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  1. Those of us in the Houston, Texas area lost a tremendous friend to the hobby this week -- Tony Gullo. He died at age 90, surrounded by his family and holding the hand of his wife of 70 years. Tony's last words were reported as, "It's been a good run." Tony was a well-respected legend around here, known for his five new-car dealerships, as well as his private museum with some 220 cars on display -- all nicely to perfectly restored, ranging from the teens and 20s to the modern era. And perhaps even more importantly, Tony was known for his generous support of charities benefitting needy children, veterans and others. He was a cheerful and friendly man, and always had time to sit in the diner built into his museum and talk about cars with his many visitors. He was a good man who'd done well in life and shared it with others. I last saw him at Keels and Wheels just six weeks ago, where two of his cars won awards. I shook his hand in congratulations, and he smiled. I'll remember that smile. May he rest in peace.
  2. Couple years ago I was driving my 1919 Locomobile in the neighborhood at 20 MPH when a sudden shudder went through the entire car. After a few seconds it was over. Everything seemed normal. Later, we found a couple teeth broken off the ring gear. My pre-WW1 expert in Arizona believes it was simple fatigue of century-old metal. Fortunately, I had a new, never-used Phil Hill gearset for a replacement.
  3. Need wing nuts with male threads in both 1/4-20 and 3/8-16 size. Something that looks like the wingnuts in the Chrysler photo posted by Keiser31. Thanks.
  4. Looking for a large, attractive wing nut to tighten a '20s spotlight on its pole. An online search reveals nothing but thumb-sized small ones -- but someone out there must make large attractive ones, like the windshield nuts on Packards. Any suggestions?
  5. You're going to love the trip. I just spent a week in Santa Fe and surrounding area -- nothing car related, but we did many of the things the other folks have suggested. The Valles Caldera is a spectacular drive up with tremendous views. In Santa Fe itself, we found a lot of good restaurants as well as art galleries right around the square.
  6. Another possibility is a bad distributor cap that breaks down after it heats up.
  7. My 1919 Sportif weighed in at 5,400 pounds with a quarter-tank of gas, and no passengers. I checked it on a truck weight scale. In contrast, my '32 Duesenberg weighed 6,000 pounds, with 3,000 on each axle.
  8. In response to your queries, when my 1919's clutch would no longer disengage I found a fellow in Arizona who was experienced in multi-plate clutches from the teens. I've never worked on such a clutch, and felt it better to consult with someone who had. I took the car to him and he tore it down and removed all the discs and relined them, for both the clutch and the clutch brake. Incidentally, the problem with my clutch appears to have been simply decades accumulation of dirt and dried grease. But there are no openings in the clutch housing through which to wash out everything. You have to remove the entire unit to get at it. He also addressed some transmission and rear axle leaks. When he tore down the rear end he found a chipped tooth on the 3.2-to-1 ring gear. Fortunately I had brought the spare 3.07-to-1 ring and pinion with me, so he installed it. After picking up the car, the following week we drove it on the 2022 Glidden Tour in New Jersey, running about 500 miles on twisting hilly roads, so I really couldn't go over 40 MPH very often, especially considering the 2-wheel brakes. But the Arizona fellow had driven it at 55, and he said it was "a big, long-legged car that will outrun a Simplex." I don't know about that one -- Ed says it depends on which Simplex. But driving-wise I can say that the car seems most comfortable if I start off in first, which of course is good for only about 5 MPH, and at any speed up to 45 the engine seems to be loafing. Of course any big, old, high-off-the-ground car can be inherently unnerving to drive at speed. Several years back I did get the car up to 70 once, on the former 3.2 rear axle ratio, and more was there from the car, but certainly not from me. No desire to drive faster than 50 or so. Some of the California Loco crowd told me that Phil Hill routinely drove his Loco "well over 75," but he was fearless given his racing expertise. Incidentally, my '25 Loco is a far different driving experience than the 1919, with easier steering, clutch, shifting and brakes. It's owner in the 1960s (whom I knew) said he had frequently driven it at 70 on tours in the western U.S.
  9. Some years back I had a discussion with Phil Hill regarding Locomobile compression ratios and pistons. He had a 1925 Sportif that he had modified with domed pistons and three carburetors. Other area collectors told me that Phil's Loco would really fly. Phil indicated that he cut a groove in the domes to ensure sufficient combustion and cross flow given the wide combustion chamber. I suspect that his car had a 3.06 or 3.07 rear end gear ratio, as this was the ratio of a spare Phil Hill gearset that came with the 1919 Sportif that I later bought. My car had a standard 3.2 ratio, but after chipping off a tooth I installed the Phil Hill gearset last year. That's about all I remember about the conversation, other than the fact that I offered to buy his Loco, but he turned me down. He seemed like a nice fellow.
  10. I have heard of a couple similar situations with Packards of the early '30s developing cracks in the head, in one case cracking completely in two. My '29 Super 8 roadster developed a crack in the head between two combustion chambers right after I bought it. I took the head to a truck engine rebuilder who heated the head in a furnace, then welded the crack, cooled the head slowly over an extended period of time and then milled it. The head has been trouble free for 8,000 miles since. Maybe this approach would work for your friend.
  11. Another vote for Dot 5. Not only does it not harm paint, it also preserves the brake components. A few months ago I rebuilt the master and wheel cylinders on my 1935 Auburn after using them with Dot 5 ever since 1993. I was amazed how nice the cylinders were -- only a very few minor pits that quickly honed out completely. I also replaced the brake hoses. Kept the steel lines because I had replaced them in '93 and there was no corrosion visible anywhere.
  12. I now own this car, a 1925. This photo is from 1964, and the tires on it then appear larger (taller) than the 700-21s on it now. The current tires appear small in the wheel wells by comparison.
  13. I have a car with 700-21 tires, and am wondering if anyone has 750-21s available new or used? Or even 800-21s?
  14. You mentioned Loco as among your cars. Can you include a photo? I own two Locos, and like to see photos of others. Thanks.
  15. This is the light cruiser U.S.S. Phoenix steaming past the burning battleships during the attack on Pearl Harbor. My father was one of the sailors on deck at the time this photo was taken, although he didn't know which one he is in the image. He was Homer Bartlett, from Houston, and he joined the Navy in 1938 just before his 16th birthday (a neighbor forged his father's name on an affidavit saying he was older). He served on the Phoenix throughout the war, and ultimately made warrant officer. After the war, when wartime ranks were reduced, he made warrant officer again. Later, he founded Bartlett's Business Machines, which was one of Houston's largest independent cash register dealers. He also was into car racing and then antique cars, which is how my brother and I got involved in the hobby. I've been to Pearl Harbor, and also toured three of the four Iowa-class battleships. Also I served in the Navy Seabees in Vietnam. Like others on this thread, I did notice multiple programs/movies on cable TV yesterday, and watched one of them. As I child, I remember Pearl Harbor Day being a very special observance in our family. On the 50th anniversary, we hosted a dinner for my entire family and watched documentaries on TV as well as President George H.W. Bush's very moving speech.
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