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Xander Wildeisen

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Everything posted by Xander Wildeisen

  1. I have worked on those wiring systems before, you just need to know how they work. To get spark for starting, you must put on the turn signal to the right, open the glove box to turn on that light, hold down the horn button while tapping on the Amp gauge. This will complete the connection for starting the car. To get the turn signals to work, again the glove box light needs to be on, and also the dome light. And while tapping the Amp gauge, you must also shut down the engine. This will complete the connection for that system. If you are wanting to drive the car, and use the turn signals, I am not sure what to do?
  2. It will look good, The outside should have a nice vintage custom look. With the chop, stretch, car fenders and trim along with the two tone Packard colors and white wall tires. The sand blasted boards in the bed will give it a different look as well. Inside will have a modern vintage look, I think the two can be blended and turn out nice. But you are right about center consoles. Dashes are another thing that can kill the look of an interior. So many are stripped of the trim and styling to make them smooth. And all it does is make it look cheap. You can have to much, and you can have not enough. Styling choices are what sets great customs apart.
  3. They have others out there for street rods. Those ones came with the power windows. I will get different ones when the interior is done.
  4. I would hang the boards the way you want them to go. Place some of the knot holes in spots that you can have some fun with. A glass eye in a few of them will get people doing a double take. Hang some car art over a few, cord/hose reels over some. Place the worst behind benches. Have fun with it, make it eclectic . Those are the best shops when they are different and unique. If working in there, fire hazards with wood would be my concern. You got the stuff at a good price, make it unique. And if the Cord is in your way, you can store it here. Just trying to help.
  5. We have a couple un-restored old cars inside, and our 08 Dodge mega cab outside. The old cars have paid their dues outside.
  6. Here is the rest of the wood grain. Setting up the center console. Garnish rails around the front windshield are done, just not in the picture. Leather tone will match the steering column and heater box.
  7. The picture was taken at a house that we rented. I had a room mate at the time, over the fence you see to the right was a 1958 Imperial, 1952 Hudson Hornet Hollywood HT, 1961 Plymouth Fury HT, and a 1937 Terraplane Coupe. And my driver at the time, A 1972 Chevrolet super C20. The House was owned by ACHD, Ada County Highway Department. They bought all of those houses, and turned them into rentals. After we moved out, they moved all of the houses back there and did the Fling Y project. Freeway project. The freeway is now where that house used to be. About 40 feet behind that house was a chain link fence. You could jump the fence, and you would be hit by a car doing 70 before you landed on the ground. You can see it in the background. There was no heat what so ever in the garage. Every night after work, I would go out there and work on my goal of starting/building a custom car shop. Thousands of hours spent freezing or sweating your butt off in that garage. And in other garages as well over the years, I was even building a car in a storage unit when I was 19. A lot of work over the years. Some of you Vets might like the bug screen on the 72 Chevrolet. I bought it from the original owner, 402, factory air, 400 turbo. Great truck only one scratch in the bed. 61,000 miles, mint. If you look close at the bug screen you will see "kill roy" in the center looking over the top of it. The guy I bought it from was a WW2 P61 Black Widow fighter pilot. The only person who got very emotional when selling a car to me. He had to sell it, he could not drive anymore. It meant so much to him, that I left the "kill roy" on there. Great guy, had some great stories.
  8. By the way, in the third picture you will see some Hudson hoods on the wall. Every Thursday, is free hood Thursday. Swing by and have a beer (just got a new keg of Octoberfest) and go home with a Hudson Hood.
  9. Yes I do like the picture. I to,too,two (one of them is right) remember 1997. It came right after 96, if memory serves me correct. I was 24 years old, and flush with Hudson trucks as well. Over the past 22 years, there has only been a six month stretch that I did not have a Hudson truck, those six months were tough times. It has been a/an interesting ride over the years. Back then I wanted to have a custom car shop, Wild Iron Classic & Custom Cars was going to be the name. You see my last name Wildeisen, when you translate it means Wild Iron. Over the years, with hard work, I was able to make that happen. But it has been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruse. (that is Queen) So we will see what happens next, I hold out hope that the car scene around here will be looked at. And it will make it a better place for young people wanting to get involved in the classic/custom car scene. To/too/two many people around here involved in this hobby/trade/industry have been spun out, and harmed by what people behind the scenes do to small businesses. And I hope a conversation in this State takes place about what small businesses have to deal with. But enough about that, what ever is going to happen. I will be driving a Hudson truck with a smile on my face, knowing I did the right thing. I took these pictures this morning for you Bernie, if you get your "car show hero" website up. I just might send you some finished pictures.
  10. A English teacher? No wonder you are picky about spelling. You would have loved me as a student.
  11. You just have to turn that last corner at the right time.
  12. http://forums.aaca.org/topic/280874-sad-but-true/#comment-1509746
  13. It would still have to be the air born Hudson. I shake my head every time I think about it. ( read the post "sad but true" for the story)
  14. A lot of aircraft hangers will not let you store other stuff in there. Or people would buy/rent them, and people with air planes would have no where to put their plane. We do not have a moisture problem in Idaho, just a lot of dry skin conditions.
  15. Condensation has nothing to do with a car being in a trailer. A trailer full, or empty will be exposed to the same conditions.
  16. Every place is different. I think some time things go on and people do not stop and look around. I was born and raised here. I am holding out hope that the car scene will be look at in this area. A lot of lives have been destroyed by what goes on. People have said things are changing, we will see. I do not see how this area can avoid a conversation about the custom car scene. Over the years growing up here there were some great car guys with a lot of talent. And they all seemed to get spun out and driven out of business. I never paid much attention to it. Just choices the person made is what I thought. Greed is forced on shops, I have touched on it in other posts. Maybe it is the same in all businesses today, I do not know. But when people allow others to start pushing snow balls. It has a ripple that impacts others. I have said that people tried to collapse my business. This was tried not because of anything that I did. You say all good shops are busy. Could a shop that works hard, gets stuff done, charges a fair price, has great customer service and pulls in more people to the shows. Cause a problem on the car scene? What if a good shop rocked the boat. What if others wanted to own the shop, or the owner. I said in other posts that if you heard my story your jaw would drop. I question this State being a right to work State. We will see if this area wants to have a conversation this year. I am not negative, far from it. I hope things get looked at, and make it a better place for the young people wanting to enter into this hobby/industry around here. It has so much to offer, and so many great thing come from the cars. Some parts of the country are still working out the bugs. This place is going through some growing pains. Some old ways of doing things needs to go away. We will see if my phone rings, who ever is on the other end will find a great custom car shop.
  17. Here is a link to where the hobby has been going. Why would a person lie in a interview? Why would all the people involved in the shows watch it happen? Why would the 30-40 people at breakfast let the lie go? Why do people try to bring harm to people's businesses? Why would the major show give out awards when they know the truth? Why is it hard to get the youth involved in old cars? Why are so many talented people in this hobby/industry never seen? I can go on with my questions, but I think you get the idea. From what I can remember he did not build those cars, The two guys named did paint them. Wonder why the builder was not named? Well got to go back to work, and build something. http://www.idahopress.com/members/sweet-rides/article_698166de-86e2-11e2-af22-0019bb2963f4.html
  18. That is crazy, a funeral home? A top notch restaurant around here had the British car club show there last year. In one show, raised the bar for shows around here IMO. Hope they do more of them. It brought some class to the car scene. That is needed, I think people like nice things, and to have a nice setting to showcase the cars, brings up the level of interest. The burger joint car show has run it's course.
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