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Pete wrote an article in the Sept. Bugle, 'Hot Topics', and as I sit here this morning as I do every morning, looking at the 'Buick Forum', I just couldn't hold it back. His article is an UNDERSTATEMENT if there ever was one. This FORUM has to be about the best thing that has came about since SLICED BREAD. You 'oldies' have heard that statement before, so, you know what I'm talking about. What brought this to mind was the AD from the fellow looking for a distributor, 640A, I have one, but, it has a different letter (Y) following the number. He asked if it would fit, I don't know, so, I posted the question for the members out there in cyberspace to answer, and, I'll betcha we get an answer. This forum is phenomenal. Thanks for listening to my ramblings, Paul

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My only 2 issues with the forum is the lack of opinions and input from many of our members. I spend way too much time on here, especially in mornings over coffee, or in the evenings instead of watching TV, so my post numbers are pretty high and I have changed my Forum registration once. I suspect I have posted over 5000 posts in the past 5-6 years.

So it would nice if some of the board members and others entrenched in the hobby were more active. It would be great to hear their opinions and knowledge on certain issues. We do not have the means to do statistics. My guess is that it's like a Bell curve though with a certain 10-15 members doing about 90% of the posts content. Where the Bell curve flattens out on each side there are some smart, interesting BCA and Buick folks I would love to hear from more often. and me less often.

The other is topic heading. I browse them and if the topic heading is too generic I can't really tell if I want to go in there and get involved. I try to make my headings as specific as possible then follow up with content.

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I Agree - Online forums can sometimes produce answers to seemingly difficult questions in just a few minutes. I'm sure as time goes on particiaption will improve.

Imagine what it would be like if more members were computer savvy enough to join in on a regular basis. The results would be phenomenal.

I'd be willing to bet a very small percentage of the BCA roster check in here. I know the ROA contributors are very tiny in comparision to the membership. Due to the demographics of the club it may take another 10 years before we start to see significantly more participation.

The traffic over at V8Buick.com is unbelievable. Just comparing the stat of most users ever online at one time they have had twice the amount the AACA forum does and the focus is smaller primarily on Skylark body cars. I could guess the reason is that crowd over there averages being a couple decades younger.

Anything that can be done to promote the use of this forum will surely help all involved.

Edited by JZRIV
spelling (see edit history)
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Technical posts:

Don't forget, not everyone knows enough about a topic to be able to post about it. There is a thread where somebody is asking about a 52 Super...I know 0 about a 52 Super...so I won't be posting anything on that one.

It does seem that those with the knowledge on the various tech topics do post, and quickly enough most times so that the originator gets their problem solved. I do prefer that folks aren't posting guesses at these kind of things....seen it , it's not pretty. Plus, those that are just reading these are gaining the knowledge for future reference. This is a good thing.

Non-Technical Posts:

Well, now here a lack of posts may indicate apathy, or just folks being a little shy. Could be people just don't have the time....who knows. Sounds like a good topic to research and find out why. Maybe start with a poll and see what kind of responses you get. I wouldn't be surprised that you find for most it's the time involved in keeping up on things. I'm on several boards, and I know time is a problem for me.

I must say I do like most of the content I see here, and I initiate topics very rarely. Actually I don't think I've ever started a topic. More posts by more people may be nice...if I can find the time to read them.

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Guest Buick Bonery

QUOTE I do prefer that folks aren't posting guesses at these kind of things....seen it , it's not pretty. QUOTE

Excellent point. I've had to erase a few of my own posts because I posted without checking the books first. We should all be very careful before we post, and never post under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. This has been a public service announcement.

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We should all be very careful before we post, and never post under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. This has been a public service announcement.

Well then, I guess I'm done :rolleyes:

The one thing that struck me about the article was the age of the posts relative to when I saw it in the Bugle (just a week or two ago). I like that Pete it trying to promote the forums, but the lead time involved in putting the Bugle together means the hot topics are dated. Granted, if someone comes here and has to go through a couple of pages to see the Hot Topic, perhaps they will see more that they like, or figure that it's a pretty active forum. However, some may get frustrated if they can't find what is being referred to, particularly from those who may not be entirely computer literate.

This is a valuable resource to me...I've made some Buickful friends here and it is always great to get together or meet at the National or other events. The technical knowledge here is a much better support for me than my local club (fewer Buick owners).

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So it would nice if some of the board members and others entrenched in the hobby were more active. It would be great to hear their opinions and knowledge on certain issues.

Jake, I do believe everyone of the Board members are on the forum. We answer questions and throw opinions in. Got something specific ?

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Guest sintid58

The first thing I do when I sign on to a computer is check this forum to see what is new. Sad isn't but what can I say I am an addict, Buicks and the BCA forum it could be a lot worse.

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Guest dcdpgh

Being relatively new at this I'm in the category of those who read and learn way more than I post. Compounding that situation is my narrow interest base (Riviera), although I do have an interest in Buick in general.

Despite not being an "active" poster, rest assurred I am on here reading several times a week, and have received much help and information over the past couple years. I can only hope to be able to contribute in a meaningful way as time goes on.

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The technical knowledge here is a much better support for me than my local club.

<* In the voice of Walter (of Jeff Dunham fame) *> "Then your club must suuuck!" :P

I dunno why Walter popped into my head there......

Anywho, all kidding aside, this is one cool thing about all the knowledge on-line....you can find many more people from all over that have the knowledge you need....far more than you'd probably find locally. Plus you get to find what may work in one area of the country, doesn't work in another area. Or that diamond in the rough store/vendor that has just what you need, but you never knew they existed. The plusses far outweigh the few downsides.

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Guest Hector

I have been visiting daily for a while and had posted a few questions and pictures.I am more active at V8Buick but as a BCA member,I decided to register here also and try to support the site.

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<* In the voice of Walter (of Jeff Dunham fame) *> "Then your club must suuuck!" :P

I dunno why Walter popped into my head there......

I enjoy Jeff Dunham, but missed him when he was here a while back.

The reason behind that comment is that the local club is a general / all marques club, so the specialized Buick knowledge just isn't there. There are some folks who do know a lot, but it isn't as easy to get an answer as here.

Hector - I used to spend a lot of time at V8Buick as well...until I started running shy of time. I really should get back there at some point.

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I wish we had more questions about 1914, and 1915 Buick's because most of my knowledge has been based on owning, and working on the car that I have. I guess there are not many left, therefore, not many questions are asked. I have a great general knowledge of mechanics and can often figgure out a problem in minutes if I am under the hood. But on line it can sometimes be very difficult to sort though a problem if you do not see it. I helped a fellow member with an early 20's Buick a while back. Mostly we were on line about it. He even brought the head to me to do a valve job, which I did, but he seemed reluctant for me to just come and see the car. The end result was that a leak in the exhaust was aimed right at the carburator intake and at high speeds the car would break up because the exhaust gasses were burning the fuel in the carb. If I was right there looking at it, I would have known what was wrong right away as I have seen this happen before in early engines. Tough to diagnose online without being there to see it. He finally figgured it out for himself, but it took him a lot of hours that would have taken me a matter of minutes. Sometimes it can be frustrating not being there to see the real thing. I guess that's why I am busy as a beaver in this bad economy. ;) Dandy Dave!

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