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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. Red/Tan coupe for sale in WIchita. Car is complete and in fair shape. Dash works and no brake lights are on. Car is on a lot locally. Showing 99,000 miles. VIN 1G4EC11C0KB0905689 Car is on lot LD Hatfield Auto Sales 316-640-1847 316-524-9595 I think the car is priced under $4000.00 but you would need to call the dealer.
  2. Howard always good to hear from you, you could always get another Reatta and chime in always. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on this forum, and all have a happy and safe holiday season and remember all of our troops working for us everywhere in the world.
  3. Did you by any chance ask Mr Sinatra if he knew anything about the Pewter models? He may have some information. Who knows its worth asking.
  4. You might contact Jim Finn I know that he had a convertible that he took a part off of for me. I needed a control rod and he might still have that car. I think he said that the car was a 90
  5. Nr Lyons has the 4 note horn but how can you tell what note. I dont see any marking on the horn or am I looking at the wrong place.
  6. Jon you are correct our hobby does cause mental illness. We cant solve this on this forum but one thing is clear you have the same interest in cars as we all do
  7. Rawja I totally agree with you 100% except how do you handle someone with out a computer and there is still a lot of them. Would you just exclude them from membership. There would have to be middle ground
  8. Hey Jon, I appreciate your position but my question is how many Reattas would join a modified division? How would you ever have a national meet? My point is that there is a Mod division in the BCA, they are quite active and you would have a class for your car. I dont know if you have looked at the mod division but they sure had some first rate cars at the National in Colo Springs. Look at Roy Tipps Bumble Bee Reatta, what a class car. He could enter his car in the Reatta 400 point judging or enter in the mod class. The judging in the mod class lets you pick the mods that you want the judge to look at. ie if you have done a lot of body mods that is all that the judges can look at and the same goes with the motor etc. Take another look at the classes and contact the modified division, they have some real class cars. I dont know what those cars are worth but It is a bunch. I dont think that you will ever see a mod class for just Reattas, any more than you will see a class for mod Skylarks. If it is modifed it is what it is. I am sure that the mod class will grow in the future, but the competition will get real stiff. I would think that you could also run for an office, it seems that they have a hard time to get people to step up, thats how change happens and the majority still rules
  9. My last post was only my attempt at humor. Someone said that they couldnt see spending 50 bucks to join the club just to get the Magazine. My point was you could join the BCA on line for 50 and the Reatta division by mail for 10. I would like to see everybody join both clubs. We all think the Reatta is special or we would not waste our time on this forum. You have to join the BCA to belong to the Reatta club and that is what some people dont understand. Some want a Reatta mod division and some dont want to join the BCA. People do the math. If we had a separate Reatta modified division, how many members could we possibly have. 50 cars would be a good guess. How would you have a meet with all of the cars all over the country. How much would it cost for insurance etc. Look at the benefits that the BCA provides for us. The Reatta club is the most active part of the BCA and we are growing and will continue to grow as more people have an interest in our cars. The largest expense of the BCA is the cost of the Buick Bugle and it is worth the price. I think that all of us members are working to make sure that we have a club in the future. If you can see the future it looks like the American cars will shrink and the Hondas of the world will grow. Thats what people can afford right now. We need to get everybody with a Reatta to join the BCA and the Reatta club if we are going to have a good car club in the next 10 years or so. Some one made a statement in this forum that the BCA is just a bunch of purists. What do you think we will become in the future, and the foreign guys will say the same thing about us. The Reatta group is growing because thats what a lot of folks can afford right now, its a no brainer. I would love to have a Skylark Conv but cant afford one, but if I had the money then things would be different. There are people on this forum that spend a lot of time trying to make the Reatta club better. They are not perfect but they are still working to make it better. Some of the articles they have written have been published and some have not. The only way to make things better is to join and go to the National meets. Run for an office in the BCA or the Reatta Division and work to make a difference. The only place that changes can be made is at the yearly meeting at the National. The yearly dues to some of you are not worth the money but you have to make the decision. I belong to several car clubs including the Mustang and Falcon clubs and to me the BCA and the Reatta Div are much more fun. Its your club make it better. This is not intended to hurt any ones feelings. I think we have a great club and I will continue to work to make it better. I for one apprecitate the free Knowledge that we get from Barney and Padgett and some of the other guys who supply parts to us and these guys for the most part are members. The list goes on and on and everybody trys to contribute the best way they know how. We should be thanking them. Lets start supporting those who help. There are several of you out there that are very knowledgable so please join and share your knowledge. Thanks to everyone who works to make a difference
  10. Ronnie with all of your talents and knowledge I would hope that you would join the BCA and the Reatta Division and come to some of our meets. Anyone with that much information would be more than welcome. We sit around at the national meets talking about our cars and sharing information. You do that on your web site and I for one have benefited from it. The money it takes to join the BCA and the Reatta Division is a small price to pay for what you get. I would bet that most of us spend more on dinner one evening than we spend on our car period. If everyone on this group would look at the expense of the BCA then everyone would realize that the biggest cost is the expense of the Bugle. I think that we use the cost of membership to get in the way of a good time. I like to go to NASCAR Races and I can tell you that I have more fun at the Nationals than the races. Look at it this way, the cost of the Reatta Division is only $60.00 per year and it comes with a membership to the Buick Club Of America, the Buick Bugle, the Great Reatta newsletter, and a lot of good times. COME ON GUYS JOIN UP WE WANT A BUNCH OF REATTAS AT AMES IOWA. Just my 2cents:D:D:D
