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Everything posted by alsancle

  1. We should start a thread on how many times we've fumbled the ball. I can think of a few regrets but my dad could write a book. This picture was taken at the same time as the Auburn in my previous post. At the time it was owned by the gentleman from Alabama I believe. He was looking for $7500 (or 8500, one of those was the magic number for the creme de la creme of the 1950s). My dad gave it a lot of thought and then decided he liked the more traditional bodies better.
  2. Pops circa 1958. I think that's the Auburn Hotel on the common in the background.
  3. The tide is turning in the sense that the majority of Classics (note the big "C") restored prior to 1990 were painted by Barnum & Baily and wore whitewall tires. These days, it majority of Classics may still wear whitewalls (as opposed to the 5% when new) but the numbers are less than pre-1990.
  4. alsancle

    CCCA Future

    Bob, the CCCA publications are more than worth the 65 bucks/year. I think you would enjoy them. I need to find out about these organs. If I ever build a barn I was thinking it would be cool to have a loft with large juke box or player piano. I could go for the organ though. Steve, he may look young but my dad has been unable to keep with his pickup hockey 3 times/week and has cut back to only Mondays and Wednesdays.
  5. You are correct that the amount of hours that went into creating a set for one wheel was some crazy amount of many hours. They are economically unfeasible to reproduce. I still have one set but have convinced my dad to go with the full disks instead - and blackwalls of course. The blackwalls took a tiny bit of persuasion but he has seen the light.
  6. alsancle

    CCCA Future

    Prices dropping would be a good as I could hoard more cars . Btw, Steve I have good news for you. I think at 48 you may be the 3rd youngest member of the club. Jason being the youngest with me a year younger than you. :). The bad news is my dad at 87 is around the 100th youngest.
  7. What is the deal with the snap on stainless spokes? I know the first box my dad had came from way back when but I don't know if they date pre-WWII.
  8. Curt, how were you able to chrome those wheels? The coupe is my favorite too. I've always liked them and they are 1/3 the price of a speedster for basically the same car.
  9. Just to be clear, the owner of a car should do whatever pleases them, it is their car after all. I, as an observer of cars can also form my own opinion (just an opinion) as to the attractiveness of a particular car. For, ME, and me alone, whitewalls make me cringe. Almost as much as bright colors and metallic paint.
  10. To each his own but whenever I see a car with whitewalls I imagine how much better it would look with black walls.
  11. Very Cool! Any more pictures? They would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Easily a 200 to 400k restoration if done professionally. Buying a finished one is a much saner idea.
  13. I think I mentioned this over in the MB thread but the last professional ground up restoration of a 540k Cab "A" ran that I know about ran around 700k. I have personal knowledge of a 100 point restoration of a Cab "A" done in the 80s that ran 300k. That was with the owner doing a lot of work himself. Not cheap to restore!
  14. That car will bring 20k all day long. Post it to eBay and your market will be determined with no trouble. Cool car.
  15. That is cool. When I was twelve I was on goKarts making my transition to snowmobiles and finally to cars.
  16. alsancle


    An accessory that is valued by traditional hot rodders. A complete pair in good shape will bring good money.
  17. Another from the 60s. Here is my Mom & Dad at Auburn circa 1968. I got dropped off in Akron at my grandmothers on the way by from Mass. Second photo is a few years old, same car with driver (same paint too but different tires).
  18. This picture is only about 40 years old, so not vintage like the others we have been posting. It is interesting because it was the model for all the Billings Touresters that were built. This is when Tony Pascucci owned it. If you watch Chasing Classic Cars it was featured on an episode with Tony's son John.
  19. I think there were prints done of this one as I've seen other copies floating around the internet.
  20. A pair of Auburn Speedsters. The 35/36 Speedster is one of my favorites. Besides the great styling, the supercharger, 2 speed rear end, outside pipes, tachometer are all great prewar features. I guess the only thing missing would be an exhaust cutout like the Duesenberg. I know they are listed in the Cord accessory catalog but not sure about the Auburn.
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