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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Bob, It certainly was a pleasure and great conversation with you. Always nice to put a face to a keyboard. I was very proud to sign you up with our great club. Charlie, Sorry to hear you had some family issues. Hope all is well now. Will see you around soon. To anyone reading this stop by any "AACA Family Tent/Trailer/Booth" at meets, tours, etc. We have a lot of fun assisting, answering questions, and, simply great conversation with people that share the same interest...old vehicles. Best regards, Peter J.
  2. norby48...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Nice find!! Do yourself a favor and scroll around the home page and all the marque forums. I feel confident you will receive some good advice here in short order. Check out "your" AACA Library site for tech data, too. Click on "Membership"...you cannot go wrong. Our Antique Automobile Magazine alone is worth the dues. Regards, Peter J.
  3. Art, Thank you for the info. Pat keeps me up to date and have not received any memos that the host hotel has changed. rwmerz...Pat Thorpe is a busy guy so please be patient. He will get back shortly to confirm the info. Best, Peter.
  4. Spitfire...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I concur with Dave and Robin to use 87 except I add a pint of Lead Additive in each fresh tank full. Can buy it at any auto store. Have a 1972 TR6 since new and absolutely no problems. Best regards, Peter J
  5. "Time for something with no political ties to argue about. Many of the car shows and cruise nights here only allow cars that are 25 years or older to participate. Unless it is a Corvette." Linc, This is another thread that will not receive any definitive answers from your targeted local organization unless we really luck out that they are observing this AACA Forum. What would be interesting is "if" you could take the initiative, contact the local organization you are fired up about, and, see what response they have for us. (I have a good idea what the answer will be, however...) Peter J.
  6. Hi, Bob. The AACA Trailer (Well lettered) and the Museum/Library/AACA tent will be between the "permanent Macungie buildings" and about the start point of the flea market. That would be great to have you join. The tent or trailer will have applications. I will be there on Saturday and would look forward to meeting you. Not sure what days your Metropolitan group will be there. Best, Peter.
  7. Look forward to seeing you and Mary again. Best, Peter.
  8. Charlie, Will be there without a car. Stop by the "AACA Family" tent & trailer. Will have folks from our National HQ staff, Library, and, Museum to answer questions, recruit new members, and, of utmost importance we will have a supply of Prowler tickets. See you there, Peter J.
  9. Keith and Ted, Not everyone visits this Forum. I assume you have already contacted the Hershey Region (?). If not I would contact the "very caring" hard working people that provide us the Fall Meet. Regards, Peter J.
  10. keiser31, Please explain what you mean by "bouncing". Thank you in advance, Peter J.
  11. J Powell... On the this web site's Home Page look at the gold colored header bar at the top of the page. Scroll over to Publications. In the dropdown box you will see 2009 Judging Guidelines...just click on it. Regards, Peter J.
  12. Just checked the AACA Library & Research Center's On-Line Catalogs. There are at least 14 pieces of relative literature retained at "your" Library referencing the Auto Union Wanderer. On this AACA's web site click on "Library" icon on the home page. The person can do 3 things: 1. Do an on-line request form. Easy to use instructions on the Library web site...or 2. Check out the "On-Line Catalog" by: ----Click on "Select Catalogs" ----then, click on "Automotive Literature" ----then, at "Search prompt" click on keyword: "Auto Union Wanderer" ----You will see various pieces listed. Just click on them for a description...or 3. Contact "Your" Library directly: ----Mr. Chris Ritter, Head Librarian critter@aacalibrary.org AACA Library & Research Center 501 W. Governor Road Hershey, PA 17033 Phone: 717-5342082 As a reminder, if you or anyone reading this response are a member of the AACA you have 1 1/2 hours per year of "free" Library research time. Regards, Peter J.
  13. Chief, Like others mentioned Welcome to the AACA Forum. You certainly are at the right place. Our AACA Library & Research Center houses "all" of the SPAAMFAA archives. (<span style="font-weight: bold">S</span>ociety for the <span style="font-weight: bold">P</span>reservation and <span style="font-weight: bold">A</span>ppreciation of the <span style="font-weight: bold">A</span>ntique <span style="font-weight: bold">M</span>otor <span style="font-weight: bold">F</span>ire <span style="font-weight: bold">A</span>pparatus in <span style="font-weight: bold">A</span>merica.) This literature collection is quite large and comprises all sorts of original fire apparatus technical manuals, literature, etc. Click on "Resources" above in the gold header bar then "Library", or, "Library" from the home page, or, contact our Library directly: AACA Library and Research Center Mr. Chris Ritter, Head Librarian 501 W. Governor Road Hershey, PA 170333 critter@aacalibrary.org 717-534-2082 Regards, Peter J.
  14. Hi, Tom. You may want to try the following Minnesota Region and various Chapters of their Region: Capitol City Capter of the Minnesota Region http://local.aaca.org/ccc/ Minnesota Region http://www.mnregionaaca.org/ Central Chapter of the Minnesota Region http://local.aaca.org/centralmn/ Hiawath Chapter of the Minnesota Region http://local.aaca.org/hiawatha/ Regards, Peter
  15. Dave Fields & Dave@Moon: I deleted your posts as they drifted totally off the topic which is no surprise to the Moderating team. Easier to delete now than after a few days of collecting all sorts of non-thread topic discussion. Should you have any questions please send me a PM so as not to ruin the thread topic...Thank you in advance. Peter J.
  16. True about polls, Bob. My point is until someone phones/e-mails/writes to any target entity and receives an official reponse to a complaint these complaint threads seldom are resolved here. They remain a venting avenue with no closure. What I have done over the years on this forum is simply send an e-mail to "XYZ Club" or "XYZ Company", inform them there are questions or complaints being aired out on the AACA Forum, give them a fair chance to respond, and, then we hear from the horses (dogs) mouth. Personally I respect the opinions of those who do not like dogs on showfields. I never really worried about it myself, but, it is obviously a concern by some who posted here. Regards, Peter J.
  17. Bob, Though the respondents on this Forum (all threads) appear to be an overwhelming number I must remind myself that we Forum regulars are in actuality a minority. A huge percentage of AACA Members that frequent our National Meets do not care to even come on line let alone participate in our discussions. This includes Region/Chapter Officers so to get any messages across should be directed to the proper decision makers. Over the years I have seen so many thread topics of complaint or in search of an official answer fully cognizant that they are <span style="font-weight: bold">not</span> going to receive a response or resolution on this Forum...just a lot of opinions with no closure. As a matter of fact the majority of regulars on this AACA Forum are not even members of our great club. This includes all of the Marque (Guest) Forums. I suppose it is a case of perception is not necessarily reality syndrom. Just my 2-cents, Peter J.
  18. alida...Welcome to the AACA Forum!
  19. Guy in the background (about 10 o'clock) looks like Link from the '70's Mod Squad series...(sorry)
  20. Quote you reference is from Shop Rat's post.
  21. Good point, Susan. That was the AGNM held in May of <span style="font-weight: bold">2006</span>...
  22. Charlie, You are correct 2012 is 3 years away. There is a process in place and procedures to follow. In short the location of the 2012 AGNM will be announced in <span style="font-style: italic">Antique Automobile </span>with plenty of time for you to make arrangements. In the interim enjoy the current meets.
  23. I understand that some tracks have "old, historic race cars" on display. (Now the thread is "Old vehicle related".)
  24. Hi, Charlie. I was helping out at the "AACA Family/Membership" Booth most of the day. My TR6 is on loan to the Museum for the summer so just stop by the booth at meets and buy some more Prowler tickets while you are there... Regards, Peter J.
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