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Everything posted by edinmass

  1. Look at the photos …….solid car to restore? I want what he is smoking. Maybe only half a dose.
  2. Is it a seven passenger……does it have jump seats?
  3. The top three auction companies consider higher end cars over 500k. Shipping the Packard from Texas to Pennsylvania is somewhere between 3800-4300 bucks. Add in cost of detail, sorting, and take into consideration weather Hershey is the best location to sell that car……(I don’t think it is.) Add in a ten percent listing fee………and you going to have a expense of 25 percent to sell the car. It appears to be a seven passenger touring…….if so, recent sales numbers will have a hard time approaching six figures……even for a nice car like that.
  4. Most auctions will only take that car at no reserve……unless you go to a local farm or general auction company. Nice car, market has been fairly soft on them lately. I would recommend a broker to sell it. Nice clean cars like that with good provable provenance will sell fairly quickly at current market numbers. Good luck with the sale. Welcome to the site.
  5. Common over branding and badging done for/by an inexperienced collector who feels they must add or embellish something that is conservative and refined with good taste. Less is always more with high end motor cars……….quality never goes out of style. Recently Peg & I went for a ride in my employer’s everyday car……it had a large letter B on the grill. Upon sitting down in the Monstrous sedan she commented….”Wow, what a nice Buick!” Of course the Flying Spur V-12 was just a bit more high end. I let out a whoop and almost passed out. The Boss turned to me and said….”She isn’t a car girl…..”
  6. Hell, at least their asking a number that isn’t in the stratosphere……….remove a few zeros, and I’ll take it.
  7. That thing is a black hole………..the definition of emptiness.
  8. No to the Chrysler and Hudson above. The good news, Phil’s wife gave them Ok for him to have a car…….of course, she complained about it being after the fact. I never have this problem……….having never been married, so I don’t need permission……although my significant other of 25 years often gives me hand signals every time I tell her we have some new garage additions. I will be scarce for about ten days with family stuff hitting the fan…….so I will be around, but quieter than usual. We should have photos and video of the car coming out of its hiding place on the 28th or 29th.
  9. Good for you! Looks like the Bay State is getting easier than in the past. 👍
  10. Most stupid thing I have done in a car? The post would be longer than Walt’s photo thread.
  11. Charley…….we did it the old fashion way…….and drank a pint of fuel! 😎
  12. Post photos of the carb……clear, multiple photos. I probably have one at my home up north……which I am heading to tomorrow and won’t be back there till November. No guarantees……..but it’s probably a 90 percent chance.
  13. George……I have no clue. It’s too new for me to know. It’s a 1940 Series 75 Conv Coupe, and a old CCCA senior that was a decent car till a tractor mechanic got his hands on it. Phil and I have since sorted it out, and it is now running great. The photo was low res as I don’t have permission to post photos……..I will get a front end shot and PM it to you……..as it will be back in a few weeks when the fuel sender arrives. Ed. PS-Modern is the 1960's.
  14. AJ....The work on the "old car" is finished. As a matter of fact, Phil says he is gonna miss it when it leaves.
  15. The oil slings in a 360 degree mess……….so I’m guessing that only helped out by cutting down the smell of burning oil off the engine………
  16. Glad to see it going down the road. Looks and sounds great. One suggestion…….drive it EVERY day from now till your tour……….there will be a bunch of small sorting issues. If the car will go 1000 miles, it will go 10,000. push through and get the sorting done…………too any people just stop at this point. Sorting it is difficult work, but when finished you should have a lifetime of enjoyment with just basic service left to do. Congratulations on a successful long and hard slog to cross the finish line.
  17. I have no clue, as I only do V-8 Cadillac & LaSalle stuff……..
  18. Yes, my clues stink by design……..ok……..it is NOT a CCCA eligible car………..a new first for me. It’s been well over thirty years since I bought a car that wasn’t a Classic by definition. And as mentioned…..I don’t do convertible sedans.
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