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R W Burgess

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I've been informed that I need to go back to school and pick up that English class that I evidently missed (Excellant??) :confused::)!!!


What the forums do not have Spell Checking??

Seriously, Thank you Peter for adding the Meet/Tour Forum.

If there comes a time when you need another Moderator to help with the Forums, let me know.

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I've been informed that I need to go back to school and pick up that English class that I evidently missed (Excellant??) :confused::)!!!


Wayne, when I was attending the police academy, I had an instructor telling the importance of spelling. He said that if you had an accident and the fender was laying in the middle of the Boulevard and you couldn't spell Boulevard?? Kick the fender off of the highway and then write, "Fender in ditch.":D:D:D (true story)

In this case when you're having trouble spelling Excellent, spell it G-O-O-D:eek::eek::D:D:D

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"Excellent" is "Better than Good" The Hillbilly dictionary lists it as "More Gooder," or "Goodest" depending as to what degree you are seeking in the case at hand. :D Used in a sentance. "That's more gooder there boy." Or, "Why that there be the goodest of all." :D

Advice from a guy who repairs stuff in Speedos so that there is no chance of scratching the paint. :cool: Dandy Dave!

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.................Advice from a guy who repairs stuff in Speedos so that there is no chance of scratching the paint. :cool: Dandy Dave!

OH! The eyes, the eyes! :eek:

I can't get that picture of that man in the hotel pool out of my head!!!!:eek:

The eyes!!!!!:D


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