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Is this a DizzyLand car?

Dandy Dave

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This is what is called a car with "prominence". Not necessarily a real or original car, but it was once owned by a friend of a friend of a famous person. That makes it worth twice as much. It does have an original 1899 body although one of the photos is labeled "all new woodwork." Hummm? Makes you wonder what the rest of this dealer's inventory is like??

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Definitely an antique! I may have ridden in it in Yesterdayland when I went to Dizzyland 50 years ago.

I don't know if I believe the blarney about part of it being from a horse-drawn carriage or not, but there were a number of people who dabbled with building "replicas" of turn-of-the-century cars in the 50's. Some were home-built and some were actually manufactured somewhere, but the main theme was to use a lawnmower engine and then throw together something that looked kind of like a car.

Most of the replicas I've read about were based on Curved Dash Oldsmobiles. I think someone who decided to build an accurate replica of a circa-1899 car would have his hands full -- whether it was an 1899 Packard or a 1901 Locomobile. Can you imagine the work it would take to construct, say, a 1903 Cadillac from scratch, to the same standards as the original?

Maybe we should have an award similar to the Golden Raspberry Awards for worst acting: "Best Fake Car of the Year", "Worst Fake Car of the Year", etc. Any nominations from the floor?

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There was an amusement park near here in northern Ohio that had several of these that you could drive around on a track. They had 2 or 3 styles and some had front seat steering. The park closed last year and the cars were all sold. Most were well worn so I'm sure this isn't one of them. I'll bet the seller's opening bid would have bought all at the defunct park...including the track!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nice golf cart. </div></div>

Where's Tiger Woods when you need him??? blush.gif

It might sell faster if they listed it in the Golfing section. wink.gif Some rich old fool would have to buy it just to show up his buddies at the 19th hole. laugh.gif Dandy Dave!

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Guest elmo39

If my memory hasn't failed me to much in old age , i think you could get plans to build something like this out of the popular mechanic's magazine back in the late 50's -60's

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