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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Can anyone tell me what this set up looked like? I have seen some for a 1950 on eBay like this: Is that it? To hold it flat to the floor?
  2. Hey, hey, hey - here's one from a 49 Super with the tranny in Colorado on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/175149175786 You can ship cheaply through Fastenal from one store to another. Just palletize it and they will deliver for $300 - $500 coast to coast. If your on a budget, here's another: https://www.ebay.com/itm/324776242918?hash=item4b9e2c2ee6:g:Ex8AAOSwZE5fCeK7
  3. $335,000. It is "THE" '49 Buick Roadmaster convertible from the film. Well, one of two, I guess. I'm amazed how many people have forgotten this film or just have never seen it.
  4. I believe that all depends on if yor a-buyin' or yor a-sellin'.
  5. Jalopy Journal/H.A.M.B. guys have them sometimes. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/forums/parts-for-sale.47/ https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/50-buick-straight-eight-mods.104740/ You can use older dual-carb factory intakes as well but you probably know that. They do pop up on eBay every year or two but rarely. I grabbed an Edmunds for my 320 some years ago.
  6. Well, well - no takers. Is it my breath, I wonder? I did more research and spoke to a lady in-the-know at Loupee's Stuff with a large collection of visors. They told me it is indeed a Buick factory accessory made by GM. The center brackets are hard to find as they are pot metal and often were left on the old Buicks or snapped in two. Loupee has a lot of exterior visors for sale - https://loupeestuff.com/
  7. I have a sun visor for a 1949 Buick, I believe. Does anyone know what brand this is and if I am missing any parts? The chrome center bar is stamped UNIVEX. I have seen their stamp on a Cadillac emblem and other GM chrome. Did Buick sell one like this as an accessory? The visor is not magnetic so it must be aluminum. The parts are not magnetic either so pot metal? I guess the smaller metal bracket goes over the antenna and screws to the roof. And then the visor, fixed to the other part of the bracket, bolts up to that. The chrome pieces appear to screw to the roof pillars.
  8. 60's Buick Fan - have you replaced the speakers in your car yet? I had a '67 El Dorado and thought the radio was dead until I replaced the speakers. It worked alright after that. I'm not knocking the capacitor upgrade but to any others reading this, the first step in radio repair just might be replacing your 45 year old speakers to see if your radio works or not. I got mine from S/M Electro-Tech http://www.turnswitch.com/
  9. Front fenders for a 49 Super on eBay right now if you need those.
  10. Nice looking car even if it is a sedan. The seller really likes it from his description but he will take offers. https://www.ebay.com/itm/284589971442?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l3160&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=edbadfd15793463b8f023fc92191214a&bu=43206861564&ut=RU&osub=-1~1&crd=20220101031823&segname=11021&sojTags=ch%3Dch%2Cbu%3Dbu%2Cut%3Dut%2Cosub%3Dosub%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid
  11. OK - I'll give it a whirl, Mr. Earl - https://www.hemmings.com/auction/refurbished-1954-buick-roadmaster-riviera-hardtop-882748?utm_medium=email&utm_source=auctions_newsletter Beautiful big automobile.
  12. I have a decent grill set that I would sell. It needs to be re-chromed but its intact.
  13. I spoke with Mr. Don Kuehn and he happened to have a set of door sills half-finished for my 1949 Buick 76S. I should get them later this month. I was surprised at the quick turnaround but he says there is a steady demand for this particular door sill. He does sell to the usual vendors as well as the public - IF you can find his contact info. SO, many thanks to the members here for sharing. Price is $300 per set plus shipping. Checks or money orders only. As you would imagine, he said he cannot get some crucial materials now for creating new door sills due to the shipping bottle-necks. Plan on long wait times for items he does not have what you want in-stock. Happy Motoring!
  14. Yes, Pete Phillips has parts. Scott Farmington on the board here as well. You can check on eBay too for body parts. Good luck - that is quite an undertaking.
  15. Thanks - I just sent him an email. I'll report back.
  16. I have seen Fusick and Bobs offered these but are out of stock. I see a couple pair on eBay now too. All over $360 per pair. They look like nice reproductions. Does anyone know where they get these? Or another source?
  17. Joe Hudacek repaired mine for $85. It looks like new. His email is hudacekjj@chartermi.net. Website: http://heatervalves.net/ It's a lot easier than figuring out this spring loaded puzzle!
  18. BYOB - Bring yer own Brillo. That's a LOT o rust.
  19. This is the week the 49's come out for sale apparently. This one is definitely purple. The engine compartment looks half-baked and sloppy. The interior was done pretty well for a custom - they stuck with the spirit of the design but cheaped-out on the upholstery. Lot's of flash, big engine, execution, meh. It looks like a fun car you could drive and not worry too much about road muck but let's see what this goes for. https://www.ebay.com/itm/284495604815
  20. No, no reply to my request for more photos or extra parts.
  21. For a little contrast to the Roadmaster Sedanet on eBay now for $4500. https://www.ebay.com/itm/334166362315
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