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Exactly where’d it go again???


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My take on the general forum structure used here is very positive. There are two forms to me that have always stood out of all AACA forums, one being the General Discussion Forum and the other being the Our Cars and Restoration Projects forum. It is my belief that these two forms standout to initial visitors here and become a long term interest of many, which was the case for me personally but then maybe I’m not the norm (votes are not currently being solicited).

So anyway I’ve been away a bit due to some unplanned surgery (all is well) and when I finally stopped back by to check things out I noted that one of my favorite topics disappeared from the Our Cars and Restoration Projects, the topic in question being Dean_H’s 1929 Hupmobile Project. And yes I did see that a new Hupmobile folder was created, which is great, but for some reason someone must have decided that there was this nifty empty new folder it might be better to populate it with something, and low and behold this big ol’ project thread looked like a good candidate.

Now I may not be the brightest bulb, or the sharpest knife in the drawer which is why I am having a hard time trying to understand why the move was truly made. There sure are enough threads of many comparable topics that have corresponding folders, why would these still be left behind? Oh, wait, I’ve another question, if the folder topic is Our Cars and Restoration Projects why keep a thread of an ongoing restoration there? Did any other project articles/threads that also have their own existing folders have their threads moved? No? Dean_H, where you suppose to pay someone that did maybe forgot to or maybe you finally sent that offensive e-mail retort to that was building up that maybe you shouldn’t a had? Or maybe it was the fact that your entertainment value drew so much activity that it was distracting from the other member posts (don’t think so, but you and your stories really are pretty good).

Wait a minute, I better keep my eye on Barry Wolk’s activities before they too disappear or Harry J and his Chrysler or F&J’s Packard, TexRiv_63’s ’32 Cadillac. Oh, wait a minute that is a thread on his new car posted in the General Discussion forum, which clearly belongs in the Our Cars and Restoration Projects forum, but then again maybe it really belongs in the Cadillac forum. But you know what if it was posted to the Cadillac form we (collectively) most likely would not have seen it.

Ok, humor aside, there are core articles/threads within these two forms that should remain there indefinitely in my opinion. They are highly interesting, entertaining, informative educational and they span a multitude of skills, methods, cars and topics. I also believe that it is good to have a group of members/restorers here that have gained that Rock Star/Pageant Winner status in their own right here within the AACA forums from a creative/presentation standpoint. Maybe a sub-folder or sub-forum (how ever it would be phrased) would be a good thing to have within each of these two forums, something titled Greatest_Hits or Most_Viewed where any thread that has been viewed 5,000 or 10,000 or (??? some defined value) gets placed if the post has not been updated within a 30 day period.

Ok, so now I’m done thinking and typing, and my brain hurts… These thoughts are my own and have not been endorsed by any other individuals here within the AACA Forums, its members or staff. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


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Scott, I agree that the AACA Forum is the main Forum and the one I check in to read, if there is sonething of interest. The "What is It" is another favorite. Once a topic is moved to the basement I never see or read it again. I find it interesting to read about a unique vehicle in the AACA Forum and would think it would appeal to first time readers as well. Once it is added to the Thrashwell 6 Forum only the 3 Thrashwell owners will be reading it. This is MY OPINON, and you can deside what that is worth.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Scotts_DG8</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Ok, so now I’m done thinking and typing, and my brain hurts… These thoughts are my own and have not been endorsed by any other individuals here within the AACA Forums, its members or staff. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


</div></div>Scott, this is why there's so little car discussion here. It takes less then a minute to keep up anymore. Once a topic gets moved how much time do you really want to waste looking for it? Dumb jokes and old news takes top billing.

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Follow this LINK for the reasoning behind the new Hupmobile Forum. As far as the restoration thread movement, I assume that was by request also, as it was pertaining entirely around the Hup. As least it won't get lost in a more active forum. I usually mark my most viewed forums as "My Favorites", which sends me right there with just one click.

Hope that helps!


