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Thanks from the truck guys!


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Not meaning to rub it in..... but....

Several people that I know that have used an automatic backup have each had a horror story about it failing to do what they thought it was doing.

It is not very efficient use of space, but I have two different drives. Every file that I want to keep, I save on one drive.... and then "save as" on the second drive. If you get in that habit, it is simple and pretty easy to always have a backup copy.

Glad you were able to recover your data.

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My backup drive is working fine, i just didn't realize it wasn't backing up my external drives. I have now moved all my photos onto my internal drive, and have subscribed to an online backup service. So, I am now backing up my backup, which also allows me to access my computer from a remote location and computer.

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Cool Farmall! :cool:

Really good work for, I'm assuming here, an amateur photographer?


A Green Farmall! :eek:

Back here in the farm country where I grew up that is sac relig. :rolleyes:

Farmall's are Red, John Deeres are Green. Still a nice truck though. ;) Dandy Dave!

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The postal mule must have fallen and broken his leg as I still don't have my copy

Sorry, Bob. The mule is "alive and well", as he

has already made it to northern Alabama and

he continues to head further south. Maybe your

carrier is a "gear head".

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Well another day has come and gone and still no magazine although those around me have received theirs. I am starting to wonder if one was sent with my name on it (and yes I have renewed my membership :) )

Guess I will have to call headquarters Monday and see what is going on. :rolleyes:


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Bob, there is no rhyme nor reason about the postal service. Sometimes there will be several days between magazines being delivered in adjacent neighborhoods. As I understand it, The postal regulations allow delay of things other than first class mail by the mail carriers. If they have a heavy volume of mail on your individual route, your magazine might stay in the post office and not go out until your route carrier has a lighter volume day. Sometimes my friends and I receive our magazine the same day and sometimes they are several days apart. Hope you get it soon.

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The USPS allows for 20 days for 2nd class mailing before they feel it is a problem. This past issue we looked at about 20 late deliveries or non-deliveries and in every case the label was correct, the magazine was sent out and the copy did get to the USPS distribution center. However, that becomes a dead end for us as we do no know if it then fell out of a truck, was damaged, lost, being read by a fan or magically just disappeared. A bit frustrating but think about sending out 34,000 letters the same day at your local post office. Do you think they all will get delivered?

Glad you guys look forward to getting the magazine. We are proud of our great editor, the wonderful stories you are giving us, YOUR great vehicles and the job our printer is doing for us!

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