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Everything posted by Studemax

  1. The Studebaker National Foundation is one of the many organizations, corporations, and private citizens who support the McPherson College Antique Auto Restoration program. It's a great thing to do, and I'm glad to be able to support the school and its programs and students with donations through Studebaker Drivers Club, Intl., and my local chapter. Thankfully, their students are sure to be the future of the old car hobby. Keep it up, students! Hang in there, and make us all proud of the skills, abilities, and historical knowledge you are now keeping alive.
  2. Guys, it's not ruined 'til it's crushed.
  3. White shoes? Must have been a salesman.
  4. Can't help you with an answer, Tim - sorry about that. Please say "hey!" to students Nick Koehn and Steve Mazlanka from the Midway Chapter SDC in Wichita. Hope they are doing fine in their studies!
  5. There is a Jones 6 on permanent display in the Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum. I'm sure other info besides the car is available there for your research. They are open on the weekends during the day if you'd like to drive down.
  6. GUYS! Please DO NOT put your email addresses in the replys, spammers (or other baddies) can harvest them and send you loads of spam, then sell them to other spammers to start the process over. To send email messages to each other, click on the posters screen name, you'll see four options - use the "Send a PM" function to send a private message.
  7. Studemax

    Resto Rod ????

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The point I was trying to make is whether you would take a car in which you (given your user name) might have some personal interest and rod it or restore it?</div></div> Sorry, Matt - I didn't feel I had to hew to your idea of convention on the question. So to answer that question - I'd restore it. I like both restored and rodded if done well. I wouldn't take a very nice antique and rod it, but one in bad shape (rusty, bent, trashed, many parts lost) - then yeah, I'd rather rod it. Just because I'm not a purist doesn't mean I don't like a nicely restored antique. I've owned, enjoyed, and built both. I just can't help messing with holier-than-thou types, whether in the Stude, Packard, or whatever club. Life is short, and there's room for everybody - elitist snobs and rodders alike. Live, and let live, Matt.
  8. Studemax

    Resto Rod ????

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">OK, Stude, here's a challenge for you: I'll give you a car like this in #4 condition (complete, solid, but not road-worthy and cosmetically deteriorated): 1932 Studebaker President sedan (recognized as a Full Classic, and say, maybe one of about 50 extant). I'll also give you $50,000 cash that you must spend on the car.What do you do? </div></div> Take the cash, sell the car, then buy a cherry Four Seasons Roadster!
  9. Studemax

    Resto Rod ????

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mrpushbutton</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Some of us understand that a Packard in the 20s and 30s represented a pinnacle of automotive building for its time and that we are merely the current maintainer of that history. Studebaker made a decent car from time to time, when they weren't busy driving other companies bankrupt, and I have seen a number of their products rodded and have not generally liked what I saw. </div></div> OK - first of all, pinnacle hell - this afternoon I toured a Pebble Beach winning collectors garage full of 20's and 30's era European autos that exceed many Packards in quality. Second - like many Packard-o-philes, you're just P.O.'d that Packard croaked after the merger with Studebaker. BOTH companies lied to each other, and were going down the tubes anyway. Even without the merger, Packard would have evaporated by 1965. So, yeah - snobs fit just right!
  10. Studemax

    Resto Rod ????

    Here's yet another Pierce-Arrow street rod, powered by a 502 c.i. bowtie motor. NOTHING is sacred, guys - it's just raw material waiting for its next version. http://www.autabuy.com/Vehicles/Details.cfm?VID=162031 I thought the purist snobs in the SDC were bad, you Packard guys take the cake!
  11. Well, someone got it for $5,555.55. Hope it's a Stude club member.
  12. Why not check with the guys over at www.landracing.com. ? Log onto the forum, maybe they can help.
  13. Studemax

    Resto Rod ????

    Guys, it's a car - not a holy thing. In a hundred years will it matter? I'll bet not.
  14. Somebody report the stupid spammer.
  15. Have you checked down in the "Studebaker and Erskine" section of the forum? Also try the forum of the Studebaker Drivers Club - http://www.studebakerdriversclub.com/sdc_forum/default.asp
  16. This belonged to a former club member. Now it can be yours. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=023&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=360030570548&rd=1 P.S. The seller is in Pratt. The car is in Derby, near Wichita.
  17. Studemax

    Resto Rod ????

    Lost? It's right there. When it's crushed, then it's lost.
  18. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: West Peterson</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It'd be easier to see if you made the photo smaller so that we didn't have to scroll from side to side. </div></div> Enough with the whining.
  19. OK, folks - the seller is listing this stuff separately now. I suggest you save the seller under your "favorite sellers" so you can check for what you wanted. The Mustang is already gotten high bids, over 50 Stude club members are watching the convertible Lark. The '36 Ford sedan, and a Model A roadster is listed too. Start bidding, folks! Here's the link to the Chrysler Airflow. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrysler-...25685QQtcZphoto
  20. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Old Guy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I saw this car at the RM auction house in Ypsilanti MI 3 weeks ago, and the paint is nowhere near as nice as the pictures. </div></div> I've seen close-ups, and yes - it's a used sporty driver. There are folks like me who would still love to have this historic car.
  21. I understand Bill Ford wants this badly, but the seller is going to make him work for it! I've loved this car for 30 years! http://cgi.liveauctions.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=150220830378&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=005
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