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Everything posted by Studemax

  1. You sure he wasn't the President of his local Studebaker Drivers Club Chapter?
  2. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The first idea for the Mako Shark Corvette concept was, unsurprisingly, canned with great haste. As was the individual who dreamt it up. </div></div> And then Larry Shinoda went to Ford and designed the Boss 302!
  3. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Do you count the original generation Viper? The roof did not fully retract, but there were no side windows (and no outside door buttons) </div></div> Gee, since we're not just talking about Packards anymore - let's include Cobras and Ferraris. (just kiddin')
  4. Buy a chance for a future classic? Not bad for $20.
  5. It's called riding in tandem. Today automakers would call it aerodynamic.
  6. Some of you might find this out of place, but during the heat of the meltdown, Rush Limbaugh suggested that (1) the government give the American People the money to pay their mortages and loans off - thus saving the banking industry, AND then (2) for Congress to buy all the cars & trucks not currently sold thus saving all the auto makers - and then selling off or giving away the cars as they liked. His figures estimates that doing these two things would have "fixed" the problems for less than the billions earmarked to save the economy.
  7. Studebaker underwent bankruptcy and re-organized in the 30's. Their President, Albert Erskine, was fired - he later committed suicide. They were the only auto company to survive bankruptcy during the Depression. In 1966, Studebaker Corp. simply stopped making cars, and continued doing business as one of the first conglomerates. Today it exists as a business leasing company - Studebaker Worthington.
  8. Many folks in the Studebaker Drivers Club use dryer sheets for mouse repellant. One or two under the hood, one each in front seat and back seat, two in trunk, and one in each exhaust pipe. Scatter them around the garage, too - if you like.
  9. Even back then Pontiac grilles were split.
  10. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Barry Wolk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Best of Show, and others. Winners </div></div> Funny, Barry - one page that we can't leave.
  11. I'd say it's a one-off, or a customized fiberglass body from one of many makers back in the 50's.
  12. Many of the Model A guys (and some Stude guys like me) installed a GM 1 wire positive ground alternator made in the Ozarks. Have one shipped for less than $100 to your house and install it. Works great - makes your 6V system "all systems go!". No more dim headlights while idling at the lights. Add an Optima 6V and your system will be bulletproof - start in any weather. No more polarizing the regulator when the battery runs down. OR - have your old genny reworked into an alternator for the stock look.
  13. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">But Matt. The pages have been "gently removed." That's got to make it all worth the extra money, eh?</div></div> Hey, some of those folks on evilBay are selling photocopies of magazine articles! Now they can make even more bucks with just one magazine.
  14. A 1957 Chevy body with all modern accoutrements would sell like hotcakes.
  15. Phil was a gentleman racer, but went like stink when the time was right. What a loss! Godspeed, Mr. Hill.
  16. I emailed Larry with Mr. Bolte's info.
  17. Anton Krivanik is heavily into foreign cars, and has shown lots of stuff. Can you post a better link?
  18. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sam Mann's Duesenberg. The white convertible coupe. Bohmann & Scwartz, I think. The other one was a Bugatti. Don't know which one.</div></div> NOT a Bugatti for the Euro choice - it was a 1927 Isotta Fraschini.
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