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Everything posted by jscheib

  1. For those interested, Day 1 will include a brief stop in Kutztown, and continue to Reading, and a challenge drive on the road used by Charles Duryea to test his cars, with a stop at the famous Reading Pagoda, than to the Boyertown Car Museum and return to Allentown, with coffee, lunch, and an ice cream stop along the way, with ample bathroom breaks. Information on subsequent days will follow. Check this thread for more information. John
  2. If the plate on the front from Flint notes that particular car and owner at that time, they should have some history, John
  3. And, as always, good jack stands and support, or a lift, as you are under the car for quite some time. Good Luck. John
  4. I think Dave's is an excellent idea, so now we need to contact the BHA Board to see what they think. John Scheib
  5. I expect to be there with my '90 Red/Tan plus my '32. And hope Ican make the drive into the hills. Same hotel is Chuck. John
  6. Lamar, Peter and Cindy, First, thank you for making the suggestions and changes. Second, Thanks for keeping it simply and I suggest we do nothing further, until after the meeting in Allentown. Again much tanks. John
  7. Thanks, My apology for helping to hijack the Performance Group thread, but part of the problem is there seems little on the official BCA forum or web site to easily define the Formal Divisions, and there needs to be, in my opinion. First, there should a separate category for Division each with a brief one paragraph definition (Mission Statement or whatever we call it), then drop down rather than being in "Local Groups". John
  8. jscheib

    Part Needed

    My suggestion - There have been numerous post back a few years about vendors that were making reproductions. Doubt you will find a used one that is any better than used, most with many pin holes. John
  9. Matt, My mission for tomorrow afterenoon, is to secure a group rate for the PWD After-Tour. Stay tuned. John wrong group previously, sorry
  10. Matt, There must be something cheaper if indeed everything in Allentown to Easton is full. Did you try out toward Reading which is within 40 miles of the site? I seriously doubt that people at the DNC are going to want to travel an hour each way. Perhaps we should ask Jeff for an update on hotels. If I hear of anyone to cancel in the Northeast, I will try to connect you. I am looking forward to seeing that limo and we would be pleased to welcome you on the PWD for any or all of the three days. Are you on the e-mail roster of the PWD. If not, let me have your e-mail addres sby PM and I will add you. John
  11. Derek. Let me see if I can share what I know about Divisions and possibly clarify your thoughts, or and some fuel to the fire. Apparently, we will have to wait until the BOD post their latest minutes to be sure, but apparently the BOD can and has crested divisions without much forethought (my opinion). For example, in questioning the office, the Pre-War Division was created with no formal Charter (as is required by Chapters) or anything like a Mission Statement. The concept and purpose was to conduct After-Tours at a slower pace then BDE, but it also became a sounding board for those who wanted "all together parking", and now has lost membership (and in the BCA because some members felt they were not being treated the same as BCA members with more modern cars(read trailer queens, as opposed to driven, unrestored cars). I have yet to see a Mission Statement for the Performance Division, but I assume one will be forthcoming. I think much like the PWD, without a Mission Statement, any marginally conceived Division is probably doomed for eventual disbandment. Right now the 36-38 (Torque Tube) is attempt to include any Straight Eight Cars, somewhat infringing on the PWD concept. I could not source a mission statement for the 36-28 Group. I think, at Allentown, we will attempt to seek out active members of the PWD as to their thoughts going forward, and so far we have not seen much interest in conducting a three day After Tour for the PWD. Once Allentown is over, I intent to petition the installed BOD to make sure each and ever Division has a Mission Statement, which is well published in the Bugle and Website so members and potential members will know what to expect from these Divisions. Those are my thoughts at this time, and I agree that any enhanced performance, should make the owner eligible. There are even quite a few Reattas eligible, I would think. I think of Modified as being subject to their rules for judging, which is a step in the right direction. John
  12. Pete, Yes, it is the side mount hardware. if you give me some time, I will get you a photo "in place". John
  13. If you want "performance" info, I suggest you check out the Buick Performance Group, V8 Buick, etc. forums as there is plenty of info re Buick V8s. John
  14. I just want to let everyone interested that we have posted an update on the Covered Bridge Tours under the calendar section regarding the Covered Bridge Tour. John Scheib
  15. Joel, I wish I could help. but I think the window channel pieces may well be differnt size, I have spares from a '32 57 Car, but I think the body is much the same as '31, but not the same for the larger series. I would have thought the larger series also had two taillights, but this may have only started in '32. I have the same thing with turn signals with a simple two way switch along the dash, but there is no automatic turn-off. Also, during the day, they are not very effective. If you want it "correct" that is the way to go, but if you want a safer arrangement, more modern light should be on the bumpers. Good luck. Let me know if you have some definite measurements of the window channels, and I will check. You can send my a PM. John
  16. Dave, Some people will not be able to attend Friday morning (8 till noon)as that is the BOD meeting. John
  17. Bob, and others, I would apreciate an e-mail address so I can send out additional info. Send to Larry's or my address as noted, please John.
  18. Anderson, As long as you can commit enough people to leave and depart on the same day and can arrange to meet at a central space, or possible add along the way, you should be able to get a good deal. If you have only two, you can hire a smaller two car enclosed trailer, but if you have four or five, you can get a semi by any number of companies. Ask them for a quote and divide by the number of cars (some may have two), and you will get the cost estimate. If they need to stop for along the way for others, that will be extra. In CT we did the same thing for Flint in 2003, selecting one space for four cars, ranging from a '28 to a '53 Skylark, with one coming from MA, so we had five cars in an Intercity trailer.. Pretty reasonable, as I recall. Good luck. I agree with you, a first long drive with a fresh restoration is not a good idea, without some road miles first. John
  19. Hans, You have, indeed, a fine and interesting collection. John
  20. Starlite, number 4 on the trip advisor list, has been my original choice. Has a separate room. I do not know why we need the NMC do determine where we will do this. John
  21. Has anyone made an official proposal to the BOD, other than my original request? Just saying, not much sense talking on the forum without an official proposal. John
  22. jscheib


    Jammin, Welcome to the forum. I hope you will consider joining the BCA if you have not done so. I also extend a request to have you join our local Yankee Chapter, but you also have two more options in CT, depending on your specific location. We extend to the Middletown, Hartford, and Waterbury area. Send me a PM if you would like more info. John
  23. I think you can buy a reproduction, as I am not sure if you will ever find an original. John
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