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Steve Braverman

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Everything posted by Steve Braverman

  1. I started my PA today for the first time in many years. I ran it for about 20 seconds and no oil pressure showed on the gauge, so I shut it down. I just put in fresh 30W. Any thoughts?
  2. The one on the left is a Model A. I think they called it a Sport Coupe.
  3. Save the crank hole cover and the radiator cap and toss the rest away.
  4. I think these are fairly generic, and fit many cars.
  5. My dad had a 1911 Franklin that had a 1948 PA inspection sticker in the lower right corner.
  6. Wow! They started an aircraft company in the 16th century!? Saab has always been ahead of their time.
  7. When I was in high school I worked at a Sears auto center. We had Diehard batteries that were empty cases that were used as display items. It was always fun to carry one across the shop, pretending to struggle with the weight of a real battery, and then suddenly throw it at somebody. The reactions were always priceless.
  8. I have an intake manifold and a water pump, maybe an oil pan.
  9. I have something that I had on my Plymouth, which runs a BB-1 that looks more authentic. I will post a picture tomorrow.
  10. If there were more of them around, it might be interesting to make a Franklin Olympic truck. The Olympic was a Flying Cloud with a Franklin engine shoe-horned in.
  11. 1930 Franklin Looks like a series 11 body on a 1930 chassis. Maybe even a Tandem Sport body.
  12. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? I have a 1933 Franklin Olympic, which shares its frame with a Reo Flying cloud. It is currently disassembled, and I could take any measurements you may need.
  13. I teach middle school shop. One of the more popular projects I do with my kids is a "flappy duck" toy. After experimenting with various materials for the flappy feet for the ducks, I found that the cobra-grain top material I had left over from the roof of my Franklin worked beautifully. I'm running out of scraps, and was hoping somebody out there in AACA land could help me out. Can anyone "donate" some leftover top material?
  14. Overland had that unique front suspension.
  15. When I was young (I'm now 36) I owned Corvairs, lots of them. 1961 Lakewood wagon 1963 Spyder convertible 1963 Monza coupe 1963 Corvan 1964 Monza convertible 1964 Spyder convertible 1964 Monza coupe 1964 Corvan camper 1965 Monza coupe 1965 Monza convertible 1968 Ultravan The '61 Lakewood was first. I was in eighth grade and paid $50 for it to Austin Clark. It was buried in the woods behind his museum. I owned almost all of these cars before I turned 21, with the exception of the '64 Spyder convertible, which I think I was about 23 when I purchased it. I miss my Corvairs, and I intend to get another one soon. I especially miss my first '64 convertible and my '65 coupe. The convertible I paid $200 for and dragged it out of the woods. It had been sitting for 15 years, but I soon had it on the road. It had the 110hp 4-speed combo, which was really the best setup. Man was that car fun! I stupidly sold it to pay for my second semester of college. The '65 coupe was purchased in 1991 for $1700. The car had 23,000 miles on it and was like new. I drove it daily through high school, and stashed it away when I went to college. I sold it when I got married. Those two cars are my real regrets. I should have kept them. For my next Corvair I was thinking either a Greenbriar or a late model four door with A/C. Of course a convertible would be great!
  16. Ok, I'm not crazy (ok maybe a little). Yesterday the noise was gone. It had been getting worse and worse over the last few weeks, and now it's quiet. Any explanation?
  17. The fluid is dirty looking, but not low. The groaning is constant, but get louder under load. I hate working on this truck, so it's going in for service next week. We'll see what the dealer says.
  18. This looks like a made-up creation for a limo company. It's not authentic.
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