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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. Nice get together. Went last year. Here is a copy of the invitation for this year.
  2. A couple of items might the the tan communications wire pinched to ground or the central power supply.
  3. I agree with NEReatta. I miss the BBQ on the back roads of Alabama from when my wife and I lived there. That and along a vegetable plate for lunch and the races at Talladega is true southern.
  4. Here is link that a friend sent me that is interesting. Fascinating 1936 Footage Of Car Assembly Line
  5. Like the fender in the back seat
  6. A 60-minute documentary will air tomorrow night (Sunday August 14th) at 10:00 p.m. on CNBC. Entitled “Titans”, it is a documentary on Lee Iacocca. CNBC did two hours of taping with David E. Davis in Ypsilanti at the car warehouse in February in preparation for the show. Excerpts from the interview with him are interspersed throughout the program. Also, with respect to historical license plates and the discussion that ensued at First Saturday this month, we are attaching a letter written by Michigan Secretary of State, Ruth Johnson, outlining the parameters for the use of historic and authentic historic plates. We thank Jim Walker for undertaking the research and forwarding this to us.
  7. There is a difference between a bounce and a wobble. It would be best to get a dial indicator and determine both the lateral and radial runout of both the tire and the wheels. Compare all 4 wheels and tires to see where the problem is. Here is a basic set up at this link. http://www.centraltools.com/pdf/6454.PDF
  8. I have 2 Buick trucks that I believe the firewall is original and both use plywood.
  9. Does anyone know what the bid for the truck ended up at?
  10. Just a suggestion on hard steering is to think about the wheel alignment. Many hard steering issues are corrected/improved by getting the correct alignment. Also make sure that all of the front end parts are not worn and the tire pressures are correct. Just some thoughts.
  11. Barbara, I would try another technician that knows how to determine the source of the noise. What engine does the car have. If you post some pictures that might help in determining any items that the particular engine is noted for.
  12. Is the antenna ground -grounded to the radio for a ground plane?
  13. If anything breaks on a diesel, it is expenive to fix. Also a 30 year old diesel begs the question as to the maintenance that it has seen.
  14. For aluminum wheel porosity I used to use either 2 part epoxy or JB weld.
  15. R-12 was being phased out and by 1994 it was gone. Here is a link to the EPA document on the change over. CFC-12 Production Ban
  16. If I remember correctly, the car has a speed sensor in the transmission. From there the signal goes to the PCM/ powertrain control module (engine control module) The signal then goes from there to the dash panel. The same signal that goes from the pcm usually goes to the cruise control module. If the cruise control works then I would guess that it is a wiring problem from the pcm to the dash. If it does not work then maybe from the transmission to the pcm. A real quick way to check this out would be to get a scanner and look at PCM data to see if there is a vehicle speed data & readings at the pcm. If so look at pcm to dash.
  17. Remember, That if you can not get it going you can not get in trouble, but if you can not stop it... you are in trouble!!
  18. My sons vehicle is a Chevrolet S-10 truck, 4 cylinder, 5 speed manual on the floor.
  19. My Dads 1963 Buick Special station wagon with factory installed a/c
  20. What needs changing depends on the manufacturer, car, year, when going from refrigerant R-12 (freon) to R-134A. Some vehicles will require everything except maybe the condenser and evaporator core which would include the rubber hoses if they are not barrier hoses. Some compressors are OK with R-134A while others will immediately crater. The best answer on retrofitting a vehicle is to research with the manufacturer of the vehicle / ac system and then go to a person that is KNOWLEDGABLE and proficient with a/c work with the correct tools.
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