driveway...don't you typically get up stupid early that Sunday morning though? Last time I was there, I didn't get to bed very early as I recall. As for docking, it shouldn't be that bad...it really isn't that much bigger than the Wildcat. Mmm...Famous Dave's...I can taste it now.

Thanks for the chuckles.

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I spent a bit more time with the car today, taking some photos and digging around. It is a bit cool yet to wash it outside, but I really think that I can bring out the paint somewhat.

The glove box turned out to be a treasure trove, verifying that the car was sold new locally at Great Plains Automotive at 934 Portage Avenue here in Winnipeg. One down side is that the tires, which look decent, appear to be 20 years old. Also disappointing in looking more closely at the car, is that it was repainted in 1982 - there was a sticker in the glove compartment and I'd hoped it was perhaps just the driver door where I'd seen some overspray implying a repair, but I found evidence on the passenger door, hood, and rear of car as well. So, no class U for the Electra.

Having confirmed is as a Canadian car though, I can contact the GM of Canada archivist and should be able to verify the options on the car.

We'll start with some of what was found in the glove compartment. Happily the hood ornament is there. There is a kind of spring loaded wire that conceivably could be used to hold the hood ornament down. Does that make sense? Or am I going to have to look for an assembly?











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Guest wildcat62

I still say it looks like an aircraft carrier. :D

Great find, and especially neat finding all the brochures in the glovebox.

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Guest wildcat465
I'm not a particularly patient man.

You keep spending all that time playing with your new aircraft carrier, Suzanne may make you a patient. :eek:

Good to see Kris making you slip into your native dialect though. :D

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Take off, eh.



Dontcha know?

Nice land yacht Derek! Love to see the original paperwork show up with the car.

Sucks about the repaint....I always wanted a "survivor", but have never found one that quite makes the cut. Almost always a repaint, especially here in the rustbelt.

What are you driving to Ames?????

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Guest wildcat465
So I can join you on the short bus?

Everyone can join me on the short bus!

You can't ride my inflatable or homemade one.

We can't use the one that needs service.

We could jump on the new pimped out one...

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Guest wildcat465
So I can join you on the short bus?

How about the the lowered one?

Or the one that still needs some work?

We need to be careful about who is already on the bus.

Amazingly, many seem to want to join me and the bus may look like this.

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Guest wildcat465
So I can join you on the short bus?

We could go off road.

We go go up the creek, watch out for banjo's though.

We could ride the flamed one.

I guess I would rather drive the last one.

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Guest cardinal905

Nice car Derek, more cars than garage space>>I resemble that remark. Just do it--build that shed, buy all the tools you have ever wanted and worry about paying for it later>>maybe we will get a bailout ! I look forward to seeing the wagon in Ames, I have been wanting a sleeper !

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Holy cow, where have I been and how did I miss this news. Nice Electra man. If space becomes too much of a problem, just drive the 63 Special into the Electra and park it in there. May have to let the top down, but it should fit.

Congratulations buddy!!!! Suzanne will look good in that!

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Well, I think Suzanne looks reasonably good anywhere, but I may be biased.... She may need to borrow your chauffeur's hat in Ames as she'll be driving that and if the kids don't behave in the back seat, there's plenty of room in the trunk...probably too much, they'll probably start up a soccer game or something.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Dan Cook

I think I might have been following Mr. Earl around because I forgot that you were getting the Electra. Great looking car. It's a shame it has been repainted but I'm sure it will get attention at Ames.

I was hoping to be at Ames with my Electra but it's just not in the cards. Mine is a survivor but I think I might get the drivers seat redone since the stitching in the leather is coming apart.

Again, nice car and remember, if times get tough you can always make a few extra $$$ hauling migrant workers in the trunk.:cool:


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Guest wildcat465

OK Derek, I have strapped the fenders on the dock and hired a pilot to bring her into the driveway when you get here on May 1st. :D

By the way, you will probably hitting a lot of bugs on the way down. Have you found a bra big enough for Carmen (the) Electra? Hee hee hee.

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You guys.

Freedom is preferred over a restrictive bra...at least there should be fewer bugs at this time of year as compared to the trip to Ames...I think Suzanne may have to follow the trailer in the Electra to let the truck clear a path.

Dan...who needs migrant workers? I'll probably just get a trunk monkey.

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Really, it isn't that big...it's not much heavier than my '52 Roadmaster and it is in the garage with the Wildcat right now and seeing them side by side, it isn't a drastic difference...yes the Electra is longer, but not by leaps and bounds.

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