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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Agreed on all points. On on a related note, we really enjoyed the banquet. The food was very good and it was priced more reasonably than it often has been in recent years.
  2. Thanks for the post Grimy. I'm working on my 1929 and will have to replace tires and tubes so will need to keep your siggestions in mind.
  3. I have photos on my phone of Suzanne and Joseph getting a ride in that one. We had a good chat or two with the owner, who was in black and red this week. Teresa and some of the others also got a lesson on how the chauffeur's top is put on as well. There were probably too many I liked to pick one favourite, but I did spend a lot of time with the 1923 wagon. Rather than a Buick truck, it was presumed to be bodied by the likes of Cantrell on a model 54 (if I remember the number correctly). I did did quickly assemble our camera photos and gave them to Pete on a USB stick so he has additional ones to choose from for the Bugle.
  4. Perhaps...growling at kids, sweating, praying nothing else goes wrong...not sure how entertaining the movie would be. By the way, did all y'all know that the official colour of the Ohio Turnpike would seem to be orange? It really throws Google Maps and GPS estimates out somewhat.
  5. Another travel day, another late start. It started well by everyone getting up and getting to a 7:30 mass. We can now say we've gone to church in Bethlehem. Back to the hotel to change to travel clothes and breakfast and head toward the road. I got a chance to have a good chat with Buicknutty and his family, which extended breakfast time. I got back to the room and people were generally attached to electronics rather than having packed up the cars a bit. Other than getting away late, the day went generally well. After Lordstown, OH, we hit some extremely heavy rain. We stopped, fuelled, and had a bit of food before moving on - there was some more rain, but nothing as extreme. After checking into the neat looking Best Western in Port Clinton we went for a walk on the beach and got some ice cream. A short day day tomorrow to get us to the Chicago area and some tourist stuff. Then on to Wisconsin Dells for a couple nights and returning home.
  6. Oh...so commercial has nothing to do with use, but size and weight most likely. Sorry to to hear about your troubles. We went by that neck of the woods today on the Interstate, but without the Wildcat, we had no space (I'm going to have my work cut out just to shoehorn in the '29 parts I'll be picking up in Wisconsin). We are spending the night in Port Clinton.
  7. 1931 and 1934 Victoria coupes for sale. I really liked inked the green 1936 coupe...appeared to be mostly original paint. Of of course there were many others. I got to briefly meet Matt and his wife with their 1941 Limited. The down side was that I was probably grouchier than usual due to physical discomfort due in part to higher heat and humidity than this oversized body is used to.
  8. Well, if we stick by our cars all the time, when do we get a chance to go on tour or see Mr. Bulgari's collection or the other cars? Everyone was seeking a/c at some point. My wife and daughter were volunteering, so in registration building a lot. The heat did take a lot out of many of us. That said, it would be nice to talk to people about their cars. I do like to spend time with my car as as well, but the heat took a lot out of this fat guy this week. Hanging out, cooling off, going through photos, and preparing for the final festivities this evening.
  9. It was a pleasure to meet you and shake your hand today Earl.
  10. The 1940 Flxible is incredible!
  11. Good to hear that things are up and running. I've been keeping an eye out for you and your car. This year seems to be one of more troubles than usual.
  12. I have a photo or two on my phone but the gentleman who owns the 1940 Brewster bodied car that is here (and was in Danvers) was volunteering with the Bulgarian collection. We had a good chat with the family. Later I see Suzanne and Joseph getting into the car and getting chauffeured away. Of course, we are driving two cars daily now. In spite of the rain this evening we had a good time at Dorney Park hanging out with Ed Logan and Aaron Clark. Ice cream and a carousel were involved. It was neat coming out to the parking area assigned to the BCA and seeing the Reatta, the pace car, and Ed's hearse being the last cars in the lot.
  13. If you do drive her Bernie make sure you get to the Hanoverville Road House at 5001 Hanoverville Road in Bethlehem(?) for the forum "breakfast". I'm looking forward to that.
  14. Washed our bugs off today, but after a lot of rain this evening I don't expect to wash them again before we get home now.
  15. I'll find you on site some time today and we can make a plan. I didn't plan on the Rendezvous in part since I wasn't aware of details ahead of time. We are off to Dorney Park tonight.
  16. So a new dimmer switch was procured. Small problem was that the plastic around one spade had melted. Problem solved in finding that Bill Stonefeberg had an "electrical toolkit" which enabled me to replace the end of the wire. New switch put in place and the pace car had lights again. Yay! All it cost was a bit of running around, about $10, and a promise of a drink for the man living in downtown Allentown this week. Next up...repairs / improvements for the Reatta.
  17. I didn't have the electrical stuff with me this trip but needed it. Happily I knew that someone would have them if I asked enough folks that I know.
  18. Chicagoland and Gopher State were well represented in the restaurant lounge tonight.
  19. Well JD, if you bring the smaller cooler and leave out the tools, spare parts, and lounge chairs, you may be able to manage with a '76 Century trunk. We went from three cars to two...too much stuff and full interiors too. Looking forward to to seeing you again my friend.
  20. Grin. Wish sh I could have made it in time. Now all I need to do is figure out how to get to the vicinity in the morning without too much grief.
  21. We made it, but a bit late to get coordinated to get to the baseball game. We got in what may have been early enough, but congestion and construction conspired to keep us away so we got checked in and had a nice dinner. It turns out the issue with the wildcat was a poor positive battery cable. Replaced and is working well now apparently. It would have been nice had we figured that out a couple weeks ago. Oh well.
  22. Thanks guys. No scanner is necessary. We are ok so long as we don't drive in the dark. Of course I forgot that sunrise would be an issue this morning. Sigh.
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