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Guest Dean_H.

Just to clarify, I didn't make any requests. I personally liked it better where it was. But, I'm grateful there are people who have spent the time and effort to moderate and maintain a forum such as this. It must be a lot of work and I'll certainly live with they're decisions.

My restoration thread is my first attempt at such a thing, and I have found it quite enjoyable. Some people have told me what a hassle it must be to take pictures and post etc. It really isn't much trouble at all, I keep the camera close by, and snap a few pics now and then. The viewers of the forum keep me motivated and my project is getting done. Hard to beat, life is good. smile.gif

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I'm guilty. In a fit of enthusiasm I moved it to the new Hupmobile forum. I'll move it back.

In my defense though... yes, the "General" forums are certainly a starting point in this forum, but 75% of all posts are in the "other" forums.

Consider venturing down there occationally... lots of great stuff going on down there!

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Guest Dean_H.

Thanks for moving it to restorations, seems like the best place to me.

Wayne, I checked out your newsletter... so you're an old Fort Ord guy. I'm also pretty fond of Planet Ord. My Dad worked there from the late fifties to about '92. As a kid in the seventies I'd go with him to work and remember how well the Army maintained the facility. It was heart breaking to see the buildings fall into disrepair after the Army left. Not just the barracks and warehouses, there were whole neighborhoods of single family homes abandoned.

I'm part of a metal detectorist, volunteer group who assist law enforcement in evidence recovery. We've gone out to Fort Ord a couple of times. On one incident the bad people broke into an abandoned house where they tortured their victim to death. The fort is not patrolled, and the cities are awfully slow on taking over.

On the brighter side, the Fort Ord airport is available for general aviation. I've landed there a few times. It's a beautiful runway.

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I posted a good piece a while back on making Axles for my 1915 Buick and it was still getting hits from time to time until it disapeared off of the edge not all that long ago. This was something of interest to a large group that probably should have been saved but was not.

With that said, I also understand that a lot of information goes though here and not all of it can be saved or there would be no storage room for new stuff.... whistle.gif Dandy Dave!

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You know, I think that I see the true issue here. I’m a bit on the older side, ok maybe more mature would be the better spin on that, but I do realize that over the last number of years I can easily fall into (and prefer?) a common routine. It makes no difference how change is presented to me, self inflicted or forced upon. The sooner that I can make the action common and repetitive I can fit it into my day, week or wherever it may fall the smoother things appear to go and there is more time to grow the enjoyment. What does all that mean? Inpatients begets cranky begets crotchety??? Solution? Try to be more open to change? Ok, maybe… frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif

My cheese got moved and things did not fit according to my interaction with the site and its forums. I did not want to take time to scan any number of folders here looking for those gems because I was happy knowing where to find my favorite artist. Again, trust me I’ve got a good feeling I’ve only been exposed to a small group of the number that I might find on this site so even though I’ve called out a handful of name earlier I’m sure as time goes on I’ll many many more. One artist here forced me early on to scour the site looking for details on a bit of art that was put together a while back, and just to give the object and the artist credit it was the Toybox Trailer created and documented by Barry Wolk. I was just blown away buy the original creation and then the rebuild (sorry bout the accident Barry), it was some great reading, and yes even his little venture into the creation of a simple parts cleaner was entertaining. These the type of artist that exist here and the Our Cars and Restoration forum is their land.

I am thankful though that the article had been moved back and appreciate any/all supporting comments to that end. I’ve read numerous replies to many threads and understand and agree with the comment that these documented threads are truly motivational. And, F&J that is a cool Nash and when completed will be just that much cooler. And, 1DandyDaves I saw the note and will be out checking out your axle efforts. Same point I tried to make earlier, there really are a lot of creative people here and these threads do push some of use to go out and create our own magic. I too have an older Dodge DG-8 that will be seeing much more attention when things warm up around here, and the reason why?, because I want to post my own thread showing what I too can do and learn to do.

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