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Leif Holmberg

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Everything posted by Leif Holmberg

  1. Look at E-Bay motor USA there seems to be 1928 gauges every week for sale. Leif in Sweden
  2. 1924. "Flint roadster at golf course" https://www.google.se/search?q=flint+car+1925&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjmgP6rg-XSAhXEVSwKHZ1PDwIQsAQIHA&biw=1536&bih=760#tbm=isch&q=flint+car+1924+roadster&*&imgrc=zSpQcsdqLWB2UM: Leif in Sweden.
  3. nzcarnerd. Maybe different name on different Contrys? A very common car here in Sweden in the 1950-1960s Leif in Sweden
  4. http://www.instrumentjige.se/ In Leksand Sweden . Leif in Sweden.
  5. Thanks lump. Leif in Sweden.
  6. IFA Wartburg mid-late 1950s- Leif in Sweden.
  7. It looks very much like a 1937 Ford Club Convertible on this site,exept for the tail light?.http://topclassiccarsforsale.com/ford/254343-1937-ford-club-cabriolet-convertible-all-steel-body-street-rod.html Leif in Sweden.
  8. Don`t know what it`s on the outer end of the bumper. Leif in Sweden.
  9. Wrong windshield for Buick 1926,it has a divided windshield .1927 has a not divided windshield but the cowl ligts are wrong. 1928- 1929 Buick,both year had windshield that could be folded forward. I think it`s a Willys Knight 1926.. Leif in Sweden
  10. Chevrolet 1920s. Leif in Sweden.
  11. You need to find a parts book for the specific year 1928,depending if it`s a Std 114" wb.model or a Master 120 or 128"wb modelI you have.To buy a book with edition from 1930-1950s will not help you very much.I have a parts book 1928 to 1938 and there aren`t much about 1928 in that book.Every time you need help on this Buick forum just tell what year and model you have ,that made it much easier to get help. Leif in Sweden
  12. I think Wdsmith meen 1934 Buick Stright 8.1934 the engine numbers start at 2861223,so it`s probebly an 1934 engine. Leif in Sweden
  13. Here is a cluster of same type as in question ,but cant figure out what it`s eather after a couple of years,can red Tesla on this one too. 1926 Auburn Broutham has a similar cluster too. Leif in Sweden
  14. Chrysler mid 1920s.Close but not right. Leif in Sweden
  15. I think the hole in the radiator cap is plugged,Std.and Master model has that hole. Leif in Sweden.
  16. The chassies,radiator,wheels and hub caps are from 1928 Buick Master,the head lamp and tail light looks to be Buick early 1930s,the cowl as well as the windshield seems to be from around 1922-1923 ,don`t think it`s Buick.Steering wheel looks to be 1928 Buick.Engine number is on a tag on the left side. Leif in Sweden
  17. Can`t find the casted number #227552 in my parts book but it looks very close to other wheel parts 1930. Leif in Sweden
  18. If using a set of wire wheels you also need the hubs and hub caps for those.Wire wheel are not "bolt on" if you have wood wheels on your car. Leif in Sweden.
  19. Non of your 2 steering box-column looks to be Buick of any year. Leif in Sweden.
  20. Looks hard to tell exactly what year those International Harvester are. Leif in Sweden. https://www.google.se/search?q=international+harvester+car+1900&biw=1536&bih=760&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjChKnZ78PSAhWI3CwKHXQDAgkQsAQIHA#tbm=isch&q=international+harvester+car+1903&*
  21. 151203 are for 1949 ser.50-70 and 1950 LHD ? 1512014? Leif in Sweden.
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