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For those of us North of the Mason/Dixon line things are getting a bit crabby here, including myself (and a few here here on the forum too).

If I don't get that 63 on the road soon I'll look like Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein ( I mean Fraankensteene) .

I'm going to need a "SEDAGIVE" so I won't be "ABBYNORMAL".

I think tonight I'll dig out the DVD and setup a lawn chair in the TV room.

Anybody else "Stir Crazy"??????????


Edited by RICK YOUNG (see edit history)
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You should complain...... in Central Texas where the weatherman reminds us every day that the average for this time of year is 60, today at 7:00 am we had 34 degrees and huge snow flakes. At 10:30 they are still coming down and the weatherman says it might continue until dusk.

I departed Indiana in 1965 to go further south... to St Louis, then Lexington, and Austin I thought I was clear of the cold.

Attached picture was taken about 7:30 but you cannot see the size of the flakes


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Guest mgibson

It's everywhere! We had eight inches here in north central North Carolina about three weeks ago, it still hasn't all melted away and more is predicted for tomorrow.

Here's a picture of one of my non-Reatta cars covered in snow.


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Strange year. We haven't had ANY snow since January 15, but guess that is going to change tonight, tomorrow and Thursday. However, they're saying we'll start out as snow and change to rain due to east wind coming off the ocean. I expect whatever we get will just be a minor inconvenience. The ski areas 50-60 miles north of me are expecting 1-2 feet.

As for cabin fever, the only thing I wish is that I had my own garage so I could drive my cars - 72 Ford & '71 Buick - during the winter when the roads are clear. I store them at a fellow Rotarian's storage facility. Won't be able to get them out until the end of April.

Edited by John_Maine (see edit history)
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Guest wildcat465

Ah yes, spring, the time when all is well again. I just shoveled a foot of snow out from the door of the pole barn, just to get in. Fell down three times on the way back cause it is 18-20 inches deep in the yard and now my boots are pushing through to the bottom. Thank goodness the Riv is in the attached garage and is warm, just pulling stinky carpet out of it.

Yes, sure would be nice to open the door and breathe some fresh air.

"A riot is an ungly thing... undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun. "

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:mad: Rick,

I think it's catching, but won't know for a few more hours till the weather you send us over from Iowa to central Illinois gets here. I'm at least getting along with my Toro snowblower, and my daughter down in Dallas is recovering from the same thing but we have'nt had problems talking to each other on the phone. Of course, she's a nurse and used to grouchy old guys like me!

:) kaycee

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Guest wildcat465

Derek, you don't need get a car ready, just buy one down here, fly down, enjoy the show, drive home.

How easy is that? Easier than a "Boot to the Head" I say. :D :D :D

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We're in the mid-60s with bright sunshine each day, with overnight lows in the 40s.

In 1968 I drove south from New Jersey with a snowshovel tied to the roof.

Met a pretty gal, went driving---

A gas station attendant asked "What's that thing up there, Mister?"

I decided I loved New Orleans.

Edited by Marty Roth
typo (see edit history)
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After a day of watching it snow in Austin, I must say it is pretty, wouldn't want to see it all the time, but once every 10 years is plenty.

Of course, the talking heads on the TV will make a big stink about it...

Awe come on now Bill! It's only three weeks until the AACA Sentimental Tour in Kerrville. Please don't tell me we're going to leave yesterday's balmy 40 degree weather here in SOUTH Central Florida for 40 degrees three weeks from now in Kerrville. I always heard it was hot in Texas! I can't immagine 40 degrees anymore in my 1939 Buick 4-door convertible. Maybe I should have registered my sedan.

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