  11. The Buick Bugle is the monthly magazine published by the Buick Club of America. When you join the club you are sent a copy every month. To join the Buick CLub of America go to the web site www.buickclub.org you can join on line with a credit card. When you get that done then join the Reatta Division by mail. You can access the Reatta site at www.reatta.org The Bugle is an outstanding magazine and it has lots of good information on all models of Buicks
  12. I still have one New Tan floor mat for sale see my post at Reatta for sale Mat is new in box Booreatta@cox.net
  13. Ronnie my battery connection was not good one day on the road and my side mirrors went nuts. I thought it was the switch but I tightened the battery cables and all problems solved. My buddies here in Kansas blamed it on too much BUD. Not a chance that happened Booreatta
  14. A tan floor mat that the owner thought was new just sold on e-bay for $50.27 plus $10.00 shipping. I have a new tan mat for a 90 for sale also. I will not use e-bay so I will post it on this forum for $50.00 plus shipping. If anyone has an interest pm me or contact me at booreatta@cox.net Chuck Kerls
  15. Jim what type of brake fluid do you use I know some is ok and some is not Chuck
  16. I had a fire 10 years ago and have made it SOP to unhook all batteries when the car is not is use regardless of what the computer is doing. If the car sits for any amount of time the un hook the batteries. common sense is cheap insurance
  17. You have done a great job and now is the time to drive her. By all means take your ride to local car shows but also if you are not a member of the Buick Club of America and the Reatta Division now is the time to join. If you are not a member you can join the BCA on line. You can join the Reatta Division by contacting Ed Farnell by email and cruise to the Buick Nationals at Ames Iowa this comming summer the websites that you will need are www.buickclub.org and www.reatta.org Again good looking, It is always good to see one come back to life Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  18. The Buick Bugle is not available on line that I know.
  19. that sign is about as rare as the pewter model that everyone continues to look for
  20. The December issue of the Buick Bugle was still available as of last week but there were only about 10 copies. To get a copy contact George or Carole Madsen at georgemadsen@att.net or by phone at 708-349-8878. The cost is $5.00 for BCA members and $10.00 for non members Chuck Kerls
  21. Ahh didnt think of a clutch fan as the orig car didnt have one but a lot of folks have chosen to replace orig with aftermarket. That could be part of the issue but the radiator cap would be a good place to start also and Ronnie is right, check the bottom hose as the RPMs increase the hose could be sucked flat. Chuck
  22. WOW I have to agree totally with Padgett. The data base is just that a data base and I dont think that It was ever intended to be a source of information for a person to use to purchase a car. Steve, just the fact that you find the data base not to be accurate is laughable at best. In the first place the data base has been on the Reatta.net site longer than you have been a member of this forum and a lot of information would have changed in the time you were not a member. I would think that you would work to improve things by adding updates and not taking shots at the people who spend their own time trying to make our hobby better and with out pay. Padgett is right you should pay for your information from Carfax or the NADA site and stop the personal attacks on members of this forum that have offered information to the base. I dont know anybody that has ever offered any false information to the data base, and the accuracy of the data base is based on members to make sure things are correct and to send any and ALL corections to the keeper of the data base Barney Eaton. I would think that if you found any information that was not corrct as a resposible member of this forum you would want to submit a correction. Critizism is the easiest part of you day and you are good at it
  23. My Mustang was running hot and I just changed all of the hoses and the t-stat. Problem solved. If you are not showing any foaming your head gaskets are most likely ok. Go for the s-stat. Not much on the Mustang can go wrong as long at the fan is turning and you dont have a blockage. If you need more information look at the Falcon Club of America they are very helpful and the drive line is the same. Chuck
  24. I just talked to George Madsen and he told me that the Reatta Division still has a few copies of the Reatta Bugle from last December. This is an issue that everybody that has a Reatta should have. The article from Barney Eaton is very good, in fact he won and a award from the BCA on the article at the Nationals in Colo. Springs last summer. If you want on or need another now is the time. Members of the BCA and Reatta Division can get a copy for $5.00 and non members can get a copy for $10.00 while they last. Contact George or Carole Madsen at georgemadsen@att.net or Carole Madsen at carolemadsen@att.net I was told they only had 10 left Chuck
  25. Barney that is great information and you are right there are a lot of people that go to car shows that dont know that there is a BCA. Even more people dont know that they can join the BCA RIGHT NOW WITH A CREDIT CARD. If there is anyone out there that needs the information about joining the Reatta Division you can also go to Reatta.org. Any one of the club members mentioned there can get the paper work to them by mail. There are some members of other divisions that have challenged all other divisions to sign up the most members, It is just too bad that they will lose so badly. Please Join with the rest of the Reatta membership and go out and find at least one new member and we can all roll into Ames Iowa being Number 1 JOIN THE BCA AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN AND WE WILL ALL MEET IN IOWA:D Chuck
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